Chapter seven: Revenge?

Meet The Doomed


I see Hwayoung walk out of the door and suddenly stop when her eyes looked up to me, standing there.

“Yah...” I shouted at her and she makes a dash for it, but I caught her and she avoids my stare.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask her as she tries to get out of my grasp but she stays quiet.

“YAH, answer me!” I shouted and my grip tightens and I see her give up, “Aren’t you going to get back at me?” She said and I gave her a confused face. Then an evil smirk formed on my face and she looks up at me in fear.

“Oh yeah...thanks for reminding me Hwayoung...” I said and I released her then walk away with the same expression on my face. How to get her back? I thought to myself and I had an evil idea.


OH GOD, WHY DID I DO THAT?! He forgot until I “REMINDED” HIM AGAIN! AAGUURHHH WHY?!? I thought while I head to Math.

“Heeeyyy, Hwayoung.” I heard a familiar voice say to me so I turn around. Daehyun.

“Oh Hi Daehyun,” I said and saw Daehyun look at me like I was suppose to day more, “OPPA” I shouted so fast as I remembered the last part.

“Ready for Math?” Daehyun asked as I sat in front of him in my seat, “And can I say that you are looking fine today.” He added on and I felt a little uncomfortable.

“Thanks...and yes I’m ready for Math. That’s my best subject.” I said and Daehyun nods his head.

"Well I at Math and Science..." Daehyun added then the teacher starts talking.


The whole Math period, Daehyun was kicking my chair but I mostly ignored it when songsaengnim moved him for the day. Daehyun walks with me to gym then Zelo pops up and walked along with us. In gym it was the usual gym but I missed about a week of school.

"So Miss Kwon, Mr Kim, you guys have to be partners. We are playing football." OHH GOD, I looked at Myungsoo and he had a smirk planted on his face.

"We'll have fun coach!" I heard Myungsoo say and we went outside.

"You Ready?!" Myungsoo shouted out and had an evil smile on his face.

"Uhh-- ggahhhh!" I scream and I caught the ball, "HAA!" I yell at him and stuck my tongue out.

"You're asking for it!" Myungsoo said right after I threw the ball back to him. He threw the ball which I caught, again keke.

"Yah, get a better aim." I heard him yell out and he threw the ball again. This time it hit me on the shoulder.

"Myungsoo! Owww." I scream in pain, I'm so lucky that we are at the BACK of the field... I drop down on the grass and I close my eyes from tearing up. I see Myungsoo walk over but I just, Calm down.

"Are you okay?" He said and I just stood up, still in a small pain, but I smile.

"I'm fine." I said and the bell rang, I ignored Myungsoo right after he hit me in the shoulder. Because I didn't want to seem hurt so I just walked away. On the walk back he tried to talk to me but I just walked a little faster so he couldn't. After checking if Myungsoo was outside or not I walk to dance class. When I walk in there the first people I saw were Hoya then Jongup.

"Hey Hoya, Jonguppie." I said then smiled and waved at the both of them. We had to dance Trouble Maker today because we all are working on it the WHOLE 2 weeks.

I picked Jonguppie to dance with me. We danced but it felt a little awkward because we had to be VERY close to each other. Also we are very good friends, it would be awkward. But this did lighten up my mood and I could tell it lighten up Jongup’s too. Jongup was always my partner for dancing so I never danced with anyone else.

This time the teacher made us switch partners every 10 minutes. We warmed up first by doing some stretching then we'd do our signature warm up dance, which is just free style. I danced with Jongup first then he spun me to Hoya.

"Oh Hi, Hoya." I said after he caught me.

"Hey, shall we dance?" Hoya said and started the position. I really didn't know why we had to dance Trouble Maker, I'm serious I think my teacher has some problems. We danced and switched partners again.

There weren't many students in our class, we had to audition for everything. To get in to our major for colleges.

I chose dance and so did Jonguppie. Zelo was rap, yes they have that in a school. Sungjong and Woohyun were in vocal, as in for strong singers. I haven't heard any of them sing before, they must be good for them to have gotten in. I think Daehyun told me before that he majored in vocal too, well duh, the boy can sing. Youngjae had two majors, in Literature and Vocal, he sings too, I mean sing. He had a softer voice than Daehyun but his voice was...precious. I guess if Bang was going to be the main rapper he would major in rap. I wonder if he got in. Himchan would probably be in model, because he was the visual of the band now. I wonder what Myungsoo was...he never talked about any of this. I should ask him-- NO, I'm mad at him... I don't want to see h-- my train of thought broke when the final bell rang. I walk out and walk to the front. I saw a figure at the front, leaning on the wall and his head turned to me. It was Myungsoo...great... I walk casually to the road I walk to school and back home. I walk past him and he grabs onto my arm which made me flinch a bit because of my bruised shoulder.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He said but I yank his hand off and kept walking.

