Day 1

하루 하루 (Day by Day)






내가슴속엔먼지만쌓이죠(say good bye)


[My broken heart like a wave

My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
(say goodbye)]





            It’s been a week and Jiyeon isn’t answering her phone. I don’t even know what the hell is happening to her. Is she avoiding me? why would she do that? Have I done somehing wrong? If so, how come she didn’t even tell me about it?


            “Hyung, are you okay?” a calm voice asked.


            I faced the source of the sound and found Ryeo-wook, Kyu-hyun, Si-won and Lee-teuk staring at me. I gave them a fake smile.


            “Are you sure Hae?” Lee-teuk asked again.


            “I’m fine.” I lied. They shrugged off their shoulder.


            “We’re going out to grab some foods. Want to come?” Si-won murmured.


            “Okay. I’m hungry anyway.” I replied as I stood up from the couch, where I’ve been sitting for almost the whole day. “Where is Eun-hyuk?” I asked, noticing my bestfriend isn’t there.


            “He said he got to do something important. He left a while ago.” Kyu-hyun replied.


            I sighed. It’s better if my best friend is here. He’s more helpful for me during bad times. He knows everything that’s going on with me in just one look. And, most importantly, he knows what to do to make me feel a little better.


            He’s been my best friend since high school and we’ve decided to go to the same school in college just so we can still be best buds. While the the other guys, we just met them here at our dorm. They’re good to us and they treated us well enough that we found ourselves hanging out with them every single night. And now that it’s our second year with them, we’re getting more comfortable with each other.


            “Let’s go.” I was surprised to feel Lee-teuk’s arm on my shoulder, pushing me out of the door.




            We went to the nearest convinient store from our dorm. Walking slowly, as if having a funeral parade on the side of the street. What’s there to hurry anyway? The day isn’t ending yet and we’re all bored from playing computer games back home. Well, they’re playing while I was staring at my phone, waiting for any text message from Jiyeon.


            We the next street, taking the shorter route to the store. Then they suddenly stopped. I bumped into Lee-teuk and I was about to complain when I saw what made them stop walking.


            Jiyeon and Eun-hyuk, holding each other’s hand. Jiyeon is crying and Hyuk having the same grave expression.


            I froze. What is happening between them? And why is Jiyeon crying? Why is she with Eun-hyuk instead of me? And what is my bestfriend doing with my girlfriend?


            I’m about to approach them, but I backed off. I have to see what is going to happen next. I need to know what this is all about. My heart is thumping loudly on my chest that it makes my whole body vibrate. I know I’m going to lose my temper now with one wrong move from Eun-hyuk. How can this be happening?


            Jiyeon removed something from her neck and let it drop on Eun-hyuk’s open palm. I gasped when I realized what she just gave my bestfriend.


            The locket. The locket I gave her when we celebrated our first year anniversary. The necklace with our names engraved on each side of the heart shaped locket. The locket which holds our promises and dreams back then. The locket which represents my heart.


            I exploded. I walked towards Eun-hyuk in a fast pace. I didn’t care if Jiyeon also started walking away at the same time I was approaching them. Eun-hyuk turned his back on me, gazing at the leaving Jiyeon. I don’t think he’s aware that we’re there.


            I pulled him back to face me. I saw shock cross his face as he met my enraged eyes. I threw a punch at him, it hit him straight at his face.


            “What do you think you’re doing?” I shouted as I threw another punch at him. It missed but surprise is still on his face.


            “Stop! Hyung!” somebody called.


            Stop? How can I even stop? I just saw my best friend with my girlfriend. And my girlfriend just gave him the locket in a way I never expected to. It’s like she’s trusting him her whole life, leaving me all alone!


            Eun-hyuk started to walk away from me, ignoring the way his mouth bleed or the way I was glaring at him. It’s like he’s pretending that I wasn’t there.


            “I’m asking you!” I screamed again pulling him back to face me again.


            Some one pulled me away from Hyuk. A pair of well built arms held me back. I shrugged it off and started on walking towards Hyuk again.


            “What? You’re that brave to admit that you and Jiyeon has been having that relationship at my back?” I threw another punch but it hit nothing.


            “What is it to you? You never really cared for her, right? You’re always thinking of yourself!” he shouted back. Loosing the last thread of his temper in control.


            I never really cared? What? I love Jiyeon and he knew that! I love her so much that I’m ready to leave everything behind for her!


            “I care!” I reasoned, tears starting to fall from my eyes.


            “Really? Then why aren’t you there when she’s hurting the most? Why aren’t you around when she needed you the most? Where are you during those times? Dancing at the school, practicing your grooves?” he replied sarcastically.


            She needed me? She’s hurting? She never told me those things. I thought we’re the happiest couple in the world. We understand each other in a certain way that no one else can. We’re like a single soul, a single mind drifting in our own love for each other.


            I threw a punch at him again, failing to find the words to throw back at him. He caught my fist and held it still.


            “What? Is this all you can do after finding out about us?” Eun-hyuk grinned evilly.


            Forget he’s my freind. Forget he’s my bestfriend. Forget that I know him.  I’m so going to kill him.


            I pulled my hand out of his grasp and pushed him on the floor. I topped him and I started on punching his face over and over again. Blood is flowing on his face. I don’t know if it’s from my fist punching him, or from his face. I can’t feel a thing from my hands. It just continues to hit him on the face. He’s struggling under me, but found no escape. I lost track of the punches I gave him, I lost my other senses. It’s like I’m numb from everything else, except this pain slowly eating my heart.


            My bestfriend and my girlfriend. They betrayed me. My bestfriend I couldv’e trusted my whole life with. And my girlfriend I couldv’e given my future with. They left me in an instant, at the same time.


            The next thing I know is that I was being dragged away. Someone is holding my arms and another one is hugging me, pulling me back.


            “Hyung, stop it.” Someone cried.


            “Eun-hyuk, are you alright?” someone asked.


            So, he’s still alive? I want to kill him and let him live at the same time. He’s my best friend. He’s my very dear best friend. And she’s my girl. The girl I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. My girl. Mine.


            He’s my best friend who stole my girl from me. And she’s my girl who made me lose my best friend in an instant.


            Now, I’m left with nothing.




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ewitsmaryy #1
Really good! Beautiful story :')
Cant breathe bcos of too much crying ㅠ.ㅠ
I was listening to my mp3 and the song Haru Haru was on when all of a sudden I saw this.Of course I had to start reading this story.It was really good.I cried when reading this story just as I cried when watching the mv.The way you wrote it you could feel the characters feelings.
I cried so much the tears won't stop falling ! :'( And I'm honest.
The story is really good ! You're so good at description, really. ^^ It even feels like I'm even feeling the pain donghae's feeling. And the letter..... *cries*
Anyways, GREAT story you have here. I really love it.
Evil_angelELF #5
I cried ~ Such a sad story and great ending ...
ffloverespukiss #6
Wow thats just great... i cried about three times just on reading the letter... haha
it was really beautiful and really sad T-T thank you, i had a great time in reading this ^^<br />
did you heard the acoustic version of haru haru ?? i think it's more sad (if it's possible ...) here a link =)<br />
again thank you and keep writting, you have talent ;) <br />
(and sorry for my bad english i'm french ...)
shining_writer #8
Such a beautiful and bittersweet ending...<br />
<br />
You've done such a great job!<br />
It's so heartbreaking. I was having a hard time to breathe because it was dramatic and beautiful.
Awwww! My heart is breaking :(