Falling into the Trap

Have you ever wondered how life would be if you never left?

I grew up in a very poor neighborhood. My parents couldn't afford nice things because they always wasted it on themselves. My siblings and I were never a priority. Luckily, whatever was left over went to my siblings. It wasnt much, but it sustained. I on the otherhand, had to basically survive on my own. I had no food, clothing, hardly had a bed.

The only thing going for me was my looks. They helped me survive by being able to obtain jobs and pay for food. My parents worked but they didnt get paid enough. I was the breadwinner and I hated it. I had to take care of everything and still expected to excell in school. Not that that mattered.

"Your worthless! Why are you still here!? Get out of my house already! Piece of *hit!"

This was a daily routine between me and my mother. I would never understand why she hated me so much. Everytime she said those words to me I felt a knife slicing through my chest. No matter what I did it would never change anything. I had to accept that.

I had given up on being happy a long time ago. Until the fateful day i met him. He came out of heaven and landed at my doorstep. Well not literally. He just transferred to our school. I was granted a scholarship to a prestigious school called SM High, for gifted and academically excelled students; SMH for short. He completly changed my perspective on life. I had gained hope. Courage. And happiness.

What a fool I was.

I put my life into his hands. I gave him everything. My trust. My dreams. All of it, and for what. Nothing.

I was thrown away just like the others. I guess I didn't care enough or was worthy enough of him.

My only regret was believing it would all be able to change.

The day I recieved the invitation, my world split in 2. I felt so much pain I collapsed.

"Whats that?" She snatched the letter out of my hand.

"No wait!"


You are cordilly invited to the wedding of Choi Siwon and Jessica Jung on Saturday May 9th, 2013.

Medieval Pavillion Seoul Korea.

Ceremony: 11 A.M St. Pauls Cathedral

Reception: 7 P.M

Please come enjoy this wonderful celebration with us.


"So Mr Bigshot is finally getting married huh. I knew he would dump a worthless piece of trash like you. Good ridance too."

I felt like everthing was over that day. No point in living any longer. I wanted to disappear and never come back.

I was nothing to him. Just another play thing. I had fallen into the trap of lies. I had fallen into the trap of Choi Siwon, and there was not getting out.


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Kyusfavpenguin #1
Chapter 20: Please update the story:(
wonkyulove1013 #2
Chapter 20: I've been wishing for your update... till now :(
OnlySjELF #3
Chapter 1: Hope u update soon !:(
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls update
Ailegidea #5
Chapter 20: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee update soon!
Chapter 20: OMO!! update soon luv this story!!!
Angela17 #7
Chapter 20: Yeay to noona... Siwon!!
Wake up soon, or you will regret it for the rest of your life loosing Kyu..
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 19: it was really getting worst,i'm beginning to dislike this story because kyuhyun's nightmare is being repeated again and it's getting bored!
Chapter 19: Wow cant even imagine a mother like that and kibum wat the heck, i hope wonie help kyu out, update soon.
Angela17 #10
Chapter 2: Is this gonna be one of the sad ending fic about WonKyu? Actually i don't mind sad story as long as heading to the sweet happy ending.. :))
I know it's your's, i just wanna make sure before i start to read it. What can i say, i really just don't like WonKyu sad ending stories... :((