I fell in love with a jerk

I fell in love with a jerk


Sungmin Pov


It’s Monday again, the day for school. I set off to school with the others and as usual, we went to our own dorm to put our luggage before going to class.


“Good morning!” kyuhyun greeted me as soon as I enter the room. What’s wrong with him? Why is he being so enthusiastic early in the morning? Furthermore, he arrived early than me?

“Good morning.” I bowed at him and went towards my wardrobe Wait. Something is not right…The colour! Yes! The colour of the room! I turn towards kyuhyun and realized that the wall of his side is painted black. Besides that, his wardrobe is black, his table is black and his bed sheet is black, well…everything around him is black, just like his house.


“I painted my side black just as we agreed the previous time. Rest assured, I didn’t paint yours black. It’s still pink.” He smiled at me. We agreed the previous time? 


“I will divide this dorm into half. Your side will be all pink, while mine will be black. Deal!” 


Oh…he meant that…


“Oh…Yeah…Guess you like black a lot, huh?”


“It’s my favourite colour. I took the left side of the room since you already took the right side, its fine with you right?” kyuhyun turned around and look into my eyes. I felt my heart starts to beat faster and the temperature of the room seems to be increasing rapidly. I quickly turn behind and stare at the blank wall in front of me while trying to calm myself down.


“Y-yeah…I-it’s fine…” Just what’s wrong with you, Lee Sung Min?!


“Are you angry?” I heard kyuhyun’s deep voice ringing behind me. I quickly turn around. To my surprise, kyuhyun was standing right in front of me; his face was just inches away from mine. I can’t seem to stop looking at his beautiful face. I felt the heat return back again.


“Hello?” kyuhyun waved his hand in front me, unconsciously waking me up from the urge of touching his face. Just what’s wrong with you! Why did you even have the thought of touching his face!?


“Oh…erm…W-where we-ere we?” I try to act calm but deep in my heart, I felt that I could collapse in any second. He smile and sits on my bed.


“I was asking you whether you are angry?” he laughed.


“Oh…No...I’m not…” I return back to pack my clothes into the wardrobe, trying to avoid his eyes.


“Good. Are you done? We can go to class together.” Kyuhyun said as he stand up and stretch a little. We can go to class together?! Did I hear him correctly?


“Oh…erm…yeah...i’m done.” I quickly stuff the clothes into the wardrobe and throw my luggage bag in.


“Let’s go?” kyuhyun point the door using his thumb.


“sure.” I said as I followed him out.


                                                                     * * *

Lessons were like usual, which means boring. I nearly doze off in every lesson while kyuhyun basically “chat” with his PSP through out all the lessons. I wonder why he doesn’t get caught by the teachers…while…I don’t too... :)




Yes! The school bell!


“Okay class, we will continue tomorrow. Class dismiss!”


Noises filled the classroom as soon as the teacher left. Some of the students quickly packed their bags, some prefer to chat with their friends while I, lay my head on the table preparing to get a nap. After getting a comfortable position, I close my eyes. Just when I was about to fall asleep, I felt a soft touch on my cheek. I quickly open my eyes which immediately show me a terrifying scene; kyuhyun, with his right elbow place on the table and his right palm lifting his right cheek, is looking at me sweetly. His left thumb is just centimeters away from my cheek. I immediately jumped up and turn towards the other side, back-facing him. My heart rate accelerated and I felt a gush of heat rush up to my face. My fingers start to turn icy cold. The feeling!! It’s the feeling again! The feeling I had when kangin confess to me!! No…it can’t be…


“Did I wake you up?” kyuhyun asked.


“N-o…N-not really…” why did he do that? Why did he touch my cheeks? He did right? Should I ask him?


“Erm…w-why d-”


“Sorry…it’s just…you’re so cute when you sleep so I can’t stop myself to pull a prank on you.” He answered before I questioned. A prank? You called that a prank?! You touch my cheeks and you called that a prank?!


“Cho kyuhyun!” I turn around and look at him angrily. I didn’t know why I’m angry…is it because he prank on me or because I know it’s just a prank but not anything else…


“What? I said sorry!” kyuhyun said as he rose up both of his hand. I turn my head over and pouted, not failing to capture the smirk he has on his beautiful face.


“C’mon bunny! I said sorry~” he continued to use his failed aegyo. Tch! Cho kyuhyun! I continue to ignore him.


 “Sungmin, look!” I heard kyuhyun shouting while he taps on my shoulder. The first thing that pops up in my mind is “kyuhyun is in danger”. Unconsciously, I turn my head in a second to find out the truth but once again I was being prank by him again. His left hand is place on my shoulder while his index finger is poking my right cheek. I look at him, he is smiling sheepishly.


Bang! It’s this scene…


“Minnie~please forgive me~” kangin pleaded as he hug my waist from the back.


“Nope! Never~~” I sang.


“C’mon! ~~please~~~?” kangin said as he shake my body from the left to the right. I continue ignoring him while pouting.


“Sungmin, look!” I turned around unconsciously when kangin tapped my shoulder. To my surprise, his left hand is place on my shoulder while his index finger is poking my right cheek. He smiled sheepishly.


