La Paix dans Le Paradis

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 09/06/2013 AT 15:58:36

Yeonhee eyed the boys curiously. They were back home now and still the looks on their faces puzzled her to a high degree.

Ever since they entered with Luhan and Taeyeon into Luhan's office, they had looked very happy over something then in the next minute, they looked almost distressed. After a couple of minutes, they looked quite happy again. Their intermittent facial expressions worried her, more so than it amused her.

"Boys, is there something you want to tell me?" she asked, as she took off Yuna's jacket and hung it up by the door while Taeyeon did the same for the boys.

The two looked at her and shook their heads.

"Why do you ask?" they questioned in unison.

"You two look like you have a lot of things running through your mind," Yeonhee pointed out.

"It's nothing..."

"... we're just tired..."

"... that's all."

Yeonhee raised a brow at them, still doubtful and suspicious but nodded her head. "You three go change then while Taeyeon and I start dinner, we-" she stopped abruptly as the doorbell rang through the house.

Looking behind her curiously and without moving a single step, Yeonhee reached for the door and opened it.

If she had opened the door alone without the rest of her family beside her, she knew she would've willingly fainted on the spot.

Right there, standing on the front porch, was Baekhyun looking as handsome as ever. This was probably the only time Yeonhee had ever seen him up close in person looking so strikingly formal and good-looking. He was wearing a jet black suit, with a snowy white undershirt, a thin black tie and a red rose in his front pocket. All this would've looked normal on any man on business, but on him, he looked almost mouth-watering. He looked absolutely gorgeous and it fitted him perfectly.

Yeonhee felt dry. She had to grip on the door handle even harder just to keep herself up straight since her knees were taking the worst of his presence.

"Oh my," Taeyeon whispered somewhere behind her.

"Wow!" the boys exclaimed with identical grins.

Yuna had merely looked up and was openly staring at him, with a much similar look as Baekhyun's.

Baekhyun raised a brow at Yeonhee's obviously surprised look and nodded at her without a word.

She immediately snapped back to her senses at this.

"C-Come in," she muttered, stepping aside.

"Thank you," he said before stepping inside and letting himself get pulled towards the living room by the boys, with Yuna trailing after them.

Yeonhee looked back after them, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks before she turned to the door. She noticed a man outside, standing by a limo that was parked just in front of their gate. The man nodded at her and she nodded back with a smile before closing the door.

"I swear, that man is getting even more handsome by the day," Taeyeon commented casually as she took of her coat and hung it beside Yeonhee's. "Sometimes I forget that he's a hot-shot actor whenever he's here with us."

Smiling back at the nanny, Yeonhee followed her into the living room where the kids were openly admiring his suit. Indeed, Baekhyun has been with them for months now, but has always easily blended with them so easily that you somehow forget his actual status. But now, looking and dressed like this, reminded her of just how different they were now from before. This man isn't her old, simple boyfriend; this man is a famous, sought-after, and wealthy actor.

"So, what brings you here Baekhyun?" Rahyun asked, still grinning at him.

"Yeah, you said you can't come over for a while since you'll be busy finishing your movie," Taehyun pointed out.

Baekhyun laughed at their eagerness. "Well, I decided to surprise you all by coming over. I'm done filming all my scenes for the movie." As he said this, he turned to Yeonhee who immediately covered and faked a cough. Though he knew better, he caught her gasp at his statement.

"Then that means you'll be coming over more now!" Raehyun said excitedly, grinning like his brother.

"Yes, well, about that," Baekhyun started hesitantly. "We'll have more time to talk about that later. For now, you guys go get changed."

"Changed for what?"

This time, it was Yuna who asked. Baekhyun smiled broadly at her as she spoke out.

"I'll be taking all of you out tonight. It's a Friday, I figured your mother won't have any objections since she won't have to work tomorrow. And since it's still early, today's perfect."

The triplets beamed at him as he said this before turning to their mother.

Yeonhee looked at Baekhyun then at her kids before giving a weak smile. This plan, she wasn't so sure of. She didn't mind going out with Baekhyun again, she was pretty sure that what happened on their first night out when Yuna got hospitalized in the end, won't happen again. What unnerved her was Baekhyun himself. He was dressed so fine that she was sure she didn't have anything for the kids to wear that would match him. Even she didn't have anything to wear that could match him. With him dressed like that, Yeonhee could only imagine where he was planning to take all of them, and she was downright sure she didn't fit there, nor did her kids.

