Chapter thirteen: Date Night

Meet The Doomed



m o n d a y   m o r n i n g


As Hwayoung makes her bed she laid out her outfit for school today.

Once she did she went to the bathroom to wash up. After five minutes Hwayoung came out all fresh and went down to eat breakfast.

“Umma...?” Hwayoung trailed off as she stepped down from the last step on to the kitchen floor, her eyes looked around to find her mother but she wasn’t around but her father was making the food.

“Appa, where’s Umma?” Hwayoung asked when her senses came back and she walked to the table to eat the food.

“Her job gave her a vacation because she worked so hard and is the employee of the year, so she chose to go to Japan.” Her father explained as Hwayoung takes a sip of her orange juice.

“Omo, umma can see Sooyoung unnie!” Hwayoung shouted as she gobbled up her breakfast and packed up her backpack.

“Ye.” Her father said in a low voice Hwayoung turns around with a worried expression.

“Oh, there are some of your friends outside, hurry and go to them, honey.” Her father said while putting a smile on, Hwayoung just nods as she picks up her backpack again and walks to the door.

“Bye appa!” Hwayoung shouted as she walks out the door, she was still concerned about her father. Once Hwayoung walks out she sees Zelo, Sungjong, and Woohyun outside.

“Oh, annyeong!” Hwayoung said with a wave as she steps down from the stairs.

“Hey” “Hi” “Heeeello” They greeted Hwayoung and started walking towards the school.

“I really need friends that aren’t you guys.” Hwayoung said as she giggled but the guys had angry expressions.

“What’s wrong with us?” “Yeah!” “I’m awesome.” They said after each other again, Hwayoung turns to them with a smile.

“You know I love you guys.” Hwayoung said but they still didn’t believe.

“Well from what I feel you guys don’t think I I right?” Hwayoung said, Babo’s... she thought and laughed to herself.

“She thinks we're idiot’s!” Zelo yelled as Hwayoung remembered that he could read minds, she then laughs awkwardly.

“Well I actually do.” Hwayoung stated as they walked off to school.

s c i e n c e  c l a s s

“Dance practice starts in 7th period okay?” Hwayoung told Myungsoo as they worked on individual work. Myungsoo nods back to Hwayoung as he puts on his headphones and started to listen to music.

w o r l d s   c l a s s

“Each of you guys will be given a partner, which I will tell who in a minute, then after I have told you your partner I will tell you what you have to write about on your essay.” Seonsaengnim told the class then all the students whined, “You guys are lucky I am giving you a partner to help you with the paper.” Seonsaengnim continued as he reached over to get his clipboard, then he started calling out names.

“Lee Sungjong and Park Hyunmin with The Korean War.”

“And Kwon Hwayoung and Nam Woohyun with The History of the Han River.” The teacher called the last pair as he puts down his clipboard.

“Now you may go together and research online or go to the library to research the old fashion way as you kids may say.” The teacher said as he puts his glasses on and started reading his book.

“Hwayoung!” Woohyun shouted as Hwayoung kept her eyes on the teacher.

“Hmm?” She replied as she was looking at what book songsaengnim was reading.

“Let’s go to the library.” Woohyun suggested as he got up, you look at him and gave him a nod.

“Seonsaengnim, can we go to the library?” Woohyun asked as the teacher nods without taking his eyes off his book.

“Kaja.” Woohyun said as we packed our stuff and headed to the library.

The walk to the library was kind of silent all Hwayoung could think of was what happened yesterday after school.

They soon reached the library door, Woohyun opened the door for Hwayoung and she gave him a smile. Still a gentleman, Hwayoung thought as she entered the library with a smile, she looks at the two empty chair in the left.

Woohyun sees them too so they both went there and they put their stuff done. Then they both went to find some books about the Han River, after 5 minutes of searching Hwayoung found a book about The Han River and at the same time Woohyun found a book about Korea Rivers.

They both sat down in the two seat and started reading the books.

After a couple minutes Hwayoung couldn’t stop shivering she starts rubbing her hands to stay warm, Woohyun saw this as he looked up and saw that the air conditioning was right under her.

Woohyun put his left hand on top of Hwayoung’s right hand so she could stop shivering. 

Once Woohyun did that Hwayoung felt warmer as she smiles and continues reading her book.

“Woohyun-ah.” Hwayoung cooed his name as Woohyun looked up.

“Yes?” Woohyun asked as he looked Hwayoung in the eyes which made Hwayoung unknowingly smile.

“Uh, d-did you find anything yet?” Hwayoung stuttered as she realized she didn’t have a question for Woohyun.

“Umm no... Did you?” Woohyun asked back as he flipped the page the same time as Hwayoung.

