Somebody…love me please…

Yunho walked inside his dorm, feeling relieved when he spot nobody on the kitchen or the living room, he was not in mood to be interrogated.

            Everything feels surreal, Ji Hyun come back into his life and finally trying to consider his feeling, and he was on the cloud nine until his family tells him about the arranged marriage, indirectly he understood that no rejection will be accepted.

            It takes more than seven years for Ji Hyun finally agree to go out with him. He and Ji Hyun grown up as trainees together, and he fall in love almost immediately when he saw her for the first time during their first briefing.

            She has all the features of his dream girls. Her thick long hair, together with her original black color hair lightens up her innocent look. He falls in love almost instantly when she smiles at him for the first time, and until now he always fluttered by her smile. But the most important is; his family really likes her. And that makes her as the only girl he secretly brought home for dinner on Christmas alongside .

            And Yunho feels like winning the end year’s award again when she calls him for the first time, usually it was him who call her first. It was a night before DBSK make their Tokyo Dome concert six months ago, and three weeks after that, they are officially a couple – only official in front of DBSK and SM family, Ji Hyun was reluctant to let the press know about their relationship.

            Cassiopeia is scary, Yun… and besides, I need to let Bi-Hyun coupling thing looks real until the movie finished its airing.

            He knows he shouldn’t feel like this, but somehow the marriage news did scattered his short happiness with Ji Hyun. He didn’t know how to break the news to Ji Hyun, and in the same time he didn’t want to be a bad husband to his lawful wife. That was totally against his life principle.

            But Jung Yunho is a human after all.

            He was heading to his room when his phone rang, it was an unknown number. He shrugged it off, “Maybe it is a prank call…”

            But he can’t ignore it for the second and third time it rang.


“Hello, Yunho…”

The voice sounds unfamiliarly familiar. “Who is this?”

“This is, Ri In…”

He feels his breath stops for a second hearing that name. “Yunho, are you still there?”


“I got your phone number from your house…I hope you don’t mind…” He feels a thick feeling of shame flowing in his veins knowing his wife need to ask his number from other people, even though it was his parents.

“have you eaten…your breakfast?” She slowly asked, as he only replies with a short hum, the only replies he able to emit.

“When…are you coming here again?” A question was heard after a long silence, there was a hesitation in her voice.

“Our schedule starts tonight…” It wasn’t an answer; unconsciously he was trying to find reason. “Maybe we weren’t able to have proper rest anymore after this…”

“So you won’t come often…”

He sighed heavily; it was his promise to come often.

“I am sorry…”

They were engulfed in a silence again, he, was running out of topic. Ri In on the other hand has a lot to ask, but she knows her place.

            A ‘beep’ sound coming from his phone, signaling an incoming call. He pull the phone from his ears and look at another ID shown on the screen, it was Ji Hyun.

            He feels like a heavy stone on his chest; Ji Hyun hates it when he missed her call. He blows out air tiredly; his easy life feels complicated just because of phone calls.

“Yunho?” She did hear his action before.

“Ri In… I gotta go…”

“Owh…” She hides disappointment from her tone before continues. “But Yun-“

“I’ll call you later… take care of yourself, Ri In-ah…”

He quickly ends the call before replying the waiting one. It was the usual phone call asking his whereabouts, and an usual nagging asking him to spare more times to watch movies together again before she ends the call. Suddenly has a feeling of someone watching him, he look up and saw Jaejoong, leaning against the door frame.

“I’ve watched you long enough to see you replying both phone calls.” He softly spoke before walking to the couch, slightly massaging his stiff neck with his left hand.

“I don’t know what I supposed to do now, Jaejoong-ah…”

Finally he admits the heavy burden in his chest.

Jaejoong inclined his body against the couch, knowing this confession was about to come. “It is only two days…”

“I can’t see myself to continue living this way, Jae…”

“Then let go of your wife…”

Yunho immediately look at his friend’s direction, catching his still sleepy gaze. “I’ve make promise to Grandfather…”

“Promises were made to be broken…”

“I’ve touched her…”

And that was enough to sent silence between them, as the sleepiness in Jaejoong’s eyes abruptly gone by the simple sentence. “You barely know her, put aside the feelings thing, yet you stole away the most precious thing in her. How greedy you are, leader-sshi…”

“I can’t leave her on her wedding night…”

“You and your noble life principle…” He replied, sarcastically, paused before continues. “This left you with one last option, Yunho…”

He knows the option. “I love Ji Hyun, Jaejoong-ah…”

“Then continue this life for the whole of your life…” He looks deeply into his leader’s eyes. “But mind this one, Yunho-ah… if they were people who suffered, it will not be Ji Hyun…”

“She loves me…” Yunho could feel his blood boiling hearing the half stated accusations.

