Somebody…love me please…


Yunho wakes up the next morningand find himself on Ri In’s bed, lying on his back with his face facing up; his right hand was on top of his head. He stays at the position for a second when his mind start playing the memories of last night that all came in the shape of .gif files, before slowly combined as a complete set.

He looked to his side and saw his wife sleeping soundly, facing him with her body slightly curled into a fetal position. The sight of her immediately makes him pity, she was used to live alone until she founds a company is so rare. He quietly turned his body to face her, and slowly scanned her sleeping face; how could her own flesh and blood sister could lay her hand on this beautiful skin?

Later he feels his pocket pants vibrated in a continuous long rhythm, signaling there is a call coming in. And only by then he realized, his free hand was holding onto her.

He carefully slipped out from the bed; last night has shown how much she is a light sleeper. Closing the door behind his back, he answered the phone call. It was Mrs. Jung.

“Son, why are you not in the last night radio show? Omma is so worried…”

Yunho smiled, being thankful for having such a caring mother. “You didn’t ask Jaejoongie?”

“I’ve called him…” Mrs. Jung cutely replied. “But he said you have a very important matter to solve. So I asked him if you are with Ji Hyun, but Jaejoong said no.”

Yunho flinched at that name, just realized she was forgotten the whole night. “I am not with her, omma. Don’t worry.”

“But where are you now son?”

“I am at Ri In’s house, since yesterday.”

The old woman for sure was surprised to know that her son was staying at her daughter in law’s house; he can read it from her short excited gasps. But gradually, it changed into worries.

Yunho spare the part about Ri In as one of the photographers taking TVXQ comeback pictures, and he actually come to apologize for Ji Hyun’s clinging behavior. But he told his mother about what his sister in law did to his wife, and his mom couldn’t stop blurting out her anger towards her.

“She is such a rude girl, for god sake! How could she do that to Ri In when that child obviously knows nothing?”

“I don’t understand what exactly was happening… her sister seems so angry towards Ri In, but I am not sure why…”

“They all taking advantages of the poor girl…” Mrs. Jung furiously said. “Such a leech, they all were feed by Ri In but now they want to take all her properties!”

Yunho frowned at his mother’s continuous ramble. “They take care of her just because of her wealth! If not because of it, they won’t even take her inside the house!”

“Omma… what, what are you saying?”

He can imagine how his mother bite her lower lips as he can heard her incoherent stuttering words. “Nothing, Yunho-ah… It is just…”

“No, omma… you are saying something weird just now…” he insisted.Is grandfather has told them anything about Ri In’s past?

“Promised me you won’t tell Ri In about this, or your father is going to scold me…”

“I promise.” He said shortly, he was too eager to know the secret.

“Ri In, is not Ki Seuk daughter. She is a pure Jang, not adopted or anything, but she wasn’t Ki Seuk’s daughter…”

“Which means, Jin Young is not her sister too?” he bravely guessed.

And the silence tells he is correct.

Yunho leaned his body against the door; the sudden fact really surprised him. “Son?”

He later focused on his mom at the phone. “Please take care of her. Her happiness is our responsibility now.”

The wishes ended the conversation, and Yunho calm himself first before re-entered her room, only to find Ri In is already wide awake.

“I thought you already went home.”

Yunho took the empty spot beside her, who already comfortable resting her body against the head rest.

“Are you sure you will be okay being alone?”

Ri In took a short glance towards her husband before looking away. “I am already used with it.”

She could feel blood rushing to her head when she feels his hand on top of her hand seconds later.”If you have problem, or anything that you need to tell me, just give me a call… I want to be there for you, ne?”

A firm squeeze on their connected hand is enough to freeze her world. “I need to go now. Take care of yourself, please?”

She still in her silence, her mind wasn’t adapted to the excessive heart beat she was facing right now.

“Ri In?”

She looked back to the owner of the y bass, surprised by the closeness of their face. She leaned backwards by instinct, and she almost bump the back of her head against the head board, if it is not because of his hand, quickly protecting her from hurting her head.

 “If you keep like this, how can I go with an easy mind?”

“I am sorry…” She whispered, also a pure instinct.

“Don’t be…” He paused; carefully slide his hand through her hair, as she winced in pain when it stops at the knot in her hair, formed by the sleeping the whole night.

“I am sorry… so sorry…” He continues, looking down to her connected fingers from her face. “I wanted us to have a close relationship, maybe not as close as husband and wife, but we can be closer than friends…”

She frowned, not understanding a bit.

“I want to be honest, so it will be easy for us to continue living together…” He looked back inside of her eyes, trying to find the understanding.

“Will you be honest to me too?” Her question startled him.

“If I be honest to you, will you be honest to me too?” She repeats.

He nodded lightly, but she noticed it.

“Is Ji Hyun and you, finally, has become a pair?” He slowly removed his hand from her hair, the question was unexpected, though he came for an apologies.

He took a short breath, enough to give him a little confidence to answer the killing question. “I like her…”

She knows it. She witnessed them hugging, whispering love words to each other in his room. But to listen it from his mouth, it still hurts.

“She and I, we, already a couple, long before we get married…”

And now he stabs.

“Did she know you already married?”

He shook his head. “I am sorry, Yunho-sshi… I should just file our divorce paper now…”

“But I can’t let you go, either…”

There is confusing sincerity in his eyes, and it confused her too. “I vow to protect you…”

“You cannot do this to Ji Hyun-sshi… what if someday she wanted a marriage?”

He was surprised at the little anger she had; it is for someone that supposedly being trampled down for being the third party in their marriage, despite the order of who come first. But she was practically scolding him for doing wrong to Ji Hyun.

It fascinates him.

