Chapter one: Back to School...

Meet The Doomed


It was the first day back from winter break and I was ready. Ready to feel that emotion. Boredom. I don't know why people don't like school. It might be boring to humans who don't have powers, but the people who do have powers have fun! I decided to go to school earlier so I picked out my outfit and got ready.

Once I walked to the school gates I felt this depressing feeling close to me, then it started to rain a little. I look at the sky wondering, "Hmm the sky was clear a few minutes ago..." I looked over to the right and saw a guy who's head is down. I walked over to him and poked his shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Well, what's your name?" I asked him and he looked up and examined me.

"S-Sunggyu" He whispered.

"I'm Hwayoung and I can help you, Sunggyu." I told him and he looked deep into my eyes.

"You can?" He asked a little louder and I smiled.

"I'm a mood teller, but I can also help people with their mixed feelings." I said and he oh'd and I continued.

"Tell me what's wrong." Then he looked at me; his feelings told me that he was asking himself if he could trust me or not. I smiled and held out my hand, "You can trust me, Sunggyu." After I said that he shook my hand and started to talk.

Five minutes later I helped out Sunggyu and the last thing I said to him was, "I hope you feel better. And remember, you can always trust me." Then the slight rain stopped and the bright sun came up again. I looked at the sky, confused. Sunggyu saw me and spoke up "I control the weather... with my feelings." I turned around to face him and said, "Oh, that's c-" but then the school bell rang.

"Shall we get to class?" I continued on. He nodded and we walked different ways. I couldn't stop smiling because I helped another person.

Once I walked to my Science class I sat down in my seat at the table.

"Class, we have a new student here. I'd like you to meet..." Mr. Jee let the guy introduce himself.

"The name’s L." He said and the teacher started again.

"Ah yes, Kim Myungsoo-"

"L!" L interrupted him.

"L will be joining us for the rest of the year... now where to put you-" He said, but he was cut off by Zelo.

"Here, HERE! He can sit with me and Hwayoung!" Myungsoo had a blank expression on his face, then he looked at the teacher who gestured to him to go sit down. Once he walked over I said "Um, Hi L-ssi I'm Hwayoung. Nice to meet you." and I put my hand out. He looked at it and sat down without shaking my hand.

"Fine..." I mumbled to myself and Zelo laughed. I glared at him, then at the teacher.

"Okay class, we have a lab ready for us and you will have a partner-"

"I'm with HWAYOUNG!" Zelo yelled, but Mr. Jee wasn't finished yet.

"I will assign you partners," he finished up and put emphasis on the assign, then grabbed the clipboard with our names on it.

"Hwayoung and Myungsoo." He said and Zelo frowned.

"Next time Zelo" I said and turned to Myungsoo.

"So..." I started, but once I started talking he closed his eyes and kicked his feet up on the table. I glared at him. Then, Mr. Jee gave me a slip of paper with which station to go to. Station Number 5. The Chemical Lab. I walked over there but saw that Myungsoo wasn't following, so I walked over to him and nudged him a little, then he opened his eyes.

"Go away," he said and I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Well, we have a lab to do." I snapped at him, then he suddenly and unexpectedly stood straight up from his chair. I jumped back and he his lips a little.

"I don't want to be partners with you," he said and I glared at him. I could easily tell that he was as angry as I was when he looked away.

"Well, I don't care if you hate me, but I just want to get this lab going. Now come on." I said and pulled him over. Once we got to the station, I looked over at him to see what he was doing. He was playing with the chemicals.

"Put that down." I ordered him and he stared at me.

"Why? It's not going to hurt-" at that second, the chemical spilled onto my hand. It was painful.

"AHHH!  MMRR JEEE...G-GAHHHHHH!" I yelled in pain. Myungsoo was standing still, holding onto the beaker; his expression was emotionless.

"What happened? Get her to the nurse quick!" Mr. Jee yelled. Zelo ran to up me and looked at my red hand.

"HWAYOUNG! ARE YOU OKAY? I'LL TAKE YOU TO THE NURSE." He took my arm and led me to the nurse’s room. I couldn't feel my hand; all I saw was red. Once we got in the the nurse’s room, Zelo yelled for assistance. I couldn't stop him because of the pain I was in. I screamed again, but held it back.  Zelo still heard me. Zelo came over and held my hand, but I pulled it back because it hurt even more.

"Ah, I'm sorry. NNUUURRSSEE!!!" He yelled again and finally, someone came out.

"What's with th- oh my, follow me, miss." She said and Zelo took me in with her. She put cold, soothing water on my hand then massaged it with this cream, which worked because the pain was shrinking little by little. Zelo left to go tell Mr. Jee that I was alright.  Later the door opened and Myungsoo came in. He stared at me, then looked down at my hand. I followed his gaze.

"I'm okay." I said and he looked in my eyes. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand. I flinched.

"No, you're not." He said and I snatched my hand back and started to rub it so the pain would go away. He walked out the room, then came back with a bag of ice. He sat down next to me and placed the bag gently on my red hand. I look at his face; suddenly, as if he knew I was staring at him, his eyes shot up and looked at me. I looked away and could feel a smirk on his face. His feelings quickly changed from worry to calm. I smiled and shrugged it off.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked and his feelings changed once again.

I was confused, but I answered him "no." Then he took the ice off quickly and slapped my hand.

"Oww stop," I said and rubbed my hand.

"Stop lying," He replied with a glare. His mood changed again.

"Why do you care so much? I thought you hated me." I said and took my hand away, ignoring the pain.

"First of all, you said that yourself; I just said I didn't want to work with you. Second, it was kinda my fault." He said and I knew he was right.

"Kind of? You did this!... and why don't you want to work with me?" I asked him and I saw him staring at me.

"B-because I know what you are, and I don't like people helping me." I looked at him, confused. His mood was hatred.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

"I know you're a mood teller. Those people help others, and I hate that." He explained and stood up.

"Why is your mood changing so quickly?" I asked. Then, my hand shot up to cover my mouth from speaking any further.

"Ha, I'm your opposite. I'm a mood changer," he said and now I knew why. "Mr. Jee assigned us together because he knew you could help me," he continued and sat back down.

"I can help you, but what do you need help on-"

"I don't need help!" He yelled and got up again.

"I don't like it when people help with my problem. I don't have a problem!" With that he tried to leave, but I grabbed his hand with my burned hand, flinching a little.

"Don't use that hand, don't you remember what happened?" he asked, putting the ice bag on my hand again.

"Yeah I remember, CAUSE YOU DID IT!" I yelled at him and he took the ice bag off again.

"Well if you didn't tell me to COME OVER, THAT WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED, NOW WOULD IT?" he yelled back and glared at me.

"Well if you JUST STOPPED PLAYING WITH THE CHEMICALS LIKE I TOLD YOU, I WOULDN'T BE HERE, NOW WOULD I?" I yelled back. Zelo dashed into the room and saw the two of us furious at each other.

"Hwayoung, is everything okay?" He asked. I looked at Myungsoo.

"Yeah, Myungsoo an-"

"L!" He interrupted me and I glared at him.

"MYUNGSOO and I were just talking," I said. I grinned, but Zelo was feeling worried.

"It sounded like yelling to me," he mumbled and I looked at him.

"I'm okay, really," I said and he smiled.

"Let's go to second period," Zelo said excitedly and I nodded. Zelo handed me my backpack and I thanked him for getting it. Myungsoo wasn't behind us. He just walked the other way.

"See you at third, Zelo!" I yelled at him and he nodded back rapidly.

When I walked into second I saw Sungjong and Woohyun next to my seat.

"Hwayoung! Over here!" Sungjong and Woohyun yelled simultaneously. I smiled and walked over to them. Once I got to the chair, Woohyun grabbed my hand. I pulled it back fast.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Sungjong asked. They both looked at my hand and gasped.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL HAND, BABY?" Woohyun asked a little too loudly, but I ignored it.

"A new kid accidentally spilled chemicals on my hand." I explained and their mouths dropped.

"Well, are you okay? Does it still hurt?" Sungjong said.

"Can I not touch your hand now?!" Woohyun added at the end.

"Yah Nam Woohyun...," I heard Sungjong say and I saw Woohyun glare at him but I laughed anyway.

"I'm okay..." I trailed off and the teacher started class. We were given a project with a partner, but this time we could choose. Woohyun and Sungjong looked at each other and agreed to be partners. I looked around and saw this girl sitting alone in the back.

"Hey, you want to be partners?" I asked her, then looked at her handout. It had my name on it already.

I looked at her fearfully, but she spoke up and said, "I'm sorry to freak you out, but I can see the future. I knew you would come over and become partners with me. Please don't be creeped out." She bowed her head and I could tell that she was sorry.

"Haha, It's cool." I said and sat down next to her.

"My name’s Hwayoung, as you know already." I extended my hand out and she shook it.

"I am Park Hyunmin." With that, I made a new friend.

After second was third, and we all loved third because that was power class. Everyone with powers went to a class where everyone either had the same power or the same topic. I went to my camp and saw Myungsoo.

"Ugh," I mumbled and heard him chuckle.

"Nice to see you too, how's your hand?" He asked and looked down.

"It's fine," I said plainly. Other people started to come in.

"Well..." he mumbled, but I ignored it. Once the class started we all sat down. I was really focusing until I saw what Myungsoo was doing to the other people in the camp.

"Stop doing that Myungsoo," I whispered to him. He got irritated.

"It's boring here, plus it has something to do with mood." He said and I looked at him.
"Messing with people's emotions is not funny," I whispered to him, a little louder.

"Pfft stop being a goody-goody," he said, That was it.

"And you stop acting like a tough guy who’s too good for school!" I yelled at him, earning a couple of stares which I ignored.

"I'm not acting," he said and I turned around to face him.


"STOP calling me that!-" he interrupted but I also cut in.

"Well I don't LIKE your nickname, L!" I said, continuing, "I'm calling you Myungsoo and that's final."

He blinked a couple times and opened his mouth to speak. "Fine..." he said softly and I smiled in victory.

"Okay so can you tell me what problem you hav-" I started, but he cut me off.

"I DON'T HAVE ONE!" He yelled and everyone stared at him.

"Try whispering. And yes, you do. I can feel it," I said and he stared at me.

His stare is cold and frightening, but it doesn’t scare me. . .it’s kind of attractive. . .what am I saying! I hate him! I thought to myself.

We all went outside and I walked to Myungsoo, who ignored me. I grabbed onto his jacket and turned him to face me. "Yah!" He yelled, but I continued to pull him. "Stop that," he said, slapping my hand away.

"Ahhhh!" I wanted to scream in pain, but closed my mouth to keep from screaming out loud.


"Myungsoo...why do you...keep on hurting me...?" I hesitated to ask him.

"I-I didn't mean to...maybe if you just stopped pulling me, I wouldn't have slapped your hand away." He said and walked away from me. I was on the ground, holding my own hand. He looked back, looked at me, and walked back over to me to pull me up.

"Get up, I'll walk you to the nurse," he said. I smiled a little bit.

He’s a cold person outside, but maybe he's a caring person in the inside, I thought to myself.

Once we got to the nurse’s room, Myungsoo sat me down and walked up to the woman. He came back with a bag of ice and the cream.

"Here, I'll put the ice on-" he started, but I interrupted him.

"Why don't you show your caring side?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Because...I don't want to." He said and put the ice bag on my hand.

"Does it have to do with your past?" I asked him again and he took the ice off and started to apply the cream on my hand.


"Then tell me your problem. Please," I begged and held his hand that held the cream. He put my hand down and sighed.


"Alright... My hyung died in a car crash a couple years ago on this day...I was in that car but he protected me from getting hit by the truck. The impact from the truck to his side of the car was extremely powerful...he was killed right there."

Flashback Starts

"Hyung, hyung..." I said, trying to get out of the car seat and up on the ground which was covered with glass.


I yelled at him with no answer. I felt blood dripping down from my arm. But once I looked over, I saw Hyung’s head bleeding, scrapes all over his arms and legs. I looked around and saw the truck flipped over. So was our car. It was totally ruined.

"Ah hyung...your car," I whispered to him. Then, I heard sirens. "Hyung! HYUNG! Look, people are coming. They're coming to help us." I said to hyung while shaking him ever so slightly.

"Son, I'm sorry but your brother...he's gone," I heard the officer man say.

"Ani! ANDWAE, NO, HE'S NOT. HYUNG! WAKE UP. SHOW THE MAN YOU’RE ALIVE," I yelled as tears started to roll down my cheeks. I denied the officer and I ran to my hyung. "Hyung, HYUNG! WAKE UP!" I yelled at him, rapidly shaking him to wake up.

"Son...I'm sorry, but he's gone."

I broke down and cried. He was only 18 years old; I was only 14. He was my hero; he was my brother! Now...he's really gone and I can't do anything about it.

Flashback ends.

"I'm so sorry Myungsoo." Hwayoung apologized and I looked at her.

"It's not your fault...It's mine," I replied and kept on rubbing the cream on her soft, pinkish hand.

"No, it wasn't!...Is that your problem?" She asked me. It was my problem...kind of.

"No," I lied and put the ice on her hand, but she pulled it back. I look at her, confused.

"Give me your han-"

"Not until you stop lying," she interrupted me.

"I'm not..." I lied again and she got up to leave, but I grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Let go," she said in a cold voice.

"Fine, that is my problem! I know I killed my brother! I made it happen!" I yelled out and my grasp on her loosened.

"How? He protected you from getting hurt. He risked his life to sav-"

"But I was the one who wanted to go get food. I made him drive me. I made him go, which killed him," I blurted out.

"Myungsoo, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but it's not your fault. You may have gotten him on the road, but you didn't cause the truck to hit you guys," she said and smiled. I believed her. She convinced me that I didn't kill my hyung. After we got back to the camp from an awkward, silent walk, it was lunch.

Hwayoung POV

After that really awkward walk with Myungsoo, I went to find Zelo. "Junhong?" I asked when I entered the Mind tent. "Oh-Hwayoung! Look, I made a new friend..."




Yes, soooo this is my first chapter for my new story... I hope you guys like it... I worked hard on it and even got two of my friends to check my work. THATS HOW HARD I WORKED!!







Hi appleseeds !!

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 9: Just...sighs... update soon! Can't wait~ hope those sour feelings will just change to sweet ones ^^
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 8: Aww... just update! I can't wait uh~~ >~< xD
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 7: Soooo cutee >< loolololol~ she's seriously frightened by the horror moviee... I can't watch horror movies... maybe it's not that I can't, it's I don't want and scared of them. Haha. Looking forward to the next chapter. Anyway, who's at the door....
NicLuvGuiLun #4
Chapter 5: I will wait for ya ;) don't worryy ^^ im having my exams now too xD will wait ;) will be busy until around almost the same as ur time period soo dun worryy! Good luck! Pass with FLYING COLOURS uh! Since u aren't updating thus focus on revision and do your best! Hwaitinng!! Hope you understand hehe xD cos I'm...confused myself! Hope u understand ^^ hwaitinggg!!!
belsoo #5
Chapter 5: Neh!!!!author-nim
Good luck at your exams!!!!
Do your best but anyway I'll keep on supporting your story !!!!!
NicLuvGuiLun #6
Chapter 3: Update reallllyyyy soon!!
NicLuvGuiLun #7
Chapter 1: Yaaay first chapter dongsaengie~~
Wow zelo is the best bff ever keke