"Yah!" He shouted and started to pull me to the parking lot.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yelled out as I try to pull away but he doesn’t answer me.

“YAH--” He pulled me towards his face and our eyes meet and his eyes were glued to mine. I look away, “What do you want?” I say still not looking at him.

“Don’t you want your ice cream?” He said and I look at him like he was crazy, “It’s been a week...” He added on with the faintest grin.

“Myu--” “Just com--” “I don’t want to!” I cut in and we looks deep in my eyes again with rage, “Why do you even care?” I added on looking away from his stare.

“I don’t to be me...” He said and I look at him but I just burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny? Aren’t you mad?” He asked again and I laughed even harder.

“Bahahaha I haha w-wasn’t-t, b-bu-t I wa-s haha. Woahh okay, I wasn’t mad...I don’t know what it was, I just didn’t want you to know that I got hurt. So I just had to avoid you.” I explained and kept my cool, “So where are you taking me?” I added on when

"Then just promise'll put your seatbelt on this time." I teasingly said to him and I see the slightest smile on his face.

"Shoot I forgot... I guess we'll have to walk there." My jaw dropped in the shock. I know it's about ten - fifteen minutes from here but there's a lot of traffic along the way. WE MIGHT GET HIT. I've walked there before but from my house it's a bit closer. Every now and then Myungsoo would try to talk and keep things from being awkward. But that didn't work so I guess I can ask a question.

"What's your major?" I ask him and he kind of looked like he didn't know.

"Why do you care?" His reply, I just shook my head.

"No reason, just you’ve never talked about it." I carried on but he was still silent.

"Look if it's that embarrassing you don't hav--" "Photography...and Guitar." he cutted and I just blink then blink.

"Y-you like photography?" I had the nerves to ask and he just nods.

"And Guitar. What, don't think a cold person like me can love photography?" He asked but I didn't mean it like that.

"No! I didn’t mean--" "We're here." He interrupted me again but before I could continue on, he went in the store.

"Myun--" "Coffee?" He cut in the THIRD time, I nod then went to him.

"Why don't you get something?" I ask him but he just paid the lady. Hmm I wonder where Himchan is. I thought as I follow Myungsoo to the same spot we were last time. A couple minutes of awkwardness past then the lady came back with a big bowl, "Here you are." She set down a delicious Sunday in front of us and two spoons.

"Umm ma'am, this isn--" "Oh I forgot to tell you, you guys get our special dessert because you were our thousandth customer!" She said with excitement, "Eat up." She added on and I look over to Myungsoo who didn't look like he wanted to eat it.

"Come on Myungsoo." I said and tried to feed him but he turned towards the window.

"So you're mad at me now?" I ask and got a spoonful of ice cream and slammed it in his mouth.

"Y-yah!" He yelled but I smile in victory. He got a spoonful also and made me eat it.

"Gahh. Yah t-that was tooo mu-ch!" I stuttered to say because it was so cold, I grabbed another spoonful but instead of putting it in his mouth it went on his cheek.

"You did that on purpose." He said as he wiped the remaining ice cream on his face off. I laugh but put my hands out in defense.

"M-yungsoo! It wasn't. Gah--" I was cut off when Myungsoo grabbed a handful of ice cream and threw it at me.

"Kim Myungsoo!" I yelled at him but he just innocently eats the ice cream. I feel my rage coming on but something came up my mind that stopped me. You don't know what I'm capable of. I knew what Myungsoo was, where he was born, and what he was capable of...not in sports but other things probably. I get up, still smiling, and went to the washroom. Once I came back, I see Myungsoo on his phone and eating at the same time.

"I thought you didn't like ice cream." I said as I sat back down in front of him.

"I don't recall saying I disliked ice cream. I just don't eat sweets that much." He explained and a smile creeps up my face.

"So you're a good boy?" I innocently asked him with a jokers smile.

"Whatever. I just like this ice cream." He replied and a thought came up my mind.

"If you like it so much Why don't you do this?" I said and he just looked at me confused. Then suddenly I slam his face down to the ice cream bowl. Luckily his face was small enough to fit...or the bowl was big enough to fit his big face...something like that. Splashes of ice cream land on my face as I see Myungsoo slowly rise from the bowl. His face appears and is fully covered in chocolate ice cream. I can tell that he was really pissed, he was holding it in.

