Chapter three: Our Deal...

Meet The Doomed


“YES!” Hwayoung yelled out loud and the four guys started running towards her.

“HWAYOUNG-” Zelo yelled out while hugging her and lifting her up in the air while spinning.

“GREAT JOB!” Sungjong added after Zelo set Hwayoung down.

“I KNEW YOU WOULD WIN!” Woohyun said and stares at her but soon got smacked by Sungjong, he ruffles his hair in embarrassment.

“I ALSO HAD FAITH IN YOU!” Daehyun added after Woohyun, then he poked her cheeks, causing Hwayoung to blush. She turn around and faced Myungsoo, his head was down, he was bent over catching his breath.

“SO???” Hwayoung starts after she walked up to him, Myungsoo looks up and tried to change her mood.

“YAH, don’t change my victory mood!” She yelled at him after she felt her feelings change a little. He gets up in defeat and stares at her.

“I let you win...” He blurted out and we started to walk out the gym.

“Stop lying,it's not healthy.” Hwayoung snapped at him and he stops walking, she turns around to face him with a confused look on my face.

“When do you...want your ice cream?...” He regrettingly asked.

“After school!” Hwayoung said and pulled him to walk, “Go change, wait for me outside after your last class.” She said and went in the women's locker room. Then popped her head back out, “And don’t...try to run away.” She added and watched him leave.

Hwayoung walk out of the locker room then walked outside and she lets out a huge sigh.

She runs to dance class because it’s on the other side of the campus. As she gets in the room, Jongup is dancing his off on the stage. He looks up and smiles at Hwayoung so she waves back. Then over at the right of the section she see this new guy, his dance is really...impressive. She sets her backpack down on a chair and puts on her headphones. C-CLOWN -Shaking Heart. She pulled out a hat and put it on, she followed the steps until someone tap her shoulder. She takes off one of her headphones and looked at who ever it was... the dancing machine.

“Hey, you dance really- incredible.” He said and she smiled then bowed.

“Thanks, I’m Hwayoung.” she said and extended her hand out and he grabs it.

“I am Howon, but you can call me Hoya.” He said with a sweet smile that reached cheek to cheek.

“Well it’s nice to meet you and your dance is really impressive too.” She said and smiled shyly, he scratches the back his neck with a smile and walks off. Hwayoung continued dancing but with EXO -MAMA. She danced and danced to different songs with sweat on her face and heavily breathing then finally the bell rang. Hwayoung dashes out of there and ran out to the front of the campus. She waited for Myungsoo and it has been over five minutes and she believed that he ran away.

“Aish, that son of a--”

“Yah...turn around.” A cold voice say behind her.

“Myungsoo?” Hwayoung said and turned her head slight.

“Who else?...” He said and then Hwayoung grabbed his hand and started to pull him.

“Yah!” Myungsoo shouted as Hwayoung kept on pulling him out the school campus, “Hmm?” she replied him and he stops causing her to jerk back.

“Are we going to walk there?!” He said putting emphasis on the walking part, “Yeah, I don’t have a car-” Hwayoung started to explain but then Myungsoo started to pull her to the parking lot.

“Yah, yah, yah. Where are you taking me?” She ask as she pulled her hand back.

“To my car.” He said rubbing it in her face that he had a car and her eyes lit up, happy that they didn’t have to walk a mile to her favorite ice cream shop.

Once they got there, Myungsoo parked the car across the street and walked off. Hwayoung looks at him and opened the door herself. Once she got in the shop she sees Myungsoo at the counter waiting for her so she runs on next to him.


Myungsoo POV

            “What do you want?” I asked coldly to Hwayoung, but she smiles and points to the coffee bucket. Then I told the counter man her choice, “Is that all?” He asked then winked at Hwayoung, I was disguised to see Hwayoung blush,      

            “Yeah that’s all.” I said so no funny business could move on between those two, I paid the guy. Then I picked the farthest table from the counter and sighed as I sat down next to the window so I could see my car.

         “Why is that guy wearing sunglasses...indoors?” I thought to myself as I took my phone out then turned my head and see Hwayoung walking towards me with a smile but then the counter guy whispered to her.


Hwayoung POV

“Hey, what’s your name, gorgeous?” The guy asked, I look at Myungsoo who was now playing on his phone.

“H-Hwayoung.” I said, nervously.

“No need to be nervous baby, I’m Himchan.” He said and I smile, confusingly because he was wearing sunglasses.