He was at the lost of words, and a message tone saved him from being tortured by her.

“I need to go…” She was reluctant, she needs an answer.

But she only able to stare at his retreating figure.


JongHyun quickly pressed the reject button once he feels his phone vibrated, knowing who is calling him at that hour. He looks up to the mirror, trying to pay his attention to his stylist who is styling his hair, and at the same time, babbling his method of how to keep his silky hair.

And his phone vibrated again, a short vibration, signaling a message was in.

‘Jjong… u r busy right now isn’t? that is why u rejecting my call… anyway, I just had cereal for my breakfast… poor me, I wake up late…’

He stares at the picture, long before a small smile forms on his face. The image of her pouting in front of her cereal bowl, with her finger pointing at it is quite funny.

“You look happy, hoobae.”

He turned to his side and saw Ji Hyun was sitting beside him, waiting for her hairdresser to start working.

“It’s nothing, sunbae-nim. It is just a message from a friend…”

“It is okay… nothing is wrong with being happy… idols also deserve chances to be happy…”

JongHyun slowly nodded his head; make sure he nodded enough to be noticed by Ji Hyun, and at the same time not letting his hair stylist affected by his movement.

“Anyway, did you see Yunho anywhere?”

He carefully eyed her again, startled at the informalities. “Don’t be so surprised, we have known each other too long to stick at the formalities…” She laughed a little, before took a short glance at the people around her, who suddenly have their ears peeking at the famous name.

“I don’t know, sunbae-nim… when we arrived at SM building, they was heading out and Yunho sunbae is not around either…”

Ji Hyun hummed, but her expression was sour. It is not long after the pause when his hairdresser telling him that his hair is done, signaling that SHINee need to go.

He excused himself politely, but just before he step out from the saloon, he received another message from Se Kyung.

‘I don’t want to be lame but, I hope you can feel my presence when you feel the wind blowing…’

                Se Kyung closed her phone, disappointment clearly written on her face. None of her text was replied.

She runs her thumb across her forehead, before stops at her temple, slightly massaging the throbbing spot. Her headache is worse than before, but it doesn’t matter her anymore, since the day she received the news about her sickness…

It surprised her when she was diagnosed by brain tumor again a week ago; answering her question towards continuous headache she suffered these days.

It is better if you undergo the surgery as quickly as possible, Ms. Shin…”

“But it was removed few years ago… how can it…?”

“It returned, and this time it is quite large and much more dangerous…”

“That is why I am start forgetting things…”

“You know the risk very well Ms. Shin. The quicker you undergo the surgery; the chance for you to survive is bigger…”

And she knows the side effect much better too. She is going to lose her memory as well…


                Ri In was just finished with the last model when Mrs. Lee called her to come to her office. She welcomed herself into Mrs.Lee’s office as the beautiful lady was busy finding something inside her drawer.

“I have great news for you, Ri In-ah…” The beautiful woman giggled. “I was suppoed to give this to you yesterday, but you were absent…”

She nodded a little, suddenly touched her hand as she remembering the warmth of Yunho’s hand on hers yesterday.

“You were accepted by Vogue!”

She covered from escaping her surprised gasps, and Mrs. Lee looks much happier than herself.

“I’ve told you, you are talented enough for Vogue, Ri In! Aren’t you excited?”

Ri In took the letter from Mrs. Lee and quickly read it; she finds it hard to believe it without looking the letter by herself.

“I don’t know, Mrs. Lee… I don’t anticipate this…”

“You are full of talent, and you are talented enough for any magazine!”

She smiled to herself, slightly ignoring the continuous praise by her employer.

“I’ve make a quick call to the Vogue head, the editor is one of my old friend…”

Ri In’s face fell. “Mrs. Lee… don’t say you…”

“Are you starting to think that I persuade them to pick you?” Mrs. Lee quickly cuts her off, a strike of sadness suddenly replacing her happiness.

“I called her to brag, my employee was chosen as the photographer…”

Ri In heaved a relieve sigh, she feels bad for doubting her honest employer.

“Vogue special edition is going to promote SMTown , there will be many special column about them inside it, including things that never be told to the audience, the story about scandal that ever exist among SM trainees…” Her breath hitched.


“Yes dear. The whole SMTown!” She confirmed cherfully.

The letter slipped from her hand. The idea of her taking pictures of her husband and his so called scandal together tore her heart a little. And to work together under the same roof with Yunho, Ji Hyun, Jonghyun…

She gasped silently; it feels like she fell into a hole that she digs by herself.


Hye readers!! It has been a while since the last time I update… sorry…

This update is short, but I only can come up with these after sitting here for three hours, finishing two packet of instant noodles, watching JYJ interview * AND I thought I can make one angsty chapter while watching their overload cuteness*

N for those who drop ur lovely comments, I read it and I really appreciate ur comments.. thank u so much!

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it is a habit to write notes at the bottom of the story. next update: UNKNOWN. sorry! ^^


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chichiba #1
Chapter 18: Seems the story is discontinue, it's very unfortunate because the story really good authornim :)
TaeyangOwner #2
Chapter 18: Update soon authornim
Chapter 2: Jerk, why take away her ity if you're not gonna cherish it. Damn Yunho. xD
Loveexo1 #4
Please update soon!!!
charliestGD #5
still waiting. please update authornim...
Chapter 18: I cannot wait for the update author-nimm '(
Chapter 18: Hey will you mind to continue this fanfic? Because i like this story so much and always waiting for you to update the next chapter :)
Chapter 18: I really missed this story TT
please update as soon as possible author-nim ><
I'm begging you
ladylynn90 #9
Chapter 17: Never get tired of reading this again
Hope someday there will be an update. ..