Bloody Truth

Have you ever wondered how life would be if you never left?

A little time skip~


Siwon and Kyu were as happy as could be. Siwon was happy he was with the love of his life, and Kyu was happy that he finally had someone who he could trust and who loved him. Kyu still hadn't told Siwon about the issue with his family, but he thought that was the best. He didn't want to worry him, and besides he couldn't leave his little brother. Kyu was happiest at work and when he hung out with Siwon, then when he finally went home his world became reality. He felt the hatred towards him by his parents even before he walked in the door. His oarents would beat poor Kyu into unconciousness, luckily as years passed they stopped hitting him in the face as to hide suspicion. Still didn't change the fact they beat their child into submission on a daily basis. Kyu had suffered countless injuries and the pain was becoming unbearable. He had trouble breathing and spit up blood periodically. No one knew, he wouldn't allow them to worry, so he kept it hidden. This was catching up with him though.


Siwon had just woken up and the first thing he did was text his Kyu-baby Goodmorning.

'Goodmorning baby~ Hope you slept well <3'

Siwon dropped his phone on the table and went to take a shower. He knew Kyu wouldn't text him for a while, but he never understood why since school was in a couple of hours. He didn't realize the torment his beloved was suffering.

Once he got out of the shower he got dressed and headed down to breakfast. His parents and older sister were already there waiting for him.

"Goodmorning son, hope you slept well."

"Ah, goodmorning Mother, Father, noona. I slept splendidly, hope you did as well"

"You know Siwon I have come to see you've become extremely happy. More than usual, care to explain that dear?"

"Haha it's nothing mother, just I've been doing really well in my studies and am happy."

"Well, of course your doing well Siwon, you are a Choi afterall."

"Haha yes Father I guess so."

Siyoun couldn't help but grin at her little brother. She was extremely happy for him, she could tell Kyu was a sweet boy.

"Well I must be going mother, Father. I have to get to school on time."

"Ah yes alright. Have a good day my son."

"Be safe Siwon, don't be causing any mischief."

"Yes mother, father. Have a good day. Goodbye Noona see you later."

"I'll walk you out Siwon."


As Siwon gathered his belongings, Siyoun waited by the door of the mansion. When Siwon finally walked down the stairs he could see the smile across his sister's face.

"What are you so happy about Noona?"

"I'm just happy your happy silly. Tell Kyu goodmorning for me and give him a big hug."

Siwon had a small blushed dusting his cheeks but he smiled nonetheless.

"Ok Noona. Thank you. Have a nice day. I love you." He kissed her cheek and walked to his car.

"Love you to Siwon. Bye!" She waved him goodbye and closed the door.


Meanwhile at the Cho residence-


Kyu awoke on the floor once again where his parents had left him the night before. He quickly checked the time and it read 6:35. ! He only had 30 minutes to get to school, and still needed to get ready. He quickly got up and tried to be as quiet as possible. His parents most likely had gotten home late from being out drinking and he didn't want to deal with one of their episodes. He ran into the restroom and checked his face for bruising. He luckily was clean and didn't have a scratch on his face. He lifted up his shirt and that was a different story. He had black and blue bruises all over his torso and were extremely sensitive to touch. He didn't waste any time though he needed to hurry and get ready since school was 25 minutes away and it started at 7:15.

He quickly got dressed and rushed out the door. Kyu was so skinny because he was malnourished. He never had a chance to eat breakfast because he was always in a rush. He ran as fast s his legs could take him down the streets. He made it just in time and made it to the school by 7:08. He quickly found Siwon in the parking lot and gave him a big hug.

"Woah, baby what's gotten into you. You didn't text me back this morning."

"Im sorry love. I was in such a rush to get to school. I wanted to see you before class started."

"It's alright. I understand" Siwon smiled "Just go to sleep earlier next time ok baby."

"Ok wonnie, come on before we're late."

Kyu grabbed Siwon's hand and they both walked into school together. Siwon dropped of Kyu first and gave him a big kiss. Kyu blushed crimson because of how many people saw. Nobody judged them together becausr they were very cutr together and saw how much they cared for eachother.

