My Brother

My Bestfriend's Crush



“Yes… Is it horrible?”

“No! It’s good! Means noona has finally grown and liked someone who is finally her age!”

“Aren’t you my age? I like you too does it mean I have grown a long time ago?” I snickered trying to be sarcastic

“Noona! I’m being serious. With who? Jinyoung?”

“Yea… It is bad to like someone like him?”

“No no! it’s good! He’s a protective hyung and cares for B1A4.”

“ I don’t know if I should like him to be honest “

“But why?”

“I feel like the total opposite of him”

To be honest, I was happy with how I looked but to guys, I guess I’m not their type of attraction. I just have the click with guys as friend but never as someone guys would take in heart and love whole heartedly. Because I knew I was never pretty enough or tall enough or smart enough for anyone to like me. And the only two guys that loved me and protects me are probably Songjo and my father.

“ Don’t feel that way. You’re perfect “

Then I felt a warm hand pulling me in for a hug. Songjo knew how much I loved hugs. No matter whether it’s a short or quick hug or a long tight one I love it either way. But for now, it was one of those long tight hugs that would make me feel his warmth and feel so much better.

That day I talked all day long with Songjo. Even during dinner. He made me feel good. Somehow this brother of mine was there with me. Without fail. Always when I needed him. Sometimes I wonder how would life be without him. But I couldn’t because he is someone, I would need. Someone I would need to be with me. And this brother has gone through so much ups and down in life with me I really don’t know how to say thanks to him. For everything he has done for me.

It was a long day, I sat on my bed thinking of things that I have gone through today. So many memories. And most of it was with Songjo. But somehow the scene with Jinyoung was stuck in my head. It felt like a broken tape was playing on replay in my head. Somehow I managed to stop thinking about it and slowly crept into my blanket.

“ What a long day. “

-to be continued-

Author's note: I guess you guys know my sequence of uploading stories. Though I'm busy these days for the school event that is going to happen on saturday, I'll still try my best to upload a chapter everyday so do look forward!! ^^ Thank you for supporting!

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twilar #1
Chapter 12: Haha yey:D
SanderpBANA #2
Chapter 11: It must be Gongchan! I don't know... I hope it is(: I will look foward to your next chapter and future Deullie moments haha. Its good that you regained your healith.
twilar #3
Chapter 11: Is the guy gongchan? Ah cant wait^^
SanderpBANA #4
Chapter 10: I love this chapter! Need more Deullie moments jk! I can't wait to see what happens next. Update soon :D I hope you get better.
SanderpBANA #5
Chapter 8: Your story is cute ^_^ update soon.