Chapter six: New Members?

Meet The Doomed


“Hwayoung! You know how B.A.P is missing a leader and like a visual?!” Zelo asked me as he approached me.

“Ummm I guess, why?” I asked him in confusion then Zelo looked at both of the guys and I follow his gaze.

“Well...we found them!” He said and I froze in my spot. What does he mean by ‘we found them’?

“...uhh...ummm.” I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth so sounds just got out. I look at the both of them then back to Zelo.

“Oh, let me introduce you,” He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the two guys, “So you know Bang, yeah he’s going to be our new leader. Then this, handsome beast, is Kim--” “Himchan...I know...” I interrupted him and shyly smiled at Bang and Himchan.

“Ohh cool, how?” Zelo asked and he looks at me with his cute expression.

“Well...that day I got in the car crash wit--” “You got in a car crash?!” Himchan interrupted me and I nod and looked back at Zelo, who had concern in his body.

“Before the crash, Myungsoo and I went to my favorite ice cream shop and Himchan was there.” I said and Zelo ‘aw’d’ and nodded.

“I didn’t know you got in a crash! Was it my fault?!” Himchan asked with guilt in his eyes but I shook my head and calmed him down.

“No, it wasn’t your fault, how could it be your fault?” I asked him and he tilted his head like he was confused too.

“I don’t know...the ice cream?” He said and I laughed at his reply which made him feel embarrassed.



She’s so pretty, I wonder if she’s going to like it when I join the band. I read Himchan’s mind and my head snapped to the left. I see Himchan looking at Hwayoung when she talks to Bang.

Didn’t she say--ohh yeah! She went to the ice cream shop with a guy...Myungsoo was it. Aww she might be taken...I must find out--

“Sooo, Hwayoung, are you...lik--” “Ohh Himchan didn’t you say you would show me why you wore those sunglasses?” Hwayoung interrupted him and I laugh silently in amusement of Himchan not being able to ask her.

“Oh yeah! Here, come with me.” Himchan said then pulled Hwayoung with him, Bang and I followed behind.

“What’s going on?” I whispered to Bang, but he shrugs and looks at Hwayoung.

“Are you ready?” Himchan said and his hand is still with Hwayoung’s.

“S-Sure.” Hwayoung stuttered then Himchan searches for something.

What to turn? What to turn? I shouldn’t turn a human so I’ll turn a...Ahh-- just then a bird flew by and Himchan threw his glasses off. Just as the bird flew over him, it turned to stone and dropped on the ground. I was shocked in what just happened.

"W-what just h-happened?!" Hwayoung asked in fear, I was too.

"Well first of all I'm a Statuifier." He went to pick up his sunglasses, "I can turn anything into stone when they look in my eyes." He finished off and I hid behind Bang, who shooed me away.

"Is it permanent?" Hwayoung asked as she bent down to the stoned bird.

"It probably lasts up to a day or so but I don't keep in touch with the things I stone." Himchan said and now I am beyond frightened and I knew Hwayoung could tell.

"Why don't we all introduce ourselves." Hwayoung suggested and I happily accepted.

"So, I'm Choi Junhong, you guys can call me Zelo, I am a, ready for this? MIND READER! Yay!" I said then I looked at Bang and Himchan who looked exposed.

"Haha, I'm Kwon Hwayoung, and I am a Mood Teller." Hwayoung said and Himchan jumped back a little. She can tell what my feelings are...? That would be easier than actually telling her... I guess... I heard Himchan thinking.

"Umm I'm Bang...I can control one's mind." Bang said and I literally felt defeated. Hwayoung jumped back in shock and so did I. Himchan high fived him and turned all gangster like. I exchange looks with Hwayoung and I knew what she was thinking.

"Well you know what I can do I just showed you, so the name's Kim Himchan." Himchan said and posed along. I saw Hwayoung roll her eyes but she also giggled.

"So you guys want to join B.A.P?" Hwayoung asked and she sounded serious, "Neh." they both responded then I turn to Hwayoung.

"Well has Zelo shown you the other members yet?" She said and my head bobbed down in shame.

"Ani" I said as I sighed.

“Well...Zelo shame on you,” She said and taunted me then turned to the other guys, “We can go search for them now if you want.” I rapidly shake her arm in agreeing with her idea. The others simply nod their heads as if it was nothing, so I glare at them but they don’t seem threatened. Boo D; I thought. Then Hwayoung and I showed them who was who but first we had to find them.

“I know where Youngjae is, follow me!” Hwayoung said and she pulled me in the building. I look back and see Himchan staring at our hands. Are they going out? This is sad, for me. I heard him and I turn around to face him.

“We are not dating...btw...hehe” I said and turned back around to Hwayoung, I steal a glance at Himchan who was smiling like a ninny.

“Here we are.” Hwayoung said and I bumped into which I bowed non stop, Hwayoung stopped me then we all look up at the sign.

“The L-i-b-r-a-r-y?” I heard Bang say, separating the letters in library like he’s never heard of it.

“Yeah, he’s probably tutoring someone.” Hwayoung replied and went in, we followed her.

“Umm, Ohh there he is. YOUN--” “SHHHHH” “Jeez sorry...” Hwayoung said and we all started laughing, we follow her to Youngjae.

“Hey Youngjae.” Hwayoung said with a loving smile, Youngjae looks up from his book.

“Hi Hwayoung, Junhong” He said putting his bookmark in his book, a very thick book, “What’s up?”

“We wanted to show you the two newest members of B.A.P!” Hwayoung and I said in unison, and we both pull those two to the front and nudged them a little to introduce themselves.

“Hello, I’m Yoo Youngjae the lead vocals in B.A.P.” Youngjae said and extended his hand to Bang first then Himchan.