“N-no.” Hwayoung said with a shiver as Woohyun’s hands tightened on hers.

“Umm, Hwayoung?” Woohyun questioned as Woohyun turned his attention toward the reading Hwayoung.

“Hmm?” Hwayoung replied but kept her eyes on the page.

“I-I was wondering if you’d like to get some coffee after school.” Woohyun asked shyly although Hwayoung doesn’t react, but she shakes Woohyun’s hand and points to the page on her book.

“Look! History of the Han River! Jackpot!” Hwayoung said as she shrugs Woohyun’s hand off and starts concentrating on the page.

“Hwayoung...I’m asking you out...” Woohyun said as he grabbed Hwayoung’s hands to pull her away from the book.

“I’m asking you out.” Woohyun repeated and this time it clicked to her mind, she looks at Woohyun like he was crazy.

“So, you want to?” Woohyun asked as Hwayoung looked at Woohyun with smile.

“Woohyun--” “Just think about it first.” Woohyun interrupted Hwayoung as he retrieved his hand and he let Hwayoung think for a second.

“Sure...” Hwayoung whispered as Woohyun turn towards her with a big grin.

“Great, let’s meet after school.” Woohyun said then the bell rang, “Just in time.” Woohyun added as they checked out their books and went to third.


In third, Hwayoung sat down in the back as Myungsoo came in and sat next to her, Hwayoung didn’t notice Myungsoo because she couldn’t stop thinking of what just happened but then she felt an awkward feeling.

“Heelloooo?” Myungsoo said while waving his hands in front of Hwayoung’s face, Hwayoung finally snapped out of the trance.

“Huh-- Oh, Hi Myungsoo.” Hwayoung said as she looked at Myungsoo, who looked at her like she was crazy.

“So after school, I’m practicing with you?” Myungsoo questioned as Hwayoung blinked a few times, then remembered that Woohyun...

“Yeah...WAIT, I-I can’t today.” Hwayoung stuttered as she didn’t want to tell Myungsoo she was going on a ‘date’ with Woohyun. Why don’t I want Myungsoo to know...?

“Did something come up--” “Okay class, for this power class were going outside and examining animal behavior.” The teacher interrupted what Myungsoo had to say, “Now you’ll be tested during this lesson, either telling what their emotions are, feeling what they feel, connecting with their feeling...or changing theirs... So listen up and don’t get distracted.” The teacher continued as they started walking out the tent. Myungsoo wanted to ask Hwayoung again but Hwayoung walked too fast so he was too lazy to catch her.

“Hwayoung...why don’t you tell us what this animal is feeling.” The teacher said as Hwayoung’s eyes widen and she pointed to herself. Hwayoung walked up and faced the chameleon that moved slowly.

“It’s...frighten by us, it feels very cautious with all our actions around it.” Hwayoung said slowly as she stretched her hand out to touch the reptile.

“Now it’s pretty acceptive, since I gave it a little human interaction.” Hwayoung continued as she looked at the teacher who nods at her with a smile.

“Good job Miss Kwon.” The teacher said as they walked around to find different animals.

“Mr. Yoon, would you like to demonstrate for us how this creature feels.” The teacher asked as the boy steps up.

“I would be delighted.” He said as he touched the rabbit, he closes his eyes then suddenly opens them widely. He looks around with those scared eyes as his head snaps on every direction when someone moved. Then he closed his eyes again then stood up as he looked like his calm self again.

“Very good Mr. Yoon.” The teacher complimented again as they walked in the forest, all sorts of birds start flying above us.

“Kim Myungsoo, would you want to show us how you change that animal’s feelings?” The teacher questioned as Myungsoo steps out of the crowd, he points to the deer in the middle of the forest.

“Sure...” Myungsoo trailed off as he walked a little closer to the deer which caused it to jump. Myungsoo stands still for a moment as the deer looked like it was about to sprint off but just as Myungsoo moved, the deer walked toward Myungsoo.

As the deer walked toward Myungsoo, the deer allowed Myungsoo to touch itself. Everyone looked amazed as Myungsoo turns around to see Hwayoung smiling.

Myungsoo moved his arm towards Hwayoung as the deer made its way to Hwayoung. Hwayoung looked at Myungsoo who just shrugged, Hwayoung pets the deer who looked really calm now.

“Very good Myungsoo.” The teacher said as other people started petting the deer before it ran off, they trailed towards deeper in the forest as more and more animals started showing up in our sites. Everyone had their chance to show their powers.


After power class, Hwayoung left before Myungsoo could ask her the question again. Hwayoung walks toward Zelo’s tent with one thing on her mind. The date tonight.

“Hey Zelo!” Hwayoung shouted happily as Zelo turned around and waved at her. Hwayoung couldn’t hold in her happiness about tonight as it got Zelo wondering.

“Ooh, someone’s happy about a date tonight. With Nam Woohyun, I see.” Zelo stated as Hwayoung stuck her tongue out, she almost forgot that her best friend could read minds.

“You’re happy too, why is that? Who’s the lucky lady?” Hwayoung asked, changing the subject so it wouldn’t be on her. Zelo laughed at how she was trying to change it to his happiness.

“There’s no lucky lady, at the moment, I’m just happy to see you happy.” Zelo replied as he gives Hwayoung a thumbs up.

“Uh huh.” Hwayoung said not truly believing his words but ends up nodding.

“So where’s it at? Somewhere with coffee, I read.” Zelo asked but answered himself by reading Hwayoung’s mind.

“Yah, you’re getting too excited. But you know that place we always go to right?” Hwayoung questioned as she jumped up in excitement.

“Of course!” Zelo shouted as Hwayoung giggles then calms down a bit, Hwayoung smiles at Zelo who ree as well following a laugh.

“Haha, he’s takin--” Hwayoung started but was interrupted by a text message, Hwayoung pulled her phone out of her back pocket and looked at who it was. Nam Woohyun.

“That’s Woohyun, we’ll eat later Zelo!” Hwayoung shouted as she exited the back door as someone entered the front.

“Crazy kid.” Zelo said to himself then remembering that she was older than him but he didn’t care, Zelo started to pack up as a hand touched his shoulder.

“Zelo!” “WOAH! L! You scared me.” Zelo shouted out as he bounced up and placed his hand on his chest.

“Sorry, but where’s that coffee place you and Hwayoung go to all the time?” Myungsoo questions as Zelo calmed down and scratched his head.

“Just around the corner, why?” Zelo asked as Myungsoo looks away to hide his faint blushing and started to think of a plan for tonight.

“Nothing...” Myungsoo plainly answered as he turned around towards the front door and took a step forward.

“Ohh, I know whhhy. Someone here’s JEALOUS?!” Zelo shouted as Myungsoo turned back around and gave Zelo a glare.

“Shut up, no.” Myungsoo blankly replied as he turned back around to walk out of the tent.

“Mmm hmm, sure.” Zelo said not believing one word that came out of his mouth, Zelo laughs as he heard more thoughts from Myungsoo.

“Bye.” Myungsoo said as he waved goodbye to Zelo then walked out of the Mind tent and headed for a place to eat.

“Bye Jelly Felly!” Zelo shouted out as he looked at his lunch and grabbed it then walked out the back door, the same direction as Hwayoung, "Young love..."


a f t e r s c h o o l


“Hwayoung!” Someone called after her, Hwayoung turned around and saw Woohyun waving his hands towards her.

“Oh, Hi Woohyun.” Hwayoung said rather shyly, she looks down to cover her faint blush while Woohyun jogs over towards her.

“So, are you ready for that date?” Woohyun questioned as he stuffed his hands in his pants pocket and smiled to Hwayoung.

“Date?” Hwayoung furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over at Woohyun's now nervous smile.

“C-Coffee, just coffee. Not, not a…” Woohyun trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck, nervous enough.

“No, no. Date’s fine, why don’t we call it a ‘Coffee Date’?” Hwayoung put a hand on Woohyun's shoulder to calm him down, feeling that he was so tense.

“Yeah, that sounds good. So, we ready for our coffee date?” Woohyun asked again but more calm this time. Hwayoung notices and shows a cheeky smiles.

“Haha, yeah. Let’s go.” Hwayoung moved her hands down to Woohyun's arm, while Woohyun's hands are still in his pockets.


C o f fe e   S h o p


“Two Caramel Macchiatos please.” Woohyun ordered for the both of them, pulling out his wallet ready for the price.

“That’ll be 5500 won, sir.” The cashier said after typing in the numbers in the register and giving someone a piece of paper for their drinks.

“Let me pay for mine.” Hwayoung said as she reached for her purse.

“This is a date Hwayoung, the guy has to pay.” Woohyun stated as he stopped Hwayoung from pulling out her money.

“Since when did a date mean the guy has to pay?” Hwayoung questioned as she tilted her head and popped her hip to the side.

“S-Since--” Woohyung stuttered but Hwayoung cut in before he felt even worst, “I’m kidding, but I'll give him a tip." But it was too late, Woohyun had handed the money to the cashier already.

"Sorry sir, you're short 1000 won." The cashier told Woohyun which made Hwayoung jump up in happiness.

"Let me pay for that." Hwayoung suggested as she pulled out her purse again, but to have Woohyun stop her again.

"No, I still don't think the girl should pay. Why don't we just share one!" Woohyun said as he looked at the cashier who then changed their order.

