When You Came Into My Life

You Have Me




        -Year 2000


     Dongwoo walks into the cafeteria and goes to buy his lunch. He immediately spots his best friend with a few other kids from his class. He smiles at them all, even at the one he doesn't know, before sitting next to his best friend, Ken.   

"Hey," Dongwoo says with a smile. Ken looks up at him from his phone; the boy Dongwoo’s seen in the hallways sometimes is sitting on the other side of him and leaning against his shoulder.

"Hey. This is Leo. He’s in the class next door to us. And Leo, this is Dongwoo." Dongwoo smiles at the dark haired boy but Leo only murmurs a hi before turning to his food. 

"What are you guys doing?" Dongwoo asks and looks at the phone in Ken’s hand. It looks like they were watching something. 

"Nothing much, apparently Leo loves the same bands I do so we were just listening to some songs." 

"Oh, you tried showing me them right?"

"Yeah, but you didn't like them," ken states and says something to Leo that Dongwoo can't hear. Leo, as quiet and stoic as he is because Dongwoo has never seen him in any other way, smiles cutely. He says something Dongwoo can’t make out but his voice sounds very soft which clashes with his dark looks. 
The two proceed to talk to each other and Dongwoo is left out even though he tries to join conversation.

 It was never the same after Leo and Ken became friends. Ken, who was supposed to be Dongwoo’s best friend, became distant till the two were just acquaintances. It hurt him but Leo had taken his spot and it seemed to Dongwoo Ken liked it that way.


        -Year 2003

"Hey! Woohyun!" Dongwoo yells as he steps out of the school building. Woohyun stops walking and pauses at the sound of the voice. He turns around to Dongwoo and gives him his signature eye smile before going over to him and looping an arm around his shoulders. 

"I thought you were going to stay after school," Dongwoo says. "I don’t have club today but Mom isn’t in her best mood lately so I'm gonna hide out at school or just wander around." Woohyun gives his friend a squeeze and pats his back. 

"You can come over anytime, unless no one is home of course (he laughs at his own joke). If u need to and you can always talk to me, okay?" Woohyun gives him another genuine smile and a hug. They part just as another boy comes into their view. He is smiling at them with the most adorable face. Woohyun left Dongwoo’s side and walked down the steps to the other boy. They talked a bit before Woohyun turned to Dongwoo and beckoned him over. 

"This is Yeseob. And Yeseob, this is Dongwoo. Seobie and I are in the same quire class and since our vocals are really good, we were invited to perform with high schoolers at a festival." At this point, Woohyun is gleaming with pride and excitement. "So, we have to go to the high school and practice with them." Woohyun explained. He took out his phone and called his mom. 
Without him having to say anything, she tells him she will be there in a few minutes to drive them to the high school. 

Dongwoo stayed with them until they had to leave. He didn’t talk much since the two were babbling about the festival and quire class but bid them farewell with a bright smile.
From them on, the two stayed friends but they weren’t as close. The two didn’t talk much and as the years went by, they stopped talking except for short and meaningless conversations. Yesoeb was always with Woohyun till the day he moved and even then, the two didn’t cease their friendship. Woohyun became popular during their senior year and became so different than the boy he once was. Drinking and partying became his life till his parents found out about his habits and put him under a strict watch. If you are wondering how Dongwoo knows this, gossip makes its way around everywhere.

 Dongwoo no longer had a place to go after Yeseob entered Woohyun’s life. When Dongwoo’s parents would at him for the simplest things, making him known to the fact that he was a mistake, or when he wanted comfort, he’d have no one to talk to. His remaining middle school days were spent with him walking around aimlessly or just staying behind at school sometimes. He was bullied a lot, usually after school and thus came home with bruises and scars that no one questioned or cared for.

 He always felt alone, as if he was nothing. As Katy Perry would say in the future, Dongwoo felt like a plastic bag floating in the wind. He felt alone and worthless, lost and forgotten, like he was something that could not be loved.

All this changed with Myungsoo.



      -Year 2006

“Oh, hey Myung.” Dongwoo says as he takes a seat next to him in the cafeteria. The two don’t have any classes together so lunch time is the only time they meet. Myungsoo is talking to someone but turns around to give him a smile before turning to the boy next to him.

