My Everything

You Have Me





       In comes Dongwoo, looking as pale and distraught as ever. Myungsoo quickly rises and goes to him, pulling him into a warm hug. Dongwoo limply stays in his embrace, his breath shuddering when Myungsoo kisses the side of his cheek tenderly. 

       "She called me too, " Myungsoo says softly. He hates to see Dongwoo emotionless, it takes a lot to make him so. "Its okay, baby. You will always have me, no matter what." Dongwoo looks at him, and the loving gaze that Myungsoo sets on him frees the dam that he had built to contain any more tears bound to flow for the night. 

       "She hates me," Dongwoo whimpers through the tears. "My own mother hates me." It's not something new to him but it still hurts. 

       "I know," Myungsoo says calmly, patting the back of Dongwoo's head, and it just makes him cry harder because the fact that Dongwoo's mom could care less about her only son is a truth that even Myungsoo can't deny. "I'm sorry, baby," Myungsoo whispers, kissing the top of the elder's head. "Your mom is ignorant and undeserving of you and your love. She just wants to see you get hurt." He pulls away, and dabs at Dongwoos eyes and nose with his sleeve.

     "I just don't understand," Dongwoo begins, his eyes watering again. "All I cause is problems, everyone always suffers because of me." 

     "Dongwoo," Myungsoo's voice has an edge to it and he looks at Dongwoo with concerned eyes. Myungsoo was never good with comforting, but he knew how to soothe Dongwoo. "I love you." Its the way Myungsoo stresses the word, his eyes sincere, as if he was trying to put all his emotions into it, that brings guilt flowing through the elder's body. He does not want those concerned eyes to turn angry on him now and it scares him to know there might be a possibility that Myungsoo could hate him. But his worries are interrupted with Myungsoo's soft voice, and Dongwoo holds the younger tight for fear that he may dissapear suddenly. Their love could just evaporate into nothingness. "Do you want to know why I love you? Why I would never leave you? Why the thought of you leaving me is worse than anything? Why I would never for a moment want to watch you suffer like this? Do you want to know why?" Dongwoo doesn't say anything for a while. 

     "Because you love me." Dongwoo says softly, hesitantly even after all those years together, and looks at Myungsoo to find the man smiling at him with the most beautiful face. Myungsoo understands Dongwoo in a way he never expected to be understood and it makes him smile a grateful smile. 
"And because you make me happier than anyone else, you make me feel so lucky and so glad to be alive. You make me feel grateful to have met you and even more to be with you everyday, to be able to kiss you, to be able to hold you, to be able to fu-" Dongwoo laughs, breaking off Myungsoo's sentence and the younger man laughs too.

     Dongwoo's eyes roam his boyfriend's face and he leans in just as Myungsoo does, their lips touching with the utmost gentleness and moving slowly, carefully. Dongwoo's hand encircles the younger's abdomen and he pulls him as close as the two can be. Myungsoo pushes their bodies so that Dongwoo's back is pressed against the door and the weight is causing Dongwoo's body to slump and slide till the two are a heaping mess on the ground. Dongwoo's urgent lips mold into Myungsoos, moving to the beat of their hearts. Myungsoo tries to rub the sides of his Dongwoo's body but ends up tickling him. Dongwoo's head shoots up, his head hitting the door, but the pain is forgotten as laughter erupts from his insides. He pounces on myungsoo to get revenge, and then begins the ticklefest. All of Dongwoos worries have momentarily subsided as he drowns in the feeling of being with Myungsoo. It's pure ecstasy.
Or atleast until Myungsoo asks about the inevitable question.

     "Woo, what about the wedding?" The two are on the bed now, readying to go to sleep. Dongwoo is tired, the emotions exhausting his body. The question has been plaguing Myungsoo's mind but he didn't know when to bring it up. Dongwoo stops pulling the covers up and turns to Myungsoo with an unreadable expression. 

     "I need to go," he says. "I mean, she said she wants this to be the end, she wants to create a new family. A better one with a better husband and with kids she can actually be proud of. And I know if I don't show up, she's going to think she has won this. Whatever this is." he pauses, waiting for myungsoo to speak but the younger doesn't say anything. Instead he rolls over so that he's halfway on top of Dongwoo, head resting against the elder's chest. 

     "We'll do that," Myungsoo says softly after a while, his eyes locking into Dongwoo's. "And one day, we will make our own little family." Dongwoo looks back at him and they stare into eachother's eyes, lips beginning to curl into indentical grins.  

     "2 boys, one girl." Dongwoo says enthuiastically and Myungsoo nods cutely making Dongwoo grin. His heart could burst in a swirl of rainbows and unicorns with how happy Myungsoo, his one and only, makes him. He settles on the bed, fully content in every important aspect, and allows Myungsoo to get comfortable against his body.    

     "Good night, Myung." Dongwoo says, bending down to kiss his lover's forehead. With a click he turns off the light, commiting the room to sudden darkness.   

     "Night, baby." Myungsoo says, voice already laced with sleep. Dongwoo chuckles happily and Myungsoo smiles into his neck. He yawns, fanning air against the nape of Dongwoo's neck and closes his eyes. He can feel Dongwoo's pulse beat a bit faster than usual and it's comforting how it steadily slows down to a regular rate.  

     They fall asleep in each other's arms, comfortable and at home. 



Sorry for not updating! I , i know.

and i probably have a lot of grammar mistakes. Forgive me.

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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard