

Tao, Chen, Lay and Xiumin had to go to the S.M building for schedules. Kris and the manager had to go with EXO's stylist because something had gone wrong with Kris's clothes and they needed him there to fix them.

So that meant Luhan was being left alone with the baby for the first time.

Kris had remained him of everything he had to do before leaving.

"Remember, her breakfast is at 9:30, in half an hour, she eats at 1:30, if she gets hungry in between give her half a bottle of milk, you feed her again at 4:30, but I think that by that time we would be here, if we are not, you feed her again by 7. Do not force her to eat and if she cries check her diaper first instead of giving her food. Anything call me right away"

"Kris, I have been the one feeding the baby since the first day, don't worry I know."

"Yes, but what if you forget? what if you feed something the baby can't eat?" Kris could not stop worrying.

"Kris, a baby her age can only eat milk, I know! just jeez relax and go. You are running late."

"Fine, fine, but take care of her!" Kris kissed Soo Hee's forehead, and he passed her from his arms to Luhan's open and waiting arms. "Bye, bye" Kris waved. He seemed reluctant to go, had become really attached to Soo Hee in just four days.

"Go on Kris, we are going to be fine! Juts go!"

All the members had already left, leaving - finally- Luhan and the baby alone.

But as soon as Kris stepped out of the door the baby seemed to change completely, she stopped laughing, and then smiling.

"Come on sweaty, smile!" Luhan had tried everything to make her laugh but noting seemed to work, not even her favorite toy.

After trying -and failing- to make her smile. She may not have been crying but she had not been smiling. 

And that was driving Luhan nuts.

Why did the baby smile as soon as Lay popped in front of her? why did she laugh when Xiumin made weird faces? when Tao fell? when Chen played peak with her? when Kris holds her?  WHY DID THE BABY DIDN'T SMILE NO MATTER WHAT HE DID?!?!

The clock struck 9:25 so Luhan picked up Soo Hee, who was on the baby carpet, and carried her into the kitchen.

He then started making the formula. He was carryings Soo Hee with one arm reckless and dangerous- while with the other he prepared the formula, mercifully he didn't drop anything.

"Ahh-" Luhan opened his mouth signaling Soo Hee to do the same. When Soo Hee didn't Luhan put the feeding bottle next to Soo Hee lips. Then she opened .

Luhan was carefully to hold the bottle the way the internet tutorial showed. 

Soo Hee finished the bottle without fuss.

Luhan then put a cloth in his shoulder and hold the baby against his chest before patting her back slowly. He did it until the baby burped.

"It's time to sleep my cute little baby." Luhan started pacing around the room as he singing the song the members had agreed to become her lullabyTao had been watching Disney movies and he became obsessed with Phil Collins and when the members hear that song they just new it was perfect.

But Soo Hee was nos sleepy, she stayed wide awake until 1:30, it was the first time something like this happened, normally Soo Hee felled asleep as soon as she eated.

Luhan feed her again but this time she started making a fuss and she refused to eat, it took Luhan more than an hour for Soo Hee to finish the bottle. This too was different form other times.

Finally Soo Hee ate and was put to sleep.

When Kris, Tao, Lay, Chen, Xiumin arrived at  the dorm they were greeted by the smell of burnt food, a panting Luhan who's shirt was messy, there was baby powder on some parts and he looked helpless and miserable.

The baby was on Luhan's arms and she was crying.

"Duizhang! save me! I was cooking and she started crying, I checked her diaper as you said I should, and she, she TOOK A ON ME! I had to change clothes and then the food was burning and she was crying because reason I do not know, and and!" Luhan looked at the verge of tears "I have been trying to make her stop crying for almost an hour and my cell phone is missing and! Duizhang SAVE ME!"

Kris quickly walked and gabbed the baby who stopped crying as soon as Kris held her.

"Yah! what have you done to the kitchen?!" Chen exclaimed.

"I tried to cook, then she started crying and startled me so I drooped the milk I was drinking."


"I was looking for a shirt to wear but I dropped Soo Hee's dirty diaper."

"YOU MEAN THAT IS ?!?!" Lay screamed again.

"yes..." Luhan mumbled. "I was going to clean it before you arrived but the baby didn't stop crying and then everything went KATAPLUM. The food burned, the milk spilled, the diaper felled and Tao, its better if you do not enter your room until I tell you."

"What happened there hyung?" Tao asked worrying  and immediately walking into his room.

Tao reappeared again and he looked really angry. 

"My gucci collection.. it its." Tao turned and glared at Luhan. "Its ruined."

"Sorry Tao, is just that I needed somewhere to put the feeding bottles while I went for Soo Hee and they spilled."

"Hyung, I'm going to kill you!" 

Tao started chasing Luhan, Luhan was running for his life until Kris shouted above the noise.

"Everybody SHUT UP! Luhan hyung, go shower and then please clean the mess you did."

"Yes, yes." Luhan said as he entered the bathroom.

'WHY DOES THAT BABY HATES ME?' Luhan asked himself as he showered. She seemed fine with the other members, she immediately stopped crying when Kris hold her.  he had been trying for an hour A FREAKING HOUR! 

Luhan got out of the shower and had to clean all the mess he did.

"Luhan, I want to check something come here." Xiumin asked. When Luhan arrived to the living room he was greeted by the members and a calm laughing Soo Hee. "I want you to carry Soo Hee for a moment please."

Luhan did so and Soo Hee stopped laughing.

"Now give it back to Chen." Luhan did so and the baby once again started smiling.

"Hyung I think Soo Hee hates you." Tao said. 

"I know." Luhan said. "But I will make her like me. I assure you."

A.N// So here is it a new chapter. I hope this makes up for my lack of update yesterday <3





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3 more days and finals are over, i will update then


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suliman #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Hahaha..this story is too cute and funny..I LOVEDD IT...poor chen chen..haha
avisdawn #3
Chapter 19: poor chen, haha XD
haenana #4
This is good ... Exo as a daddy is cute... Going to read more... Btw, im a new subbie
Chapter 18: Omo!!!sehunnie kissed manager hyung,,haha,,goodjob author-nim,,this is a nice story,,i like!!!
Agee3231 #6
Chapter 18: It would be funny if Luhan was the dad
HunTy1204 #7
Chapter 18: Lolz xD. i cant stop laughing xD
Chapter 11: What's going to happen now? How will K react?
Chapter 10: What excuse are they going to use? Can Baekhyun keep a secret?