Just A Taxi

I popped my head into the living room.I glanced around,my dad was on the sofa.
His presence was authoritative.Not good,at all.
I cleared my throat,"Appa."
He didn't even turn to look at me,"Sit."
I sat down and took Youngjae's coat off.
Feeling the awful weight of guilt or something.I laid it on my lap and felt slightly better.
I looked up,"Well what?"
My father stared at me,"Well,where have you been?"
I scratched my head,"I went for the school's excursion earlier."
My mother appeared from upstairs,blinking at me like some signal,but I already knew.
"What happened later?"
"The bus broke down."
"So I heard."
"I called a cab."
He nodded.
"It took twenty minutes to reach me."
"I see."
"I didn't fetch the whole bunch of kids with me,I mean,I left my teacher and class there."
"No surprise there."
I sighed,"I took the taxi all the way to Youngjae's house."
"Is that so?"
I stood up,"Look,we just played some video games and talked,that's all.What do you expect us kids to do?"
My mum put her finger to her lips but my dad was already on his feet.
"Seems like he didn't listen to my warning."
"Appa,that's enough,he's literally my only friend and in case you didn't know,the reason why I wanted a transfer,was because of him.But now that I found him,I'm not even bugging you or anything.
Is having a friend some problem for you?You want me to succeed without friends,or without humanity?Because its the same okay?
Living everyday going to school with kids talking behind your back just because you're the principal's daughter,just because I study better than them.
Is it my fault I have a billion tutors?Is it my fault I get double the work they have?Is it my fault my father wants to get rid of the only friend I have?"
I took a deep breath and my father was staring at me blankly.My mother just watched.
After a long silence,my dad spoke.
"Its not just a matter of friends anymore,is it?"
I froze,not just friends?
"Choi Minhye,as my daughter,I expect a better partner for you.Not your childhood friend that appeared back to you after a few years."
I stared blankly.
"He may be nice and everything,but he is like his father,they forget the people who help them."
"W-What does that mean?"
"You think LTE high would do well without help?"
I raised an eyebrow,"You helped."
My father nodded,"It wasn't long before they forgot though."
"Appa,its a small matter,you help people not expecting anything in return."
"He should have at least helped when I was humiliated."
"Now what does that mean?"
He sighed and I looked at my mum."When you were twelve,the convention?"
I nodded.
"After Youngjae tied his jacket around you,his father pulled him away and left."
"How could he leave my daughter like that?"My father snapped.
"How could you leave your daughter in someone else's hands like that?"
"He was my friend."
I scoffed,"You're right,he was."
I grabbed Youngjae's coat and went upstairs.
I sat on my bed and hugged my knees close to my chest.Rocking back and forth.
I didn't cry,I don't cry.I don't blame anybody,I mean,everybody's life is different right?
My phone rang and I stared at it,not realising that I was supposed to pick it up.
I stared at it longer than I should.
"Ah,"I took it and answered the call.
"Minhye ah."
"Nae oppa."
"You sound okay."
"Which is weird right?"
I sighed.
"Have you even taken a bath?"
"You think?"
"Good guess."
"I need to see you."
I ran my hand through my hair,"Me too."
"Can you come out then?"
"What now?"
"I'm outside."
"You serious?"I rushed to my window and saw Youngjae at the street below.
I glared at him,"Yah,you crazy?!"
"Shh,you're so noisy."
"Well you've got my coat."
"That's true."
"Come down."
I hung up and grabbed his coat.



A/N:Hey guys! I finally (after years of searching and going through thick jungles...LOL) got my 'One Shot' album and guess whose photo card I got? Haha,I got Youngjae's card! Thanks to my subscribers and please comment! Oh and this story is ending,just saying :)

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Yumi_Matoki #1
Chapter 20: Aww!!! This was so cute! When I finished reading this, something popped into my head. Minhye never beat Youngjae's high score on the brain teasers!!! XD
Chapter 20: omg i looovveeed it!! the ending really cute x] <3
Chapter 20: AKJNFNFN.*fangirling* *coughcoughcough* anyway. This story was amazing!!!!
Chapter 20: <3 <3 <3
this is toally ruining my bias list in B.A.P..
but it worth it.. hehe.. ok maybe not.. Dae is still #1...
love it so much.. love you >.< (ok I sound like a _______)
Chapter 20: D'aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww. <3 <3 <3 I'm glad that their parents accepted their relationship. hihihihi
I love your story, author-nim! Good job. :3
Chapter 20: Okay okay... Its over what am I supposed todo now? Lol jk the ending was perfect!!!
Kekeke! I LOVED THIS FANFIC so so soooo much! You did a great job author-nim! :D
I always looked forward to your updates everyday and you never dissappointed (: again great fanfic! Dami~ >_<
Chapter 17: KYAAAA~!!!! >//////////< DJLSJDKKSNFOD <3333
Chapter 16: truthfully(dont know if I'm spelling this right??) speaking...
I'm confused.. anyways update soon ^_^
Chapter 15: Ahh eotteokhae~?! i'm so curious (yeah~~) >< i wonder whats gonna happen next lamdslndkakdnka *O*