“Gotcha! Now forgive me, baby?” kangin asked as he look at me while smiling. His half-moon-liked eyes never failed to make my heart skip a beat.


“Gotcha!” kyuhyun said, but something is not right! It’s definitely not right! The one I see now is not kyuhyun, but kangin. He is looking at me with his half-moon-liked eyes while smiling sweetly. How I miss this pair of eyes, how I miss his touch, how I miss his pranks…kangin…


“Sungmin? Sungmin?” kyuhyun wake me up from my memories. I look intensely at him while feeling a drop of tears fall out from my eyes. I then realize my hand nearly touch kyuhyun’s cheek while both kyuhyun hands is holding on to my shoulder.

“I’m sorry!” I said as I rushed out of the room without taking my bag.  As soon as I’m away from people, not only kyuhyun but everyone else. I bend down and hug my knees while crying hard.


Kangin…I miss you…really…I miss you a lot… why can’t I let you go…why…

Kyuhyun…why did I have that feelings towards you? Why did I think of kangin when I’m looking at you… why…?


As more questions flooded my mind, my tears continue to flow out profusely. I cried, I cried hard. What’s wrong with me…




                                                                * * *


Kyuhyun POV


Sungmin shock me with his action just now… Am I too much? I was just joking around… why was he crying? He doesn’t seem to be so fragile… Guess I have to apologize again…


“Ouch!” I naturally protested when I felt someone knock onto me.


“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” that guy who knock onto me keep bowing as he apologizes. For goodness sake, I’m not dead yet, you don’t have to keep bowing…


“Better watch where you walk next time.” I glared at him for the last time before walking down the stairs. Yeah right…I never easily apologize to the others, but I did just now. I apologize to that bunny. Furthermore, why did I felt my heart aching when I saw him crying just now? I even felt like hugging him to make him feel better… Don’t tell me… I fell in love with him?


“Ouch! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Here goes another guy who knock onto me again… what’s wrong with people today?


I carry on walking but I felt someone grabbing my elbow. I turned around and saw a monkey-like guy.


“I’m sorry for knocking onto you! You are kyuhyun, right?” he asked. How did he know my name?  He looks somehow familiar yet unfamiliar to me…I swear I don’t know him…but…


“I’m eunhyuk! You remember me?” he asked again. Eunhyuk? Eunhyuk?? Eunh-


“Ah…okay okay…erm...Chulie, this is sungmin and this is eunhyuk. Sungmin is my martial arts junior while eunhyuk is my dance club student.”


Oh! That bunny’s friend!


“Yeah…sungmin’s friend? The one at the pub?” I make sure again.

“Yup! You are in the same class with sungmin right? Can you t- wait…is that sungmin’s bag?” that eunhyuk guy pointed at my left shoulder. Yeah…it is...since when did master cho kyuhyun help to carry other people’s bag… this bunny is driving me crazy...


“Yeah…it is…” I nodded.


“Where’s sungmin? Why are you holding on to his bag?” that eunhyuk guy asked me anxiously. Should I tell him the whole story?


“I’m looking for him too. Just now sungmin suddenly cried and then ran out of the classroom. He left his bag there so...yeah…” I shrugged. No. I shouldn’t tell him. The story is too long.


“He cried?! Why did he cry?! Gosh! C’mon! Let’s go!” that eunhyuk guy grabbed my hand and pull me along with him.


“Where are we going?!” I asked him while I tried my best to prevent the bags from sliding down my shoulder.


“Find yesung hyung!”


“Huh?” and now who is yesung hyung?


                                                             * * *


“Hyung!!!” that eunhyuk guy shouted as soon as we reached a table in the canteen that is filled with unknown guys (well…for me…)


“What’s wrong hyukkie? Who is he?” a black hair, single eyelid guy asked. Sitting beside him is a muscular guy. Even though he is sitting, I can see that he is quite tall.


“Yesung hyung, he is kyuhyun, Sungmin’s roommate. Sungmin is gone!!!!” eunhyuk said to that black hair guy as he grabbed onto another guy, a quite handsome guy. So…that black hair guy is yesung hyung?


“What do you mean by sungmin is gone?!” that yesung hyung stood up and look at eunhyuk before shifting his gaze towards me.




“Well, it’s like this. Just now after the class was dismissed, sungmin suddenly cried and ran out of the classroom. I went looking for him but I met eunhyuk instead and…here I am. Oh, by the way, this is sungmin’s bag.” I said as I place sungmin’s bag on the table. Gosh…luckily I interrupted eunhyuk. Since when sungmin is gone? He is just…missing…


“Thanks. Erm…you said sungmin was crying right? Why was he crying? What exactly happen?” yesung asked. Will I get beaten if I tell him I play a prank on sungmin and he cried? Well, no matter what, I have to say.


“I played a little prank on sungmin and he cried.” I confess.


“You played a prank on him and he cried?!” that handsome guy who eunhyuk is grabbing on literally shouted at me. Gosh…I hate this feeling…


“Well…I apologised.” I shrugged. It’s true…I did…


“You!” that handsome guy wanted to punch me but I grabbed his fist and glared at him. What’s with the fuss?!


