
Have you ever wondered how life would be if you never left?

-At the Dinner Table-

"Thank you Mrs and Mr Choi, for letting me stay here. Im sorry if I have caused you any trouble."

"Nonsense my boy! Friends of Siwon are always welcome! You shouldn't feel like your a nuisance to us. Honestly I haven't seen Siwon interact with someone other than his sister in a very long time. So I thank you."

"Of course he's not a bother! You're a wonderful young man Kyu don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Im glad Siwon has somoeone like you."

Kibum was iverhearing the conversation and was seething. He couldn't believe his ears, the Choi's who he atually grew to care about like family were falling for that bastards lies! Couldn't they see he was trying to take Siwon away! That his 'perfect like appearance' was all a lie! He needed the plan to commence immediatly so he could get rid of that disgusting pest. Just needed to wait to retrieve Kyu's new cell phone number from Siwon's phone. 

"So tell m dear what is your home life?"

Kyuhyun didn't expect to be asked that sort of question and he immediatly froze up. Siwon quickly intervened

"Father! How can you just ask soemthing like that? Kyu are you alright? Do you need to lie down?"

Kyu gained his composure and shook off the uneasy feeling he had. 

"No no I'm fine. Don't worry. Im stayong in your home, so some questions will always be asked. I'm fine, really. Thank you. I apologize Mr Choi, I just didn't have the best home life and there are fresh scars im trying to deal with, emotionally."

"Im sorry my boy, I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort. Just know we are here for you and you will always have a place here"

"Thank you."

"Well, now that we let out that elephant of the room, I think it's time for us to retire to our rooms. Don't you think yeobo?"

"Ah yes, let's. Amazing meal Kyu, get some rest. We'll see you both tomorrow."

"Hai, Goodnight."

When Siwon's parents had left to their room Siwon got up and grabbed Kyuhyun's hand to drag him up to their own bedroom. Kyuhyun was pulled upstairs and almost thrown into the room. Kyu turned around to say something to Siwon, but lips covered his. Siwon picked him up and Kyuhyun wrapped his legs around Siwon, never breaking the kiss. He was pushed up against the door and the air was soon running thin due to the kissing. 

"Si...Si... Siwon... I...I can't...breathe."

Siwon reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against Kyuhyun's, but his eyes wouldn't look at Kyu directly.

"Im sorry. Im sorry for my father did. I love you."

"Choi Siwon is tis really all about that. I already told you, it's fine okay. Look at me."

Siwon picked up his eyes and starred into Kyuhyuns.

"I love you okay. Only you. I know these type of questions will be asked. I've always known and I need to learn to not let them effect me. So don't worry. Okay?'

"Okay. I love you Cho Kyuhyn."

"And I love you Choi Siwon."


Kibum had overheard the entire conversation and waws ready to drag Siwon's parents into the room to show them how much Kyuhyun appreciated thier hospitality.

"No. Not yet. Mark my words Cho Kyuhyun, I will make you suffer dearly.



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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 20: Please update the story:(
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 20: I've been wishing for your update... till now :(
OnlySjELF #3
Chapter 1: Hope u update soon !:(
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update
Ailegidea #5
Chapter 20: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee update soon!
Chapter 20: OMO!! update soon luv this story!!!
Angela17 #7
Chapter 20: Yeay to noona... Siwon!!
Wake up soon, or you will regret it for the rest of your life loosing Kyu..
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 19: it was really getting worst,i'm beginning to dislike this story because kyuhyun's nightmare is being repeated again and it's getting bored!
Chapter 19: Wow cant even imagine a mother like that and kibum wat the heck, i hope wonie help kyu out, update soon.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 2: Is this gonna be one of the sad ending fic about WonKyu? Actually i don't mind sad story as long as heading to the sweet happy ending.. :))
I know it's your's, i just wanna make sure before i start to read it. What can i say, i really just don't like WonKyu sad ending stories... :((