Another High school?!

My Bestfriend's Crush


When I arrived at the gate, I found no one standing there. I guess I was too anxious. I waited for another 3 mins to find Hyomi running towards the gate. I guess I’m not the only one who is excited for this meeting today. Then I saw Jinyoung, Sandeul and Songjo walking out together laughing and holding a bottled drink. I can’t believe I waited 5 minutes for them and they actually are strolling and even had time to buy a bottle drink. I should probably took my time instead of rushing out. Now my sense of urgency of seeing the remaining 3 has disappeared. I was so pissed off but looking at Jinyoung’s smiling face made me feel happy. How can someone smile so happily and sweetly. Then I realize Jinyoung was actually looking at me. Staring at me. I looked away and found myself blushing again. How can my face blush so much.

“Hey noona!” Songjo waved to me.

“Yah! I’ve waited forever for you guys!” I shouted at Songjo and hit him on his arm.

“AH! Pain! Noona can you not hit with so much strength!” Songjo whined. He sounded just like a baby.

“You bought a drink and strolled here! How do you expect me to not hit you!”

“I didn’t ask you rush here!”

While we were quarrelling I could hear Hyomi sigh.

“These twins…”

I snickered a little when I heard it. But my conversation with Songjo had not ended. When we stopped squabbling after a few minutes I could feel someone staring at me. I turned and realize Jinyoung was looking at me. We made a quick eye contact and quickly turn to another direction. I could feel myself blushing again. This was so embarrassing.

We took a bus then the subway then another bus again. Why does this school have to be so far I thought. I was enjoying the scenery as I travelled listening to my ipod. I have never travelled this far after school started. This was the first time I travelled with so many of my friends as well as Songjo. At many times I thought we arrived because there were many grand schools there but when we arrived at the actual school, I was shocked. The name of the school was even more grand than I expect and the gate of the school was nothing like ours. It was like a giant palace standing infront of me. All the kids there were in a especially good looking uniform and had very posh items. I couldn’t stop staring at the school even when I stepped into the school. The kids there all had tons of books beside them or with them. Some were reading and some were studying. There wasn’t anyone who was playing around, running here and there in this ‘palace’. Even walked with the appropriate posture and were walking like they were on a platform and were always rehearsing how to do a proper cat walk.

“Here we are. Suji High School.” Sandeul spoke.

So this is the legendary Suji High School. 

-to be continued-

Author's note: Hello! thank you for supporting my story till now. So how do you think of it? Please subscribe or comment! It will give me loads of support. FYI. Suji high school is a real high school in seoul. I did my research on prestigious school in school and found this school. It's a public high school but only students with a high grade in middle school will be able attend it. Hope i wasn't to draggy in this chapter and the previous info can be found here on wikipedia if you would like to know more about it: . Hope you continue to support me! ^^

@layla95: Hello! thank you for supporting my story till now and commenting on it twice! ^^ Hahas! Hope you enjoy reading it then! Because there would be loads of Jinyoung in this story ^^ Though Jinyoung is not my bias, it makes me happy if my reader enjoys the biases that i picked and enjoy reading my fanfic! So thank you! ^^

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twilar #1
Chapter 12: Haha yey:D
SanderpBANA #2
Chapter 11: It must be Gongchan! I don't know... I hope it is(: I will look foward to your next chapter and future Deullie moments haha. Its good that you regained your healith.
twilar #3
Chapter 11: Is the guy gongchan? Ah cant wait^^
SanderpBANA #4
Chapter 10: I love this chapter! Need more Deullie moments jk! I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon :D I hope you get better.
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 8: Your story is cute ^_^ update soon.