'Or rather, our kids,' she amended thoughtfully, now feeling anxious.


This snapped Yeonhee out of her worrying. She turned to Yuna. "Yes hon?"

"Are we going?" the triplets asked her simultaneously, with a look of excitement.

"But, Taeyeon is-"

"She's coming with us," Baekhyun cut in.

"Oh no, I can't!" Taeyeon said hastily. "I have to meet with a few friends tonight," she reasoned before turning to Yeonhee. "I already told you two days ago, remember?"

"Yes," Yeonhee replied simply. She had completely forgotten that Taeyeon did tell her about her dinner out with her old friends tonight.

"Then that settles it then," Baekhyun said, standing up from the sofa. "Since Taeyeon will be out anyway, then tonight is the perfect time for us to go out. That way you won't have to watch the kids by yourself Yeonhee." Yeonhee smiled meekly at this. "Taeyeon, would you mind helping the kids get changed before you go?"

"Of course," she agreed before looking thoughtful. "Now, what to wear? I suppose the boys could wear that black dress shirt you bought them those months ago Baekhyun."

Baekhyun shook his head at her. "Here," he said, picking up the two large paper bags from the sofa and handing it to her. "I picked these up before I came here."

Taeyeon peeked at its contents and beamed at Baekhyun before bustling out of the room.

"Come on kids!" she called out from the hallway.

The triplets jumped from their seats and bounded out after her.

"I... I'll go and help Taeyeon, then," Yeonehe said rather awkwardly before leaving the room without waiting for another word from Baekhyun.

- - -

Sulli frowned at her cell.

"Why aren't you answering?" she asked out loud. She had called Baekhyun five times already and still no answer. She even sent him a text message, and still nothing.

- - -

"Mom? Are you okay?" Taehyun asked, looking at Yeonhee curiously.


"Just fine, why do you ask?" she asked, as she fixed Raehyun's tie. Baekhyun had brought the boys two- though much smaller– identical suits as his. From the thin black tie to the shiny black shoes, it's similar to Baekhyun's in every way, except instead of a bloomed red rose, inside their front pockets were a pink rose bud each that was only half-way in bloom.

"You look sad," Raehyun pointed out.

"Not sad, just tired," she assured them. She lingered more than she should in the boys' room, fixing their outfits and trying to tame their hair, though without much success there, since she decided that she won't be going out with them for the night.

"Aren't you going to get ready too?"

It was as if the boys read her mind. This happens quite a lot that it didn't shock Yeonhee at all. And as if on cue, Taeyeon knocked on the door and poked her head inside.

"Yeonhee, you better change already. You wouldn't want to keep Baekhyun waiting even longer. Yuna's done changing. I just need you to do her hair. I still can't do that braid you once did on her. I think it'll fit perfectly with the dress Baekhyun had brought for her. While you do her hair, I'll be doing yours. I have the dress Baekhyun brought for you hung up and ready in your room."

She would be lying if Yeonhee said she wasn't utterly surprised at hearing this.


- - -


"Kris? Where are you? Are you with Baekhyun? He isn't answering at all!"

Kris made a face at his cell before replying almost begrudgingly. "Yes, I'm with Baekhyun. He asked me to drive him somewhere tonight."

"What? Where?"

"He didn't tell me yet, he'll be giving me instructions as we leave later."

"Where are you?"

"I'm not really sure. He gave me instructions to drive him here. I'm just outside, waiting for him to come out."

"Who is he with then?"

"I don't know! Like I said, I'm outside waiting for him. He's in the house right now," he said, getting irritated at all her questions.

"Well, take note of the address for me, and whoever he's with. I'll be giving you a call later. And don't tell Baekhyun I called you!"

"I-" Kris glared at his cell when the line cut off. He knew Sulli tended to worry a lot but this was getting ridiculous. She almost sounded paranoid.

- - -

Yeonhee's face was still flushed crimson by the time she finished putting on her shoes.

Not only did Baekhyun bring a dress for her, but he had also included a pair of blood red, four-inch heels with it as well.

"Oh my Lord," Yeonhee said, looking very proud. "You look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed, gripping a blush brush and a curling iron to her chest.

Yeonhee blushed even more at the compliment before walking over towards the full-body mirror behind her room door. Taeyeon had indeed done well with styling her hair. Since they didn't have time to do anything special with her hair, she had just curled large pieces of it with a curling iron. She didn't know how she did it though because whenever Yeonhee used the curling iron herself, her hair always looked like a mess, like a bird's nest. Now though, it looked bouncy and almost natural.