As the day progressed, things were going smoothly. Classes were going well and soon it was almost the end of the day. It was 7th period Gym and Siwon and Kyu had this class together. They were plating dodgeball and how Kyu dreaded this game. He always got hit in places where his parents had recently hit him. He had already felt light headed and didn't want to play. He had to though, for Siwon's sake. He knew Siwon loved this game and wanted to participate.

The game was going well. Siwon's team was winning and Kyu and 3 other team members were left standing. Kyu became distracted for a second and Siwon's teammate Zelo took the opportunity to get Kyu eliminated. He threw the ball with all power he had and it hit Kyu directly in the stomach. BAM!

Kyu's world had completly stopped. It felt like he had been hit by a car and was being torn in half. He grabbed his stomach and fell on the ground. he was spitting out blood and shaking. Siwon quickly dropped the ball and ran towards Kyu. he picked up his head and tried to figure out what was wrong.

"Baby! What's wrong!Omg! Baby! Please! Be ok!"

Siwon didnt hesitate and quickly picked Kyu up and ran towards his car. he drove to the nearest hospital and told the doctors what happened. They told him to wait outside and they would check on Kyu. Siwon was going crazy and didn't know what to do. 

It felt like hours and and the doctors finally came out. Siwon jumped up and began asking questions.

"Is he alright? What's wrong with him!"

"Sir, please calm down. He is fine now and in a stable condition. May I ask who are you to the patient?"

"I'm ummmm I'm his cousin! Please doctor what's wrong with him?"

Siwon didn't want to say Kyu was his boyfriend because of his family name. If anyone found out they would tell his parents.

"He has many injuries to his body. As if he's been beaten on a daily basis. He is extremely malnourished and weak. It's amazing how much this boy has been able to take. His organs are badly bruised and will take time to heal."

Siwon couldn't believe his ears, was this all true. Was his baby suffering so much and he didn't even notice.

"Doctor, may I see him ?"

"Yes, but please be very quiet, he is sleeping and that will help with his recovery."

"Ok, I understand thank you so much. I'll take care of all the medical payments."

Siwon didn't wait for the doctor to respond and ran into Kyu's room. What he saw made his heart hurt. There was Kyu laying on the bed almpst lifeless with tubes coming out of his body, pumping fluids as if Kyu was bearly alive. He sat on the edge of the bed and held Kyu's hand.

"Kyu baby, why didn' you tell me? I would have helped you. Whoever is doing this is going to pay. Please get better."

Siwon stayed the entire night with Kyu and notified his sister about what happened.

"Omg! Is he alright!? Omg no! Omg Omg! You better stay with him! I'll call mother and father."

"Thank you Noona, Goodnight I'll call you in the morning,"

"Ok, Goodnight."

Siwon still couldn't believe what was happening. His baby was injured, in pain and he couldn't do anything. He fell asleep and awoke the next  morning when he felt Kyu moving. 

"Hmmm, where am I? Siwon!?"

"hush baby. Your in the hospital, you were spitting out blood and collapsed. Who did this to you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"well... I... ummm"

Right when Kyu was about to speak the door slammed open and came in the one person he didn't want to see.

"What did you do you little piece of ! Hospital called us last night and told us you were hear. Do you think we're made of money you little ."




and thats my update! I'm sorry I'm like super late! School was ugh! and UGHHH! But hope you like it! Comment Please! Tell me what you think!




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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 20: Please update the story:(
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 20: I've been wishing for your update... till now :(
OnlySjELF #3
Chapter 1: Hope u update soon !:(
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update
Ailegidea #5
Chapter 20: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee update soon!
Chapter 20: OMO!! update soon luv this story!!!
Angela17 #7
Chapter 20: Yeay to noona... Siwon!!
Wake up soon, or you will regret it for the rest of your life loosing Kyu..
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 19: it was really getting worst,i'm beginning to dislike this story because kyuhyun's nightmare is being repeated again and it's getting bored!
Chapter 19: Wow cant even imagine a mother like that and kibum wat the heck, i hope wonie help kyu out, update soon.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 2: Is this gonna be one of the sad ending fic about WonKyu? Actually i don't mind sad story as long as heading to the sweet happy ending.. :))
I know it's your's, i just wanna make sure before i start to read it. What can i say, i really just don't like WonKyu sad ending stories... :((