My Name Is ...

Have you ever wondered how life would be if you never left?

My name is Choi Siwon.

I live in Seoul, South Korea and I am a terrible person. I destroyed the one person who ment the world to me, and for what? To please a man who doesn't even care about me or even value me as his son. I should have never left my baby in that hell whole, but I had no choice. I wish I could take it all back. Every word, every tead, every hopeless dream.


I made so many promises that I couldn't keep. I don't deserve this life, this house, none of it.


I wish I could change the past and keep him safe.


My name is Choi Siwon and I am a terrible person...



My name is Cho Kyuhyun.

I live in Seoul, South Korea and I am worthless. I pushed away the one person who ment the world to me. I didn't give him enough love... or affection. I tried I really did. I guess I deserve it. Being rejected, alone, scared. I deserve it all. Its like my mother always said.

"You worthless piece of garbage! You cant do anything right! Why are you still alive!"

Ive been hearing things like this since I could remember. No one wants me. I dont blame them. I am nothing compared to them. They have money, clothes, people to love them.

Maybe if I just disappeared it would make everything better.

One day...


My name is Cho Kyuhyun and I am worthless...




This is the story of 2 men's lifes who were interwined with eachother. They didnt know it, but someone else was a part of this story. Not directly, but knew of all their troubles.

Its a tragic story. 2 people in love. A love that went against the odds of society. I believe they fought till the end, but it was too late. Their fates were sealed.

If only they knew...




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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 20: Please update the story:(
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 20: I've been wishing for your update... till now :(
OnlySjELF #3
Chapter 1: Hope u update soon !:(
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update
Ailegidea #5
Chapter 20: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee update soon!
Chapter 20: OMO!! update soon luv this story!!!
Angela17 #7
Chapter 20: Yeay to noona... Siwon!!
Wake up soon, or you will regret it for the rest of your life loosing Kyu..
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 19: it was really getting worst,i'm beginning to dislike this story because kyuhyun's nightmare is being repeated again and it's getting bored!
Chapter 19: Wow cant even imagine a mother like that and kibum wat the heck, i hope wonie help kyu out, update soon.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 2: Is this gonna be one of the sad ending fic about WonKyu? Actually i don't mind sad story as long as heading to the sweet happy ending.. :))
I know it's your's, i just wanna make sure before i start to read it. What can i say, i really just don't like WonKyu sad ending stories... :((