grab everyone's day

Camp Gay

The way Heechul saw it, Siwon exercised every part of his body. His chest, his stomach, his legs, his arms (oh God, his arms), his neck, his wrists, his fingers—probably even his too. It was the only possible explanation for how perfectly sculptured the man was. The way he walked, the way he smiled, the way he blinked—even the way he stirred the soup above the fire was a feast for Heechul’s eyes.

Heechul was never one to be discreet. Not when he was a kid and he didn’t want any vegetables so he pushed his dinner off the table (he got grounded for two weeks for that), not when he was in middle school when he didn’t like his Math teacher and called him a swear word which he had just recently learned from his sister (he got grounded for a month and almost got suspended) and not when he was in high school when he brought home his weekly boyfriends and started face with them right at the dinner table, where his whole family was obligated to watch (he got kicked out of the house because of that). And not even now, as he sat on a bulky log and carefully admired every single move the very epitome of perfection in front of his eyes made. Choi Siwon, what a beautiful name, he thought.

He knew Siwon knew he was watching him. Siwon would awkwardly look up from time to time, just to check if he was still looking, and their eyes would meet and Heechul felt an instant spark between them. But then his gaze would drop as he pretended to focus on what he was cooking, although Heechul was pretty much sure that he had just burned the rice, overcooked the meat and almost cut his finger off while chopping vegetables.

Heechul wished the night would never end. The moonlight made Siwon glow magnificently, the breeze blew his hair in an incredibly attractive way (almost as if it was a scene in a movie) and the weather wasn’t too cold, so Siwon was busily cooking dinner at the campfire in nothing but a skinny pair of jeans and a wifebeater. Everything was so perfect, until…

Lee Donghae came in the picture.

“Where’s Kyuhyun?” he approached him (too closely, Heechul thought), and Siwon looked almost relieved to see him.

In the most subtle way possible, he tried to gesture towards Heechul, to inform them that they were being watched by what was at that point, an unhappy, scowling man. But Donghae, being the dope that he is, didn’t get any of his signals. Siwon sighed, “In the tent.”


“I told him to stay there.”


“I didn’t want him to cook.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to get poisoned.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Am I?” Siwon’s eyebrows rose (Heechul liked to refer to them as Shibrows) as he put down his ladle to explain to his friend that Cho Kyuhyun cooking was equivalent to your parachute not opening while skydiving—both result into a quick and painful death.

“Let me put it this way: let’s say you were being held captive by kidnappers and the only way Kyuhyun can save you is if he cooks the kidnappers a nice, delicious meal. The second the kidnappers take a bite, you’re dead in less than a second—that is, if the kidnappers don’t die first.”

Donghae’s eyebrows rose suspiciously. “He can’t be that bad.”

“He is, Hae.” He confirmed. “I once had him make me coffee and he ended up bringing me something that tasted like mud.”

“…Maybe he did give you mud.”

Siwon’s eyes grew wide as he realized the likely possibility; after all, what was in that cup was strangely thick for liquid and he figured the leaf that got caught in his throat was a herbal one. “Oh my—”

“I can teach him!” Sungmin sprang out from behind a bush, revealing himself, in his apparently glowing beauty. “I can teach Kyuhyun. I’m a great cook; just ask Hyukkie!”

“Where the hell did you come from?” Donghae asked.

Heechul facepalmed as his grand picture was now officially ruined. Though he did notice the she-man hiding behind the bushes, he figured he wouldn’t reveal himself, since after all, how much guts could he have if was squatting behind a freaking bush? Though he had to admit, Sungmin wasn’t that bad-looking either.

“That’s not important. What’s important is that poor Kyuhyun needs to learn how to cook to live in this world, and I’d gladly teach him the basic know-hows.” He proposed. “I’ll even do it for free. And you should know, I never do anything for free.”

“I actually think this is a good idea.” Siwon rubbed his chin in thought. “Hae, what do you think?”

Donghae failed to answer though, as he was too busy ogling Sungmin’s ‘s’. Siwon had to smack his head to snap him out of it. Sungmin smirked to himself as he purposely lifted his bra up. In the background, Heechul was rolling his eyes.

