Just A Taxi

Nothing was going right.Like seriously.
My mum questioned me about my sleeping during the lecture.
In which I told her I wasn't sleeping but she wouldn't believe me.
"You still had those things in your ears,its rude."
"I choose what my ears want to listen."
"Minhye,this is not convincing me,moreover your father."
I stayed quiet.
She sighed,"You are going to apologize to our invited guest,you understand me?"
"Umma,he's just a kid."
"Like you,but he's much more matured than you,planning and coming up with a lecture for the whole level isn't easy,even for a straight A's student like him."
I cocked an eyebrow,if she knew how he stuck out his tongue at me,she wouldn't be saying this.
"Are you comparing me with him?"
"My dear,you know that's not what I mean."
I shrugged,"Whatever."
"Young lady,doing well for all your subjects doesn't mean you can ignore your lessons and lectures,even if you have tuition."
"Yeah fine whatever."
I walked out of her office.
I sighed,"What is it?"
"Yeah okay."
I slouched down the hallway with my hands in my pockets.
A student rushed out the door and the cold wind from outside hit me.
My skirt flew and I heard some idiots whistle.
I glared at them and pulled my skirt down.
Who in the world designed skirts this short?
I grumbled my way to the library,cursing the designer of our school's uniform.
I sat at the back of the library and closed my eyes.
I'm supposed to be going for my private lesson with some specially invited tuitor,but do I look like I care?
"You really have a lack of sleep don't you?"
I opened my eyes and closed them again,"What do you want?"
The blondie sat down next to me on the floor,"So you sleep like,everywhere?"
I glared at him then at my short skirt,"No,I don't need to explain to you."
He nodded,"Yeah that's true."
He took his blazer off and laid it on my legs.
I eyed him and shook my head.
"Want to tell me something?"
I thought about it,"Yeah,sorry bout just now."
"The sleeping in your lecture thingy."
"Well you weren't sleeping that's for sure."
I watched him,"How would you know?"
He shrugged,"I won't want to bore you with all those human behaviour stuff,so,I just know okay?"
I nodded,"I'm not going to talk anymore."
"Just don't want to."
He chuckled,"Okay."
I closed my eyes and let sleep try to take over.
Couldn't though,I kept dreaming of Youngjae,it was crazy.
I wonder if he has changed much.
I sighed and got up,tossing the blazer back to Blondie,"Thanks,I need to get out of here though,my head isn't cooperating with me."
No response.
I glanced at him and realised he was asleep.
I scoffed and kneeled down next to him.
I took his blazer and put it neatly on his body.
He looked handsome,his glasses made him look smarter.
I bet without it a group of girls would be surrounding him twenty-four seven.
Well,he's still a stranger to me,I didn't even bother knowing his name.
Won't be seeing him again anyway.
Unless I get a transfer.
I sighed and went to the librarian's desk.
I scribbled a short note.
-Sleep didn't want me,got you though.No more lectures with you I hope,nice not knowing you stranger ;p-
I put it in his blazer pocket and left.
I didn't like making connections with people.
That's why I cut off every possibility.
I went back home to be greeted by my mother.
"Went for your private lesson?"
My mother glared at me and opened .
Great,another lecture.



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Yumi_Matoki #1
Chapter 20: Aww!!! This was so cute! When I finished reading this, something popped into my head. Minhye never beat Youngjae's high score on the brain teasers!!! XD
Chapter 20: omg i looovveeed it!! the ending really cute x] <3
Chapter 20: AKJNFNFN.*fangirling* *coughcoughcough* anyway. This story was amazing!!!!
Chapter 20: <3 <3 <3
this is toally ruining my bias list in B.A.P..
but it worth it.. hehe.. ok maybe not.. Dae is still #1...
love it so much.. love you >.< (ok I sound like a _______)
Chapter 20: D'aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww. <3 <3 <3 I'm glad that their parents accepted their relationship. hihihihi
I love your story, author-nim! Good job. :3
Chapter 20: Okay okay... Its over what am I supposed todo now? Lol jk the ending was perfect!!!
Kekeke! I LOVED THIS FANFIC so so soooo much! You did a great job author-nim! :D
I always looked forward to your updates everyday and you never dissappointed (: again great fanfic! Dami~ >_<
Chapter 17: KYAAAA~!!!! >//////////< DJLSJDKKSNFOD <3333
Chapter 16: truthfully(dont know if I'm spelling this right??) speaking...
I'm confused.. anyways update soon ^_^
Chapter 15: Ahh eotteokhae~?! i'm so curious (yeah~~) >< i wonder whats gonna happen next lamdslndkakdnka *O*