Taeyeon had also done Yeonhee's make-up, though only after a lot of debating. Yeonhee was never into wearing make-up besides the usual lip gloss and maybe a little powder. But now Taeyeon managed to put powder, a little blush, lipstick and lip gloss on her and also even a little eye shadow- much to Yeonhee's dislike.

After all the arguing, begging and convincing though, she was finally ready. Her hair and make-up looked as natural as it can be but it enhanced her beauty significantly.

"I-I can't wear this, Taeyeon," she argued faintly as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She did look stunning, her hair and make-up saw to that but in her opinion, the dress and the heels Baekhyun had brought for her was the real reason behind her overall appearance right now.

It was a sleeveless cocktail dress in an almost fiery red with a demure neckline. It hugged her every curve, from the curves of her chest to her narrow waist, her rounded hips and ended a few inches above her knees. The dress may look reserved in the front but it was the back that concerned Yeonhee. Her back was totally bare and exposed down to the area above her waist where a sash was tied like a ribbon and flowed to the hem line. Beads were sewn into the fabric in several areas, making unique patterns and the fabric itself was light and slightly loose to move around in from the waist down. In short, the dress was comfortable enough for her.

'Well, comfortable enough for a backless dress,' she thought, as she turned and eyed her again through the mirror.

And although the length of the dress was, thankfully, to her liking, the shoes made it look shorter than it really was. She wasn't new to wearing such high heels since she sometimes wore high heels to work due to her constant consciousness of her height, but the four-inch heels seemed to give her more than a boost in height. It actually made her legs look a mile long.

It really has been too long since Yeonhee felt this good about herself.

"That's more like it," Taeyeon said approvingly, noting the smile creeping up the corners of Yeonhee's lips. "Smile, Yeonhee! You look beautiful!"

"Thank you Taeyeon," she said earnestly. "It's just... I haven't dressed up like this for the longest time. It just feels surreal."

"You deserve to have fun once in awhile too my dear," Taeyeon said, placing a hand on Yeonhee's cheek. "You of all people deserve to have fun."

Yeonhee smiled at her and took her purse from the bed.

- - -

"You two look really cool," Baekhyun said truthfully though with a laugh to his tone as Taehyun and Raehyun sauntered inside the living room with their hands inside their pant pockets, wiggling their brows at him as they did.

The two grinned up at him.

"Mom, tried to flatten our hair with hair wax..."

"... but it won't stay."

Baekhyun chuckled at this. That's exactly what he did to his hair but it didn't stay either and now all three of them had similar hair, messy but cool.

"Are we gonna wear any hats tonight?"

Baekhyun shook his head. "We won't need any hats at the place where we're going."

"Where's that?"

"That's a secret," he answered with a grin.

The boys raised a brow at him, making him laugh. They really did look too much like him.

"What's so funny?" the boys asked simultaneously.

Baekhyun bent down and eyed them both. "Nothing, you two just remind me a lot of myself when I was your age. That's all."

Taehyun and Raehyun beamed at this statement. Baekhyun even noticed that they actually looked proud to be told that they were like him. He looked at them curiously.

"What is it?" Raehyun asked.

Baekhyun shook his head and stood back up. "Where's your mom and sister?"

"She- there!" Taehyun said, nodding to the living room doorway.

Yuna peeked in the room before slowly walking towards her brothers, a natural blush on her cheeks.

"Nice dress Yuna!" Raehyun complimented.

"Yeah, you look great!" Taehyun agreed.

Yuna giggled and twirled once then smiled at her brothers. She was wearing a sleeveless pink dress that had a ruffled skirt that ended at her knees with a large bow around her waist that tied to the back. Although her hair was short, it was done in a complicated braid with thin pink ribbons. She even had gloves that ended by her wrists on which matched her dress.

"You look very pretty Yuna," Baekhyun complimented, looking down at her and reminding him of Yeonhee when they were just kids.

"Thank you," she said, smiling up at him. "I like the dress and I really like the shoes too!" she added, raising one foot up and looking at her shoes that were the same pink as her dress, with a short heel and ribbons that were tied around her ankles like ballet shoes.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it. I thought you would look really cute wearing it, and I was right!"

Yuna blushed even more before walking towards him and standing beside him, holding onto his pant leg. "Mommy's coming," she informed shyly.

This was the first ever time she showed any sort of acceptance of Baekhyun and it made him so happy. He would've have willingly taken her in his arms and twirled her around the room in a dance!