“You know what? Let’s go get Kyuhyun.” Siwon took Donghae by the hand and started to pull him away, though his eyes were still fixated on Sungmin’s apparently fantastic (tissue-stuffed) man-s. “Sungmin-ssi, you stay here.”

“You can drop the ‘-ssi’.” He sing-sung as they went to fetch Kyuhyun. “Call me Sungmin.”

As he waited for the two to return with his clueless prince in culinary distress, Sungmin could feel a not-so-sneaky pair of eyes boring holes in the back of his head. He turned around, glaring, and huffed at the blank man, who just continued to stare.

“What are you looking at?” Sungmin asked haughtily, to which Heechul smirked.

And that right there was the start of a very complicated but perhaps, inevitable friendship between two of the biggest divas known to mankind.

“I’m not taking lessons from a guy wearing a dress.”

Kyuhyun was not pleased about being left alone with someone whose gender he wasn’t even sure about. He would’ve already fled by now, if Siwon hadn’t threatened to take away his laptop and his computer games if he did (because Kyuhyun was probably the only person who would bring his laptop to camp to play Starcraft).

Sungmin looked him up and down and without warning, obliged to his complaint by slipping out of his terribly short dress. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as he stood next to Sungmin, who was now only clad in ty lingerie (a red silk bra and a pair of matching lace underwear, to be exact). Kyuhyun’s gaze soon fell to the very obvious bulge that not even his tiny pair of could hold in (not that Sungmin was aroused or anything, he was just evidently very blessed in the size department).

Kyuhyun was at least thankful that the guy was wearing pantyhose. Though much to his distaste, it was fishnet. It was the first time Kyuhyun had seen fishnet; he wished it hadn’t been on a man’s (strangely very smooth) legs though.

“Dude, at least put something on.” His eyes wandered around awkwardly.

Sungmin placed his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes. “You are so hard to please. I hope you’re not like this in bed.”


“Yah, you.” Sungmin paid no heed to him as he called Donghae over, who had nothing better to do than to go in circles, poking all the tents and then occasionally getting scared whenever an owl hooted. “Go get me my pink apron and my fluffy chef’s hat from my tent. You can find it in my Prada bag. The big one.”

“I don’t even know what Prada looks like.” Donghae said, making Sungmin facepalm.

“It’s the one with the word ‘Prada’ on it.” He told him as he pointed to the tent he shared with Eunhyuk. “Now go, shoo.”

Donghae, who was, more than anything, confused at the moment, found himself scurrying off to said tent to do what he was told. Sungmin turned to Kyuhyun with a satisfactory smile. “Happy now?”

Kyuhyun was straight-faced. “I meant go put on a shirt.”

“Uh-uh. You just said ‘put something on’, you didn’t exactly say what, so I’m completely free to wear my frilly, pink apron if I want to.” He stated smugly.

Heechul, who still hasn’t moved from his spot, never took his eyes off the half- man right before his eyes. The only thing running through his mind was that he just had to borrow that set of underwear from Sungmin sometime.

Donghae didn’t know why he was doing what Sungmin told him to, especially since all Kyuhyun has been telling him ever since the day they became friends was that they were superior to everyone and that they should be giving orders, not taking them. But the thing with Donghae was that he was easily persuaded; even a monkey could tell him what to do.

The jock didn’t bother to bring a flashlight so had no choice but to blind- inside Sungmin’s tent, looking for anything that felt like Prada (whatever that was, Donghae thought). Soon enough, he got his hands on something soft and supple and—


There was a scream heard next; a scream so loud that it had the birds flying away from their nests, the squirrels running up and about, and even the bears ducking for cover.

“What happened?” Siwon was the first to come over, only to see a confused and slightly blushing Eunhyuk sitting in the tent under a blanket, while Donghae was on the ground, white as a ghost as he clutched at his chest, trying to catch his breath.

Soon, everyone had huddled around them, and Donghae was stuck trying to make up an excuse for what had just happened. “I…uh…thought I saw a bear.”

