
Come Up

Somedays later found Ilhoon in Sungjae's arms. Ilhoon had ceased his scandalous games with Hyunsik and avoided SungJae's roaming hands. But after a particularly exhilarating football match in which his team won, he found himself jumping on the person closest to him in excitement. That person was Sungjae, and that one held him in his arms longer than necessary and looked at him with an intensity that bothered him greatly. Ilhoon pushed him away quietly as he said, "I need to go shower".

"If you say so", the younger one answered without losing Ilhoon from his sight.

Once Ilhoon gone, Peniel approached him, "This is your oppurtunity. Don't mess up". Sungjae followed Ilhoon with Peniel watching. Peniel was still doing so when Hyunsik joined him, "Nothing will happen".

"We will see", Peniel replied before going to join the others in picking up the balls and other equipment.

Ilhoon was in the shower stall when Sungjae slid the door open and came in.

"Hey! No vacancy!"

"Yes there is" Sungjae said as he slid it close, as the day he was born. This was not how Ilhoon wanted their confrontation to be but what to do?

"Sungjae, please go. I need to shower. I have errands to run later".

"Alright but let me at least scrub your back",  Sungjae offered as he caressed the shorter one's arms.

"I am fine. I can do it myself. I am a big boy after all" he joked weakly because the glaze was back in Sungjae's eyes

"Hmm" was the macknae's distracted reply. All Sungjae could see was the person he had desired so long before him. Ilhoon was shorter than him and of an innate sensuality in the way he carried himself. He was not muscular like Hyunsik or lean like Sungjae but rather slim and pale and his skin now glistened fromt he soap upon it. So maybe he did treat Ilhoon like a girl sometimes, but damn it! It did not change how he felt. He was very attracted to his hyung and he could not help it.

Ilhoon saw that look in Sungjae's eyes. It was not good. "Sungjae" he called but that one did not hear him so he shook Sungjae to get his attention and the macknae's eyes cleared a little, but then he grabbed Ilhoon by the shoulders and kissed him with a frightening ferocity. At first Ilhoon was going to push him away but then he found himslef responding to Sungjae's kiss and when Sungjae started caressing him, he opened his legs to get a better stand. Sungjae's hand ran from his face to his crotch and he grabbed Ilhoon's phallus gently which was surprising considering how he was practically eating Ilhoon's lips. He started caressing Ilhoon as they were kissing and Ilhoon put his arms around Sungjae's waist and curved his body into it while . Sungjae groaned when their bodies touched and the water was still on them when Sungjae managed to pull away. He whisperd to Ilhoon, "Forgive me".

"What for?" Ilhoon asked confused, then understood as Sungjae spun him around and pushed him toward the shower wall with some force.

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Totomatoes #1
Chapter 13: that's it? WHAT, NOOO I NEED MORE!! I thought I finally found an Iljae fic where they would be happy and but- *wails* MY ILJAE ASCSHXUQKDI. No way, this can't be it! It's rtill unresolved, Ilsik is improving (still for iljae though), I think there's something up with Peniel, and I want to know if Sungjae's feelings change after coming back from his parents. CLIFFHANGER! ㅠㅠ Waaaah~!! I admit it's freaking good, but the deep words though... plus the cliffhanger... I'm probably a year too late, but still doesn't hurt to try. (FOR ILJAE!!!)
BomShen #2
What is this? All fart, no ? I was primed for something to go down in the computer room at least. I feel cheated. I still liked the story though.
Jinyoungie- #3
Chapter 13: No way,? I was just getting excited knowing that ilhoon will get everyone but you ended it!!! Waaeee???? TT.TT
Chapter 13: is it really end here ??????
pls it can't be :/
i'm curious what'll happen next..what sungjae do... woaaaaah i think i can't sleep tonight ><
Chapter 13: sequel!!!
It can't be the end T~T
diamante25 #6
There has to be a sequel! It feels like something else is going to happen even though it isn't. Love the story though!!!!
hanjeonmin #7
Chapter 10: Mehhhhh :/
Chapter 12: This story's nice, but it would be even better if you cut back on the Victorean Era like talk. Things like "derrière" and "scarce". I can't eve imagine Btob talking like that. I doubt anyone reading knows what "subterfuge" is man.
Your dialogue doesn't really match the descriptive parts of the story.
Nice try though.