Reavaling the Room


Lay was panting when he arrived at the dorms, some fans had recognized him and he had to run so they wouldn´t see what was in the bags he was carring- bags filled with baby´s clothes.

When he arrived he was greeted by the smell of paint and plastic.

"Yixing! you are finally here! how was the walk?" Luhan asked, he was the only one apart from Lay mother that called him by his real name, Luhan was on the floor trying to open a box.

"What are you doing?, Where are the others?" Lay asked after taking off his shoes and putting the bags he was carryings on the counter.

"I'm trying to open this box, it has some toys for Soo Hee" Luhan said as he tried -and failed- to open the box " BUT I CAN'T ING DO IT!" he screamed and grabbed his hair in frustration

"Hyung, language! and maybe if you used a knife you may be able to open it" Tao screamed form somewhere inside the dorms.

"Knife! Of course!" Luhan said as he stood up, for some unknown reason his legs were splotched with green, brown and white.

"What happen to your..." Lay started saying.

"Don't ask" Luhan said as he walked in direction of the kitchen. "Go to Kris and Chen's room, they are going to give up their room to turn it into Soo Hee's, but we need to move all their stuff to ours and Tao's room. Chen is coming with us."

Lay sighed, annoyed at the new work he had to do.

Lay entered Kris and Chen's room.

"Guys need any help?" Lay asked as he entered the room, but stopped short at the sight of Tao holding Soo Hee. Kris, Xiumin and Chen had some plastics bag on top of their clothes, kind of like a poncho and in their hands they had brushed and bottles of paint.

Soo Hee was awake on Tao's arms and was making cute faces and moving her small hands around.

"Guys, you can't paint with the baby inside the room, is toxic for her" Lay said.

"Alright then" Tao said. "take her and go with Luhan hyung"

Lay nodded and without hesitation took Soo Hee in his arms.

The baby immediately started smiling when Lay's face appeared before her.

"Well hello there Miss Soo Hee." Lay said with a weird voice, the type of voice adults use on babies,

Kris, Chen, Tao and Xiumin looked at Lay with amusement in their eyes.

Lay just exits the room and arrived with Luhan who was finishing arming that weird baby toy where people lie down the baby. (A.N// ok seriously guys i have no idea how they are called so i will start calling them baby carpet)

"There!" Luhan exclaimed. " Done, finished!"

Lay sited down and turned Soo Hee around so her back would be facing his stomach. He grabbed her small hands and started moving his legs up and down, making Soo Hee laugh.

"Hey, Lay, what are you doing here?" Luhan finally realized Lay was also in the room.

"Taking care of Soo Hee. Luhan you should go and help the others."

"That was exactly what I was going to do" Luhan stepped out of the living room, then he suddenly appeared again. "By the way the baby carpet is ready"

"Alright, thanks Luhan." Lay continued to play with Soo Hee, and every time the baby smiled, or laughed a smile would appear in his face.

Kris was coaxing Tao so he would help with installing the baby things. But he was failing. Chen and Xiumin where struggling to paint the upper part of the room, they needed Kris and Tao's help to paint where they couldn't reach.

"Tao come on" Your hyungs need your help!" Kris tried again.

"I don't want to." Tao stubbornly crossed his arms.

"I will buy you cake." Kris finally gave in. He knew that Tao wanted cake but he had told him he would no longer buy him.

Tao immediately stood up, grabbed a brush and starting painting where his hyungs couldn't reach.

By the time Luhan entered the room the rooms color had changed, it had gone from a dark blue to baby yellow, almost being khaki.

The crib, drawers and the changer would be arriving by 5 o'clock and the paint they used would be dry by 3. The baby, sadly, would not be able to enter the room for two days do to the toxic of the paint, but they knew it was wort the wait.

When Xiumin exited the room to find water he was meet by the sight of a sleeping Lay.

Soo Hee was no were in sight.

Xiumin waked up Lay.

"Lay were is Soo Hee?" Xiumin asked.

Lay moved his head to all sides and then scratched his chin.


Xiumin's eyes opened as wide as sockets.

"Soo Hee, the baby? she could be your daughter? rings any bell?"

"Ah! yes, yes."

"Where is she?"

"I-I do not remember"

"You, you, you WHAT?" Xiumin shouted.

"Shh, hyung don't shout and let me think!" Lay said without panicking, after thinking he knew where the baby was. He remembered Luhan telling him the baby carpet was ready, he played for a time with Soo Hee and she fell asleep, seeing her asleep made him sleepy, so he went to his room and put Soo Hee there so she would sleep more comfortably and he stepped into the living room to sleep on the couch.

"She is in my bed." Lay said. " She is asleep", he said as he saw Xiumin make a move in the direction of Lay's room.

The other members apeared. 

"What is going on?" Chen asked.

"No one is permitted to leave Lay and Soo Hee alone." Xiumin suddenly said.

"Why?" Tao asked.

After Xiumin told them what happened they all agreed that Lay and Soo Hee could not be alone

>> Two days later.

The baby's room was finally ready, and Soo Hee was now able to enter it.

The members had put in their best effort to make it look as good as it does.



(A.N the room is exactly like this, the changer, and other stuf are on the other corner of the room, and the window is not as big)

Kris had decided to put a legend on the wall.


(A.N:// imagine only the quote and the winne pooh, the color of the wall and the crib do not go)

The manager proud by the work they had done, decided to buy them a rocking chair for the nights the baby cried and needed to be rocked back to sleep. It matched the room even thought it didn't look like much it was really comfortable and that was what mattered.


All the members where proud of their work and they felt happy because now everybody was sleeping on their own bed.

Well as much as sleep they could get with a three months old baby girl crying at night.


A.N:// so here is the room, it took me forever to decide which one to pick, but i liked this one because it gave a home feeling. Hope you enjoy reading.



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3 more days and finals are over, i will update then


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suliman #1
Please update soon
Chapter 19: Hahaha..this story is too cute and funny..I LOVEDD IT...poor chen chen..haha
avisdawn #3
Chapter 19: poor chen, haha XD
haenana #4
This is good ... Exo as a daddy is cute... Going to read more... Btw, im a new subbie
Chapter 18: Omo!!!sehunnie kissed manager hyung,,haha,,goodjob author-nim,,this is a nice story,,i like!!!
Agee3231 #6
Chapter 18: It would be funny if Luhan was the dad
HunTy1204 #7
Chapter 18: Lolz xD. i cant stop laughing xD
Chapter 11: What's going to happen now? How will K react?
Chapter 10: What excuse are they going to use? Can Baekhyun keep a secret?