“Stop it donghae!” yesung shouted and eunhyuk pulled donghae away from me as I loosen my grip. I looked at that donghae guy for the last time before straightening my uniform.


“I believe sungmin isn’t like this. He won’t cry because someone played a prank on him.” Yesung said. Well…I agree.


“Kyuhyun, you are sure nothing else happen right? Just alittle prank?” yesung look straight into my eyes and asked me.


“Yes.” I look back.


“So there must be other reason why sungmin cried.” That muscular guy said.


“Kangin?” eunhyuk suggested carefully. Yesung looked at him with meanings I don’t understand while the others remain quiet. Kangin? That guy that bunny like?  Yeah… that time when I was just kidding that I would tell kangin about sungmin’s feelings towards him, he cried too. Honestly, I don’t even know who kangin is…I was just kidding…and I’m sure, I didn’t say anything about kangin just now…


“Let’s look for sungmin first.” A chubby guy suggested. Yeah. We must look for sungmin first.


  End pov


                                                       * * *


Sungmin POV


After crying and sleeping for I don’t know how long …My mind and heart finally return back to peace. I look at my watch, 5.45pm. Class ended at 2pm. Guess I spend a long time here.  I decided to walk back to my classroom to take my bag. I guess kyuhyun didn’t even bother to help me pack up.  As I walk closer towards the classroom, I heard someone humming a song. That song is familiar…


“Everyday my life is like a dream.

If we can look at each other and love each other”


It’s that song! Kyuhyun sang it!


“Sungmin?” I looked up and realise kyuhyun is standing right in front of me. Since when did he appear?


“Kyuhyun? Why are you here during this time?” I asked him.


“You shocked me you know? Why did you suddenly ran out of the classroom just now? Your friends are very worried about you. Erm…eunhyuk and yesung? Oh...and that donghae guy…tch…he nearly punch me you know?” kyuhyun said as he folded his arms. Eunhyuk, yesung and donghae? How did kyuhyun know them? How did they know I ran out of the classroom?


“Did you cry from 2pm till now? You’re eyes are all red and puffy.” He said as he lean towards me, looking at my swollen eyes. I quickly look down.


“I…slept too…” lee sungmin! What did you say?!




“Well, I’m sorry for shocking you just now…It’s my problem, not yours. I’m sorry.” I apologized.


“O-oh…It’s okay…I’m at fault too…I’m sorry for playing that prank…” kyuhyun seems to be startled by my apologies. I raised my head to look at kyuhyun and realised that he is scratching his head. Kkkk…he looks cute this way…


“Oh…By the way, how did eunhyuk and the rest know about this and what do you mean by donghae punching you?”


“It’s a long story~ C’mon, I will tell you on the way back to our dorm.” Kyuhyun said as he walks off.


“Wait! I need to take my bag!” I shouted.


“I already take it for you! C’mon, faster!” kyuhyun shouted back without turning his head. So, he did take it for me?


“Do you want to start moving or you prefer me to carry you?” kyuhyun shouted again. How did he know I’m not moving….


“So you really want me to carry you?” kyuhyun turn his head back and smirk at me. Gosh…no…I quickly ran towards him.


 End POV


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Chapter 24: Lovely story <33
They're so cute!! Though kyu is really a stupid one.. I mean.. he has the ticket plane himself.. why not check it?? Though it kinda sweet to see him waiting from the morning *grin*
Still... kyu should just trus min from the start.. first with ryeowook cases... then this... but still great story^^
QMiniSa #2
Chapter 24: oh and one little thing
I envy to that little girl and her mother .cuz they saw kyumin'S kiss
. k k k :-D

thanKYU <3 <3 <3
QMiniSa #3
Chapter 24: oh and one little thing
I envy to that little girl and her mother .cuz they saw kyumin'S kiss
. k k k :-D

thanKYU <3 <3 <3
QMiniSa #4
Chapter 24: I started read this story last night till 6 am .:-D
and after a little sleep till 10 in the morning . start read it again till now that I finished it.
it was great and I love it
thanKYU alooooot my friend
I want to read you're another kyumin story
I guess is
will u ever look at me ;-)
I look forward to youre another kyumin stories in future
again thanKYU
zuttoo #5
The comments alone made me look forward to this story. I'm excited to read it til the very end :)
Chapter 24: Ahhh kimda heart breaking but i love this fic so much. Well done author nim
Chapter 24: Waaaaaah how much I love this fic
Really good writer ,, I love how Sungmin didn't give up for Kyuhyun and go with him from the first ,, u should suffer a little Kyu kekeke
Thanks for this good fic ^^~
hmwlove #8
Chapter 24: Omg yes I love this fic a lot! It was really very sweet :) love the last part :)
Although just one thing: I wish kyuhyun had decided to believe sungmin even without hearing seohyun's explanation. But overall I love it, when kyuhyun knelt down at the end my end was like, PUMP PUMP PUMP
Chapter 24: Ahhhh that was so sweet! I love this fanfic!!! Thanks for writing this! Lol there were times when i was about to burst into tears but realised im in public so i try to hold the tears back as i read lol. Anyway, Nice Ending! Yay! Theyre back together again!