Time to Begin.

Have you ever wondered how life would be if you never left?

"I have his number."

"Are you sure? You better have it otherwise this will never work. How did you even get it?"

"I stole Siwon's phone and took the number before he could even notice it was gone. The number is 894-768-1235."

"Okay. We will commence the plan at once."


Kyuhyun was simply exstatic. He was finally happy and didn't have to worry about someone trying to end his life or making him suffer. For once he felt like he had a real home and didn't need to hide from everyone. Siwon loved him and he was accepted by Siwon's parents. He was in bliss and didn't feel the hard stares that a certain man was giving him.

'Just you wait Kyuhyun. Just you wait.'

Siwon was out in a business meeting so Kyuhyun was left alone in the house. He wanted to be useful and decided he'd prepare dinner and help the maids clean around the house. They strongly refused inssting that he was an honored guest and should do no such thing, but he finally convinced them and they simply couldn't refuse. He started in the attic and worked his way down. Leaving each room spotless. He was so preoccupied in the cleaning, he didn't feel his phone vibrate.

'Don't think you got away from me Kyuhyun. I know your secret. Can't wait to tell the Choi's what you really are.'

Kyuhyun was terrified; how dd this person get his number again? Why did they want to hurt him so?

Siwon and his parents had arrived home, but Kyuhyun was nowhere to be found. Siwon got worried and went to look for the younger.

"Umma, Appa I'll be right down need to go find Kyuhyun."

"Alright Dear. Make sure he comes down to eat."

Siwon ran up the stairs in search of Kyuhyun. He found him inside the bedroom packing his bags.

"Kyu ? Baby whats going on?"

"Nothing. I just need to leave. I can't stay here anymore. I'm sorry."

"Wait wait what? Whats going?"


Kyuyun showed Siwon the message and immediatly continued to pack. Siwon put the phone down and grabbed him by the arms.

"Kyu baby it's going to be alright. I won't let anyone hurt you. I don't know how they got your number but we willl work everything out. No one is going to takr you from me. Understand?"

"But what if they tell your parents and they hate me? i wouldn't be able to live with myeslf if I caused you harm or your family."

"We will get through this okay. I love you and nothing is going to change that. Nothing."

"okay. Pleasemdon't leave me."

"I won't."


Tada! Hope you guys like it! Bye!

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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 20: Please update the story:(
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 20: I've been wishing for your update... till now :(
OnlySjELF #3
Chapter 1: Hope u update soon !:(
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update
Ailegidea #5
Chapter 20: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee update soon!
Chapter 20: OMO!! update soon luv this story!!!
Angela17 #7
Chapter 20: Yeay to noona... Siwon!!
Wake up soon, or you will regret it for the rest of your life loosing Kyu..
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 19: it was really getting worst,i'm beginning to dislike this story because kyuhyun's nightmare is being repeated again and it's getting bored!
Chapter 19: Wow cant even imagine a mother like that and kibum wat the heck, i hope wonie help kyu out, update soon.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 2: Is this gonna be one of the sad ending fic about WonKyu? Actually i don't mind sad story as long as heading to the sweet happy ending.. :))
I know it's your's, i just wanna make sure before i start to read it. What can i say, i really just don't like WonKyu sad ending stories... :((