He had also seriously considered doing just that too if it weren't for the arrival of probably the most beautiful creature he had ever set his eyes upon.

"Yuna, don't forget your coat. It might be..." Yeonhee trailed off at the look Baekhyun was giving her.

"Mommy?" Yuna asked, not moving from her spot beside Baekhyun.

"... chilly outside," she finished almost lamely. She blushed even more before tearing her gaze away from the man in front of her and down to her daughter. "Here," she said, bending down slightly and holding the white furry coat up for Yuna to put her arms through.

"Wow mom! You look really great!"

"Yeah, very pretty!"

"Right Baekhyun?" the boys finished, looking up at him with a knowing grin. They promised Luhan not to help, and now, they weren't really helping. They were really just asking a question.

Baekhyun snapped out of his thoughts immediately. He looked down at the boys then back to Yeonhee.

"Yes, you look great Yeonhee," he said with a slight cough.

The boys frowned slightly at this.

"Is this new mommy?" Yuna asked, feeling the fur on her coat. "It's really soft!"

"Thank you," Yeonhee said, still blushing like mad before turning to Yuna. "Yes, Baekhyun got that for you along with your dress and shoes."

Yuna turned to thank Baekhyun again before she was led towards the door by her brothers.

"Where's Taeyeon?" Baekhyun asked as he picked up the last and smaller package on the sofa before following Yeonhee towards the door.

"She's still fixing up things in the boys' room. She'll do the locking up when she leaves," she informed him just as the kids ran out the door. "Children! Don't go running off on the street!"

"We know mom!" they all shouted back from outside.

Yeonhee can't help but smile before her teeth ended up chattering instead. She had only stepped out to the porch when a strong gust of wind chose that moment to pass them. She withdrew her foot back into the house instead.

"I think I have to bring my own coat as-" she stopped as she felt the smooth fur come in contact with the bare skin on her back. She turned to the side slightly and saw Baekhyun hold the white fur coat, somewhat similar to Yuna's, slightly above her shoulder.

Without a word, she slipped her arms through and Baekhyun dropped his hands on her shoulders, making her stiffen at his touch although the coat was between his hands and her skin.

She felt her knees start to fail on her yet again as she felt Baekhyun's breathing on her neck by her ear.

"You caught me off guard earlier," he said into her ear, making her shiver even if the coat did a lot to warm her up. "You look absolutely stunning tonight, Yeonhee."

Her breathing hitched again as she slowly turned to face him. He was still slightly bent down towards her, his face was only inches away. She didn't know if it was the dress, or her make-up, or maybe it was everything new about herself tonight that gave her the courage to do what she did next.

"So do you, Baekhyun," she admitted in a whisper, placing a hand on his cheek and placing a short and chaste kiss on his lips. "And thank you," she added, smiling at him after pulling back.

Baekhyun said nothing, instead stood back straight and followed Yeonhee outside the house.

- - -


"What is it now?"

"Don't speak to me like that!" Sulli hissed, getting angrier by the minute. "I gave you much time already. Where's Baekhyun now?"

"I can speak however I want, Sulli. It's getting late and I'm tired from driving. It was a long drive to get here. I just dropped Baekhyun off."

"Dropped him off where exactly?" she asked, getting up from her seat.

"At the docks. He asked me to drop them all off at the Busan port."

"Them? Who was he with then?"

"The twins from before."

"Anyone else?" she persisted, getting annoyed at the man's vagueness.

"Why does it matter to you so much who he's with?"

"Just answer my damned question!" she shrieked.

"Sulli, I know those kids and the rest of them will do nothing to harm Baekhyun. Okay? I can vouch for them. So calm the hell down. Baekhyun didn't give me instructions whether or not to tell anyone or not, and I know he trusts you too, but if he didn't tell you, then he must have his reasons. If you want to know so badly then ask him, not me. Good night, Sulli."

Before she could even get another word out, she was met by silence as Kris cut the line. She made a loud sound of frustration before slamming her cell shut and gripping it so tightly, it was a wonder it didn't crumble under her fingers.

- - -

The triplets were in awe. And much to Baekhyun's amusement, so was Yeonhee. All four of them were openly gaping at the view.

"Baekhyun, where are we?" Yeonhee said, her voice in obvious admiration at everything her eyes set its sight on.

"La Paix dans Le Paradis," he replied simply, walking towards the rail and settling his arms on it.

"Peace in Paradise," she translated, smiling.

The name fitted the yacht perfectly.


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!