“Why are you wearing sunglasses?” I ask him then a frown formed on his face, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would offend you!” I added then a smirk came and replaced the frown on his face.

“I’ll show you why one day...” He said then his hand comes up and brushes my cheek. Then suddenly I felt a tight grip on my arm, I turn around and saw Myungsoo holding an ice cream cone.

“Myu-” “Do you want it or not?” Myungsoo said and I reach for it and he gestured me to go sit down.

I sat down and start to the two scoop coffee ice cream with a cone. Then Myungsoo joins me and sits in front of me, he stares at me while I was the ice cream.

“What?” I asked him with concern in my eyes while still the ice cream.

“Stay still and don’t move,” he said and came closer to my face, he was inches away from my face and I instantly shut my eyes. Then I feel a finger on the side of my lip, I open my eyes and see Myungsoo...with his signature smirk.

“Did you think I w-” “NO NO NO STOP TALKING!” I interrupted him and stuffed my mouth with the ice cream.

“Uh huh...” He mumbled and I look away out the window. “Eotteohge! Myungsoo’s probably laughing at me....woah WHY THE HELL DO I CARE?!?” Then Myungsoo gets up from his seat.

“Come on, hurry and finish your cone.” Myungsoo said and walks out the shop.

“Bye...Hwayoung!” I heard Himchan say, I waved goodbye and I saw Myungsoo roll his eyes.

We get to his car and I pull on the handle and sit in the passenger seat.

“You're still not done with that?” Myungsoo yelled when he got in the car.

“Imm Cannmmt Finnishhhh iee-” I said still crunching on the cone. Then he grabs the cone and stuffs it in his mouth.

“YAH...I wasn’t finished with that!” I said finally swallowing the food down my esophagus.

“Didn’t you say you couldn’t finish it?” He said and he knew he got me, “So I finished it for you.” He said with a fake smile that reached from ear to ear.

“Ehhhh...” I mumbled and put my seatbelt on, and Myungsoo starts the car.

            "Put your seatbelt on." I commanded but he ignored me.

            "Yah, Kim Myungsoo!" I yelled at him again and he still ignores me so I reached over to his seat and pulled the seat belt down to him.

      "Yah, what are you doing?!-" "Saving your ." I cut in and struggled to get his arms in the right position. Then all of a sudden his arm shoots across my body that was crawled on to his-- 

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B B B B E E E E E E E E E E E P P P P P ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


We both froze in shock, Myungsoo's arm protecting me and my hand holding on to his body, when we heard a loud, deafing honk and eye-blinding lights towards us....






HAI GUIS. It's davibabi53 here!!

I hope you like my story!!! and... OOOOOOHHH what's this at the end???!?!??!?! A CAR CRASH OMOMOMOMOMFG!!

Let's see a magnificent preview in the next chapter:

"Myungsoo... i-it hurts..." Hwayoung said then slowly closed her eyes.

"Yah! KWON HWAYOUNG! DON'T FALL ASLEEP!" Myungsoo yelled at her. Then saw the red and blue lights with the sirens alarming.

"HERE! COME OVER HERE! HURRY UP!" Myungsoo yelled at the officers coming out of the ambulance car.

"She's not breathing!" One of the officers said while preceding CPR.




I'm serious I should be the one afraid...of you people not liking my story... D; SOO PLeasE LovE It aNd DOn"T hesitate to SUbScrIbE anD ComeNT what happens NEXT!
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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 9: Just...sighs... update soon! Can't wait~ hope those sour feelings will just change to sweet ones ^^
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 8: Aww... just update! I can't wait uh~~ >~< xD
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 7: Soooo cutee >< loolololol~ she's seriously frightened by the horror moviee... I can't watch horror movies... maybe it's not that I can't, it's I don't want and scared of them. Haha. Looking forward to the next chapter. Anyway, who's at the door....
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 5: I will wait for ya ;) don't worryy ^^ im having my exams now too xD will wait ;) will be busy until around almost the same as ur time period soo dun worryy! Good luck! Pass with FLYING COLOURS uh! Since u aren't updating thus focus on revision and do your best! Hwaitinng!! Hope you understand hehe xD cos I'm...confused myself! Hope u understand ^^ hwaitinggg!!!
belsoo #5
Chapter 5: Neh!!!!author-nim
Good luck at your exams!!!!
Do your best but anyway I'll keep on supporting your story !!!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 3: Update reallllyyyy soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 1: Yaaay first chapter dongsaengie~~
Wow zelo is the best bff ever keke