“It has been years, but I can still see doubts in your eyes each time you speak about her so-called love…”

“You are not psychic, Jae…”

“We are not called Yunjae for nothing, Yunho…”

That sentence choked his words “I trust-”

“There is no need in convincing me, Yunho…” He cuts him off, before stands up, pushing his long bangs from covering his eyes. “Open your eyes and your heart, only by then you can see what you are doing…”

Yunho took a glance at the direction Jaejoong was looking, as he caught three silhouettes standing not far from his and Jaejoong’s sharing room, he just let the topic pass.


“Thank you for the hard work…”

Ri In bowed politely to all the models and other co-workers before continue her pace to the exit door; she just finished her part time photo shooting.

“Ri In-shi…”

She turned back to see who ever who was calling her, and she saw two models came running to her.

“Ri In-sshi…” The blonde girl quickly starts the conversation. “We happened to watch the teaser last night… your partner, that shorty guy…” Both girls giggled to her statement. “He is going to debut as SHINee tomorrow… I don’t know he can be that handsome…”

Ri In scratched her not itchy head, nodding her head as a response to more of their continuous ranting. “Can you help us to get his autograph?”

She heaved a heavy sigh. A week has passed, and she didn’t receive any calls from any of the guys. And for her husband, all her calls ended either as missed calls or if lucky, answered by the phone machine. “I am sorry…”

“Don’t be so stingy…” The black hair girl suddenly interrupted. “You are not losing anything if you share with us his autograph…”

She looked down to her hand; she wasn’t the type of arguing other people’s word. She did it once when she was child and she cringed a little; suddenly remember how Jin Young locked her inside the store room for almost a day.

Ri In opened to reply, but someone called for her. She quickly used it as an excuse, since the one calling was Mrs. Lee, her boss.

“I already bank-in your salary for this month, have you check it?”Mrs.Lee asked while flashing out her motherly smile as soon as she walked inside her office.

The older woman gestured her to sit, as she silently pulled out the chair, not before replying her question. “I’ll check it later…thank you, Mrs. Lee…”

Ri In keeps silent as Mrs.Lee was finding something from her drawer, as she tries to finding other purpose of her calling her inside the office, except of asking about her salary.

“Ri In-ah, I really hope if you can consider this opportunity…”

She looked down to the desk, as Mrs.Lee slowly pushed a piece of paper towards her; the paper has a big bold ‘Vogue Magazine’ printed as its head.

A slow gasped later heard. “Mrs. Lee, I don’t think I am qualified.”

“I can’t think of anybody except you, Ri In-ah…”

She re-read the paper. Vogue was finding a free lance photographer for their special edition; it was a rare opportunity since Vogue never opens this kind of offer before.

“I want you to submit your pictures; maybe Vogue will choose you…”

“But there are still many other talented photographers out there…”

Mrs.Lee looks inside her eyes, over these years she wonders why this girl always has all the doubt and unsecure inside her orbs. “I just want you to try. If they choose you it means you are talented, if not, it means you need to work harder.”

Mrs. Lee pats her hand softly before forcing her to keep the paper instead of returning it back. She sends her to the door, and waited until her back is completely vanished from her sight. “But I know you will win the chance easily, Ri In-ah… you have such a brilliant talent…”


Ri In was completely drenched when she arrived home, as she needs to stop her bike for few times since the rain continue to pour harder. And checking both her house and cell phones is a must, yet she only met with disappointment, when no notifications with Yunho’s name displayed on the screen.

She took out another extra towel to wipe herself when her current one already wrapped on her head, she squealed when she accidentally saw the marks on her calendar.

“DBSK Come to Play!”

She ran to the living room, and a wide innocent forgotten smile finally appears on her lips.

“Hana. Dul.Seh. Annyeonghaseyo, Dong Bang Shin Ki – imnida.”


“It has been a while since the last time we had DBSK in our studio.” Yoo Jae Suk starts his show with a huge satisfied smile on his face; it is so hard to get these boys on a TV show, thanks to their endless tour, flying back and forth to other part of the globe.

They colors the show with their individual style, Junsu with his unique storytelling, Yoochun with his thoughtful ways of speaking, Jaejoong with his 4D outburst reply leaving the audiences with stomach ache resulting from excessive laughing, Changmin with his still innocent looks as maknae with cute leaks here and there of his hyungs story, and her husband, Yunho with his manly style, silently behaving his ecstatic members while adding up more stories for the show.

 “Our Dong Bang Shin Ki has finally making a comeback as a guy, they are no longer our little boys like few years back…” He continues, stating the fact that earns him a loud ‘Yes’ from the audiences.

“But there is someone between us that has become more namja than the other four…”

The audiences went all crazy with Jaejoong’s sudden reply, as Jae Suk quickly take it as a point for more stories.