"Share one?" Hwayoung questioned, a bit embarrassed by sharing a drink together.

"Yeah, we can have two straws. Can we change that to one please?" Woohyun begged as he looked at her with a pout.

"Of course." Hwayoung said, feeling something over power her which made her decision.

"Just keep the change." Woohyun said to the cashier, who smiled and nodded.

"Thank you sir, your order will be right out." The cashier said then left the counter to the back.

"That was nice of you, taking my tip." Hwayoung sarcastically said as they walked away from the counter and towards the tables.

"Thanks, let's sit near the window." Woohyun said as he led Hwayoung towards a window seat, he sat in front of her.

"So, how are you liking this coffee date?" Woohyun asked as they both waited for the drink they're sharing, Hwayoung took off her jacket and placed it on the back of her chair.

"I'm enjoying it and I can feel you're enjoying it as well. Would you stop feeling nervous, it makes me feel awkward.” Hwayoung said then huffed out a breath and pouted.

Your power sure is making me feel good about myself and of course it awkward!” Woohyun exaggerated as he started fiddling with his fingers, feeling more nervous by the minute.

"What do you mean?" Hwayoung tilted her head to the left as she furrowed her eyebrows after Woohyuin's reply.

"Well, you'll know what I feel while I don't know what you feel." Woohyun slowly explained, watching carefully of what he says.

“It does feel unfair, then what if I told you how I felt?” Hwayoung negotiated an offer as she smiled at him. 

“It wouldn’t-” “Be the same, I know but it beats knowing nothing right? I’m also willing to tell you my feelings, that’s harder than reading it.” Hwayoung finished Woohyun's sentence as she had a point.

“I-I guess you’re right,” Woohyun said slowly just as their shared drink came, "Thanks," Woohyun said as he took a sip from the drink.

"What if I felt the same way as you do? Would you believe me?" Hwayoung asked as Woohyun stopped drinking and looked up at Hwayoung.

"I would still think you're under my spell." Woohyun stated as he pushed the drink towards Hwayoung.

"That was like a day ago Woohyun, your spell only last a few hours." Hwayoung pointed out as she opened the other straw and put it in the drink.

"Huh, you're right." Woohyun mumbled as he tilted his head and nodded.

"So would you believe me?" Hwayoung asked again after taking a sip of their drink, this time Woohyun nodded which made Hwayoung smile and began, “Okay then, my feelings towards you is-” Hwayoung was cut short by someone yelling her name, “HWAYOUNG!”

“What- AH” Hwayoung was yanked out of her seat and pulled next to the person who was none other than Kim Myungsoo.

“I’m going to borrow her for a second.” Myungsoo said as he left with Hwayoung by her side, before Woohyun could even give his opinion.

“Uhh." Woohyun said, confused in what just happened.


o u t s i d e


“Yah! Kim Myungsoo! What are you DOING?!” Hwayoung shouted as she pulled out of Myungsoo's grasp, rubbing the spot where he pulled her.

“I can’t let you.” Myungsoo said while pacing around in front of her, making Hwayoung worry about him.

“Let me do what?” Hwayoung question, honestly confused in the situation.

“I can’t let you tell Woohyun your feelings to him.” Myungsoo said, almost as if to himself planning something.

“Why not?” Hwayoung tilted her head to the left and popped her hip, waiting for an answer.

“Because…” Myungsoo trailed off as he hesitated to say his reason.

“Because?” Hwayoung was getting impatient with his later replies, getting ready to go back to Woohyun but Myungsoo grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him.

“Because I like you Kwon Hwayoung.” Before Hwayoung could respond, Myungsoo closed the space between them and connected their lips together.

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 9: Just...sighs... update soon! Can't wait~ hope those sour feelings will just change to sweet ones ^^
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 8: Aww... just update! I can't wait uh~~ >~< xD
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 7: Soooo cutee >< loolololol~ she's seriously frightened by the horror moviee... I can't watch horror movies... maybe it's not that I can't, it's I don't want and scared of them. Haha. Looking forward to the next chapter. Anyway, who's at the door....
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 5: I will wait for ya ;) don't worryy ^^ im having my exams now too xD will wait ;) will be busy until around almost the same as ur time period soo dun worryy! Good luck! Pass with FLYING COLOURS uh! Since u aren't updating thus focus on revision and do your best! Hwaitinng!! Hope you understand hehe xD cos I'm...confused myself! Hope u understand ^^ hwaitinggg!!!
belsoo #5
Chapter 5: Neh!!!!author-nim
Good luck at your exams!!!!
Do your best but anyway I'll keep on supporting your story !!!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 3: Update reallllyyyy soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 1: Yaaay first chapter dongsaengie~~
Wow zelo is the best bff ever keke