Fortunately for him, everyone bought the lame excuse and went back to what they were doing. Eunhyuk, however, was quick to pull Sungmin away to the side to share some very exciting news.

“Sungmin, Donghae just totally d my !” He revealed as he draped his blanket over Sungmin’s shoulders to cover him up.

“What?!” Sungmin gasped dramatically. “Great. Donghae is feeling you up while I’m stuck with Kyuhyun eternally staring at my crotch.”

One of Eunhyuk’s eyebrows rose as Sungmin had just realized what he said. “…Not that I’m complaining about the last part, though.” He added.

“You know what? I’m gonna get even.” Eunhyuk decided.

“Why? I thought you’d be pleased.” Sungmin asked. “Your dream hunk just grabbed your while you were asleep; that’s like every gay guy’s dream.”

“I am pleased.” He told him. “I just think it’d be fair if I get to cop a feel too.”

Sungmin put his arm around his friend’s neck, “I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I like the way you think, my little Hyukkie.”

“Dinnertime!” Sungmin called in a motherly manner. “Everyone, get your taste buds ready for a treat because we’re gonna eat Kyuhyun’s debut dish tonight.”

Kyuhyun joined the circle around the campfire, looking exhausted, which was odd, considering he just spent the last half-hour chopping vegetables, stirring soup and learning how to boil water. Then again, Kyuhyun rarely worked out, so any sort of physical activity was probably death to him.

“Wow, Kyu,” Siwon’s smile seemed forced. “This isn’t half-bad.”

“He’s right,” Heechul spit out the spoonful of pork in his mouth and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “It’s not half-bad, it’s entirely awful. This tastes like crap.”

“Which is why I made a back-up dish.” Sungmin proudly presented a big bowl of dumpling soup, as if he knew Kyuhyun’s cooking was gonna be and took the initiative to prepare a dish to clean out everyone’s tongues.

“This is nice, the campfire, I mean.” Siwon remarked. “Though to be completely honest, when I signed up for camp, I was kind of expecting log cabins and the like.”

“Well, because of the school’s ty budget, we won’t be sleeping in cabins. We are, however, allowed to use the public bathroom somewhere around here where you can shower and do your business.” Heechul revealed.

Sungmin gaped. “So we’re gonna be sleeping on the ground for three whole months? Do you even how realize unsanitary that is?”

“Which is why sleeping bags were invented. So it up.” Heechul snarled as he suggestively on his spoon while staring at an uncomfortable Siwon.

Meanwhile, Eunhyuk, who had purposely sat next to a certain someone, soon had his hand roaming around the small of Donghae’ back. Donghae fidgeted awkwardly, though he really didn’t do much to stop the man from touching him. When Eunhyuk’s hand slowly descended and made its way to Donghae’s , Donghae let out a small puppy yelp.

“Something wrong, Hae?” Siwon asked.

“Um…no.” He nervously pursed his lips together as he stiffly turned to look at the smirking Eunhyuk, who was, by the way, still squeezing Donghae’s rear.

Sungmin sent Eunhyuk a dirty look that screamed I-Know-What-You’re-Doing-You-Dirty-. “Two can play at that game, Hyukkie.”


Kyuhyun let out a girlish shriek as he felt a hard pinch on his . With his mouth wide open and his eyebrows knitted together angrily, he slapped Sungmin’s hand away and would’ve cursed him out if he hadn’t been so rendered speechless.

“I guess playing all that football has paid off.” Sungmin his lips, perhaps on purpose. “Very nice . I approve.”

The only thing that could come out of Kyuhyun’s mouth was, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What? Hyukkie did it.” He pointed out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn to a happy Eunhyuk and a blushing Donghae.

“What is this, Grab Everyone’s Day?” Kyuhyun asked, not the least bit amused about anything at the moment.

“Well, as long as everybody’s doing it,” Heechul, without the slightest care, cupped one of Siwon’s cheeks, which predictably made him yelp. “I would’ve done it sooner or later anyway.”