“Uhh, I’m Bang Yongguk but I prefer Bang, I can be main rapper and leader.” Bang said and shook his hand, Youngjae nodded and moved his focus on Himchan.

“I’m Kim Himchan, rapper, sub-vocal, and visual.” Himchan said with a creepy smile but still shook his hand.

“Well I’m sure you guys would be great at your new spots, have you spoken with our managers yet?” Youngjae asked and I looked at Hwayoung who just blinked.

“I’ll call them for you guys, he likes me best right?” Hwayoung said with a bragging smile planted on her face.

“Fine, let's go find Daehyun Hyung.” I begged and started to pull her over to the cafeteria.

“Why are were headed to the cafeteria Zelo? Are you sure we’re seeing Daehyun or are you just hungry?” Hwayoung asked me all those questions as she furrowed her eyebrows with a curious look.

“Noona, don’t you remember...Daehyun hyung LOVES to eat!” I said as we all walked in the cafeteria.

“Hyung’s over there!” I shouted and pointed to the guy who was surrounded with food.

“Jung Daehyun hyung!” I yelled his name out and Daehyun stops eating and waves at us with a bagel in his mouth. We all walk over to him and Hwayoung steps up first.

“Hey...Hwayoung.” Daehyun hyung said while looking up and down then spat out his food.

“Hi Daehyun o-ppa...” Hwayoung said shyly but he smiles.

“So what can I do for you pretty little thang.” Daehyun hyung said and patted the spot in front of him, so Hwayoung sat down and we followed.

“Well we came here to talk to you about...” Hwayoung started but faded away when she saw that Daehyun hyung wasn’t listening to her but drooling over the cheesecake next to him, “You can get this back later...” Hwayoung said and moved aside the cheesecake.

“Is this punishment? We already on that faze?” Daehyun hyung said and I was kind of weirded out.

“Uhh--” “Hyung!” I interrupted her and Daehyun stopped.

“Arasso, Daehyun op-pa, we’re here to introduce you to the two new members of B.A.P!” Hwayoung said and Daehyun just blinks, then the two guys steps up.

“Aaa I’m Bang, leader and main rapper.” Bang said as he sighed again.

“Then I’m Himchan, sub-vocal, rapper, and visual.” He said with that creepy smile again.

“Well it’s nice to meet you both, I’m Daehyun the main vocals.” Daehyun hyung said and shook Hwayoung’s arm asking for the dessert.

“Ara, here you go, we’re going to find Jonguppie, see you later!” Hwayoung said and stood up from the chair but Daehyun grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“Why don’t I have a cute nickname like that?” Daehyun asked and I glare at him but he shrugged it off.

“I don’t know, isn’t oppa enough?” Hwayoung said a little annoyed with this attitude.

“I guess so...don’t be mad at me.” Daehyun hyung said as he lets go of her hand, Hwayoung places her hand on his shoulder, “I’m not mad, we’ve got to go, annyeong!” With that we all left the eating cheesecake Daehyun and went to find Jongup hyung.

“Lets go to the dance room, he’ll be ther--” “Nuh uh, he’s in the weight room.” I interrupted Hwayoung as we started to walk down the hallway.

“What are you talking about Zelo, he loves to dance as much as you and I do!” Hwayoung said which she had a point to.

“Well, I think he’s in the weight room. I’ll text him prove you wrong...” I said but mumbled the last part when I got my cell phone out.

“I heard that dongseung.” Hwayoung said and shot me a glare, which I just blocked and kept on texting Jongup hyung.

“HAA, I told you so, noona.” I shouted when I received back a text from Jongup hyung, and I showed her the text. 

“I’m at the weight room, lifting weights while dancing! ^︿^”

“Fine but see he’s dancing too!” Hwayoung said and stuck her tongue out to me but I shrug it out.


Once we get to the gym and into the weight room, we see Jongup Hyung lifting and dancing! We all walk in following Hwayoung and she was the one who talked to him first.

“Hey, Jongup we wanted you to meet the new members of B.A.P.” Hwayoung said and we moved aside for Himchan and Bang to be shown.

“Yo, I’m Bang...Leader, and main rapper.”Bang said and he leans against the wall.

“I’m Himchan, rapper, sub-vocal, and, of course, the visual.” Himchan said raising his arms on the back of his neck and posing then winks at Hwayoung. I ignore it and look back at Jongup hyung.

“Hi, I’m Moon Jongup, main dancer and sub vocals. It’s nice to meet you guys.” Jongup hyung said and bowed 90 degrees. We all wave goodbye and walked off.


Once we all walk off we had about 10 more minutes of lunch so we all went our separate ways and once I turn around to go outside I see him.

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 9: Just...sighs... update soon! Can't wait~ hope those sour feelings will just change to sweet ones ^^
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 8: Aww... just update! I can't wait uh~~ >~< xD
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 7: Soooo cutee >< loolololol~ she's seriously frightened by the horror moviee... I can't watch horror movies... maybe it's not that I can't, it's I don't want and scared of them. Haha. Looking forward to the next chapter. Anyway, who's at the door....
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 5: I will wait for ya ;) don't worryy ^^ im having my exams now too xD will wait ;) will be busy until around almost the same as ur time period soo dun worryy! Good luck! Pass with FLYING COLOURS uh! Since u aren't updating thus focus on revision and do your best! Hwaitinng!! Hope you understand hehe xD cos I'm...confused myself! Hope u understand ^^ hwaitinggg!!!
belsoo #5
Chapter 5: Neh!!!!author-nim
Good luck at your exams!!!!
Do your best but anyway I'll keep on supporting your story !!!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 3: Update reallllyyyy soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 1: Yaaay first chapter dongsaengie~~
Wow zelo is the best bff ever keke