“Jaejoong-sshi… you always come with unexpected remark since the beginning of our show…”

“Can’t you guess there are someone between us that looks manlier than before?” Jaejoong asked with a smirk on his face, continue to heat up the topic.

Yunho quickly turn his face to his right, just from his gaze Jaejoong knew he wasn’t pleased with the sudden twist of topic.

“All of you really look more adults than before…” Yong Chul chimes in. “But…OMO, does it mean one of you already had girlfriend?”

The statement almost makes a chaos in the studio, as almost all the audience is a fanatic fan girl. Yunho quickly covered it up, “You guys know Jaejoong’s blunt jokes, right?”

He let go his laugh, as all the fans watching laughed too, but most of it was sighing in relieved when all the four members straightly answered ‘No’ when it comes to the question ‘Do you girls have a girlfriend?’, leaving only Yunho with a hesitated reply, “Almost, maybe?”


Ri In washed her hair, with a blank face, her orbs showing nothing except a hurtful gaze. Her mind keeps playing her husband’s answer on the TV screen; she could feel a warm liquid flowing on her cheek despite the cold shower.


“So, Yunho-sshi… your band mates already has different opinion about their ideal girl… but how about you?”

He smiled sheepishly, before replying the question with short answer. “For me it is always Jeon Ji Hyun…”

The crowd was like crazy.

“Jeon Ji Hyun as Jeon Ji Hyun, or her character in ‘My Sassy Girl’?

Everybody already knows his answer for years.

“At first I thought it was her character, but now I finally realized it wasn’t…”

The crowd went wilder than before, with most of them keep shouting “No oppa…”But Yunho erased his serious gaze, into a teasing smile. “No, I am just joking…”


She winced in pain when the she got the shampoo bubbles in her eyes, and it doesn’t go away even when she tries to wash it.

Like the pain in her heart.


“Ok. Let’s put aside Jeon Ji Hyun’s character…” The whole crowd laughs. “What is exactly your girl type, Yunho-sshi?”

He paused for a second, Ri In feels her heartbeat stops together.

“I like someone with a strong character, someone that can persuade me, can make me revise or maybe change my opinion or my decision…”

“Since Yunho hyung was a leader for almost ten years, even during our trainee days, so he really has strong personality to begin with…” Yoochun added.

An impressed “Ohhh” was heard.

“I love it if she has a long straight black hair, more marks if she is good in cooking…”

“It seems like all the characteristics were Ji Hyun’s…” Jae Suk funnily concludes, as all the audience laugh to it.

“Yes… Ji Hyun noona… will you date me?” Yunho casually asked, before playfully asking if he can send a video message to his favorite ‘noona’.

The sound of heartbreaking fan girls shouting as responds heating up the studio, and it chills down when Jaejoong cynically chimes in, “Stop it Yunho-ah… You might hurt your fan girls deeply with your fan service…”


But his playful apology just hurt her more.

She went out from the shower; she looks lifeless compare than before.



Hye subscribers, reader, commenter, silent readers, haters, etc…

I am sorry for my super late updates… thing is not going well… But I am slowly built it back…

Have u girls listen to Park Yoochun’s OST for Miss Ripley? So now, answer me, how in the world a guy could sing a song effortlessly, yet his smooth soothing, yet strong vocal got stuck deeply inside of my heart????

And damn, I can’t wait to watch the drama during my holiday next month… heehee…

And not to forget Jaejoong’s upcoming drama… Pheww… This year probably is our boys year…

But, a heartbreaking story about Chunnie n Minnie… so near yet so far… I almost cried reading the article…

N this chapter, maybe it is quite boring, but I need to develop the sadness and heartbreaking feeling in Ri In… this story is much more heartbreaking than IIHtLM?

So, enough ranting…don’t forget to comment, dear…  It is love and appreciated…  :)

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it is a habit to write notes at the bottom of the story. next update: UNKNOWN. sorry! ^^


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chichiba #1
Chapter 18: Seems the story is discontinue, it's very unfortunate because the story really good authornim :)
TaeyangOwner #2
Chapter 18: Update soon authornim
Chapter 2: Jerk, why take away her ity if you're not gonna cherish it. Damn Yunho. xD
Loveexo1 #4
Please update soon!!!
charliestGD #5
still waiting. please update authornim...
Chapter 18: I cannot wait for the update author-nimm '(
Chapter 18: Hey will you mind to continue this fanfic? Because i like this story so much and always waiting for you to update the next chapter :)
Chapter 18: I really missed this story TT
please update as soon as possible author-nim ><
I'm begging you
ladylynn90 #9
Chapter 17: Never get tired of reading this again
Hope someday there will be an update. ..