Siwon’s mouth stayed open for a few seconds before he decided to pretend nothing had happened as he stuffed himself with a number of kimbap rolls. Beside him, Kyuhyun was still pissed as hell, especially since Sungmin was obviously delighted with what he had done. On the other hand, Donghae ate quietly, a smile on his face for some reason.

As Heechul woke from his slumber upon hearing footsteps, he almost had a heart attack as he spotted a large figure standing in front of his tent. Grabbing the nearest thing he could find—which turned out to be a flashlight—he was just about ready to beat the crap out of whoever it was, until he heard an anxious voice, “Heechul-ssi?”.

Recognizing the voice immediately, he pulled up the zipper on his tent and saw Siwon standing rather awkwardly, holding his sleeping bag and a pillow. “Call me ‘hyung’,” he smiled, despite looking at him through half-closed eyes.

“Um, okay then, hyung.” He nodded obediently. “Can I perhaps sleep here for the night?”

“You can stay as long as you want.” Heechul allowed him in, which was a great feat for him as he was really uptight about his space. “What happened? Have a bad dream?”

“Not exactly,” he admitted. “Evidently, one tent can only hold two people and after a long and loud game of rock-paper-scissors, I ended up here. But don’t worry, hyung, this is only a one-time thing. I’ll probably find a comfortable enough spot on the ground to sleep in by tomorrow.”

“Oh, but I can’t have you sleeping on the ground. You’re a student and it’s my job to look after you.” He assured him with a pat on the back (an unnecessarily long one, at that).

“Really? Thanks.” He smiled (which made Heechul so close to melting). “So where do you suppose I sleep?”

“Right here,” he grabbed his hand and patted it comfortingly.  “Next to me, where I’ll keep you safe.”

He chuckled nervously as he slowly took his hand away from the older man’s grasp. “Um, okay…thanks?”

“My pleasure,” he smiled, though in his mind he was giving himself a mental high-five. “Anyway, make yourself comfortable. Good night.”

“Good night.” He replied as he pulled his sleeping bag over himself and shut his eyes to sleep.

But Heechul wasn’t just going to let him go to sleep that easily though. “Siwon ah?”

“Yes, hyung?”

He gave Siwon’s one final squeeze, smiled, turned back to his side of the tent and said to the now wide-eyed man, “Happy Grab Everyone’s Day.”


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Sounds like fun.
Rayshun #2
Chapter 15: This is so funny yet a lot more sweet..... The couples were so cute.. bt heechul nd siwon did really have a hard time.. so happy that it had a great ending....simply enjoyed it....Cheers dear writer
meemow123 #3
Chapter 15: OMG ... This was so sweet ...
I can't believe I cry in every single COMEDY fic I read ... That's just weird.
This fic totally made my day!!! Well done this is really well written and I am so excited for the sequel ...
I love this fic so much!!! Well definitely come back to it in the future
My poor Chullie ... T_T I hope everything turns out ok with him and Siwon ... I like them together ...
Hello! I have started a recommendations blog and would like to recommend your story :) I hope that's okay! :)
Chapter 15: I don't usually read romcoms but I love this fic omfg XD
HARDCORE KYUMIN SHIPPER EVEN THOUGH SUNGMIN IS MARRIED NOW LOL I love how you potrayed Sungmin as a really y character... I couldn't imagine him like that at first but I like it XD
snarky Kyuhyun omfg I have no words for him XD
maybe Sichul will happen in the sequel? I'm looking forward to reading the sequel sometime soon XD
Guess what?
No I'll just tell it.
GOSH! Why I only found this fic now!? OH damn! I have read "Soon-to-be Mrs. and Mr. Lee" and "Babies ever after" before I found this.. Oh freaking men!

Though I would love to read this! And I'll start it now~~
Chapter 15: Loved this <3 *proceeds to sequel*
Chapter 4: Just wantedbto tell you that you are doin a great job with this, please keep it up♥♥♥
JooHyun-shi #9
Chapter 1: Anyway congrats to your work ill continur reading soon ^^