"Kwon...Hwa...young..." he whispered pretty loud then I quickly took my phone out and snapped a photo of him, without him knowing of course. He quickly walks to the men's bathroom and I quietly laugh to myself. I give the waitress the bowl back and apologized for the both of us.


I walk out of the bathroom silently then I over hear Hwayoung talking with the waitress.

"I'm so sorry for causing a mess, I can clean it up if yo--" "No no it's okay! It was really cute what you and your boyfriend did." The waitress said and I pressed harder onto the wall to hear better.

"Ohh, uh he's not my b-boyfriend." Hwayoung said, stuttering? Was she confused? Was she embarrassed? Why was she stuttering?!?!

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. You guys just look so cute together." I heard the waitress say and the corner of my lips curve up. Why am I smiling? Oh wait Hwayoung's talking.

"Haha, umm yeah I'm sorry--" "May I ask, do you know his feeling toward you?" Wait, did I hear correctly? My feelings? Towards her? Please...I look out and see Hwayoung's cute confused fa-- cute?! No no, her ugly confused face...

"I mean like, he seems like he likes you... like the things he does to you. That's obvious guy crush." I heard the waitress say, I am pissed. How would she know that?! I should change her mood better yet Hwayoung’s seems happy. Let's get the waitress upset. I then concentrate on Hwayoung’s mood then boom.

"Ohh th--I already told you we aren't dating so stop asking abou--" she stopped, that means one thing. OH SHI-- "Kim Myungsoo!" I'm dead... I look to my right and there she was, angry as ever.

"Uhh Hi..." That was all I could say, "We should get going soon." I added then looked at the waitress, coldly.

"Y-yeah." Hwayoung said and got her things and we started to walk out.

"Good night you crazy couple." We both heard the waitress say, "We're aren't a couple." We said in unison.


The walk back was pretty much straight out awkward. No one said anything, no one looked at each other. Just plain old awkward silence.

"What are you going to do later?" Hwayoung suddenly broke the silence with that question. "I don't know, sleep?" I said because I really didn't know, "You?" I asked back being polite.

"Watching, A Nightmare on Elm Street." I heard her say, "Alone?" I ask her and she slowly nods her head.

"Ha, try not to pee your pants." I but she kept quiet.


We get to our neighborhood a couple minutes later and we both went to our houses. Hmmmm, she's watching that scary movie... alone? Pretty brave for a girl like her. Maybe I should scare her, you know for payback. Yes. I will, you'll regret that Hwayoung.


So I am watching A Nightmare on Elm Street alone at night in my house. I kind of like scary movies, but only when someone was with me. Unlike now. But I figured I should face my fears and be brave.

"Wow that girl is going to die." I said as I watched the girl falling asleep in her bed and a burnt face under a hat who shows up everywhere she goes. I was snuggled up against the couch with a blanket. All the lights were off and the only source of light was from the flat screen TV. I would check the room once in awhile when things got too scary. The girl was running away from the killer, Freddy, and runs into her house. She slams the door shut and locks the door, top and bottom. The girl’s breathing heavily then suddenly the doorbell rings, MY DOORBELL...

My eyes widen in fear, I pause the movie, and stood up from the couch holding my pillow in my hands firmly. I walk slowly towards the door on my tippy toes with my pillow across my chest. I slowly twist the doorknob open and see Freddy in front of me with his razar sharp knive-hands...

My eyes widen in terror as my grip tightens on the small pillow in my hands.

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 9: Just...sighs... update soon! Can't wait~ hope those sour feelings will just change to sweet ones ^^
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 8: Aww... just update! I can't wait uh~~ >~< xD
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 7: Soooo cutee >< loolololol~ she's seriously frightened by the horror moviee... I can't watch horror movies... maybe it's not that I can't, it's I don't want and scared of them. Haha. Looking forward to the next chapter. Anyway, who's at the door....
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 5: I will wait for ya ;) don't worryy ^^ im having my exams now too xD will wait ;) will be busy until around almost the same as ur time period soo dun worryy! Good luck! Pass with FLYING COLOURS uh! Since u aren't updating thus focus on revision and do your best! Hwaitinng!! Hope you understand hehe xD cos I'm...confused myself! Hope u understand ^^ hwaitinggg!!!
belsoo #5
Chapter 5: Neh!!!!author-nim
Good luck at your exams!!!!
Do your best but anyway I'll keep on supporting your story !!!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 3: Update reallllyyyy soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 1: Yaaay first chapter dongsaengie~~
Wow zelo is the best bff ever keke