Dongwoo turns to his food, a sickening feeling forming in his stomach.

Myungsoo bursts out laughing and turns around to Dongwoo.

“Hyung, this is Sungyeol. Sungyeol you already know who he is.” Myungsoo says quickly. “So Sungyeol just told me that this guy in his math class came in 20 minutes late and he’s kinda chubby and red in the face cuz he was running to the class. So the teacher asks him why he is late and guess what he says? He says, ‘Oh sorry, my stomach was hurting so I had to poop’. Then the teacher asks, ‘it took you this long?’ and the kid says, ‘yeah, it wouldn’t come out’. Its so embarrassing, why would you say that?” Myungsoo is laughing wildly, Dongwoo and Sungyeol can’t help but join in. When they calm down a bit, they look at each other and burst out laughing again because they’re all red in the face.

“Are you guys okay?” A voice interrupts their crazy laughing spree.

“This is Sungjong guys. And this is Dongwoo hyung, and this is Myungsoo.” Myungsoo shoves Sungyeol away causing him to bumb into Sungjong.

“Do you guys know how loud you are?” The three take a moment to look around and are surprised to find many pairs of eyes around the room focusing in their direction.

“Who cares?” Myungsoo says and takes in a spoonful of noodles. “Hey, hyung? Do you want to come over today? Mom keeps asking me to bring you home. I think she loves you more than me.” Dongwoo laughs and nods.

“Sure.” He says with a smile. After meeting Myungsoo, he’s felt so happy. He has someone to confide in, someone to joke with, someone to love and who loves him back. He never imagined it possible.



     -Year 2017


“Dongwoo-ah. Please, put down that camera.” Dongwoo pouts in a ridiculous way that makes Myungsoo laugh and finally turns it off, placing it on the table in their dining room.

“I just wanted to take a picture of your first day at work. You look so good in a suit.” He grins and goes to stand in front of his lover.

“You took like twenty pictures,” Myungsoo says laughing. He cups the elder’s cheeks and kisses him briefly on the lips. He pulls away, and immediately breaks into a nervous smile. “I’m scared.”

“Do you want me to hold your hand while you walk inside,” Dongwoo asks grinning and takes a look in the mirror as he fixes himself up a bit.

“Shut up.” Myungsoo yells from the bottom of the stairs where he is putting his shoes on. “C’mon!” he yells impatiently. Dongwoo puts his shoes on quickly and grabs the keys. They run out to the car, Dongwoo taking the wheel.

“Calm down, Myungie,” the elder says softly to his lover. “Why are you so nervous?” Myungsoo doesn’t respond right away so the car is filled with silence.

“I’m afraid I’ll screw up. This has been my goal since I was young and my family always said I was pursuing the wrong career, that I would be nothing.” Dongwoo sighs.

“Listen, you head. They didn’t think you should’ve married a boy either but you did. They don’t understand you. You are your own person and as your husband, my opinions matter more.” Dongwoo gives him a small smile that turns into a grin once Myungsoo smiles too.

“I love you. It’s a wonder how we got here but I’m happy,” Myungsoo says and kisses Dongwoo’s hand. The elder looks at him with warm and loving eyes before shifting it back on the road.

“I love you too, Myung, more than anything.” Myungsoo squeezes his hand and the car is silent for the next minute until Dongwoo enters the parking lot that is shadowed by a giant building Myungsoo will be working in.

Myungsoo kisses him just as he shifts the gear to park and the kiss is so sweet and long, it has them breathless.

“Good luck,” Dongwoo mumbles and fixes Myungsoo’s hair. He pecks him on the lips as a Myungsoo starts to look nervous again. “I’ll buy you something special for tonight.”

“Thank you.” Myungsoo says and looks at his watch before scrambling out the car. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Dongwoo watches Myungsoo walk in, and remembers the briefcase in the back seat. He yelps and quickly grabs it before running out.

“Myung!” He screams though the other is already inside. He runs into the building and screams his husband’s again. Myungsoo turns to him, as do countless people at the sudden burst of commotion. Dongwoo gives a nervous smiles before jogging to his lover and handing it to him. “You forgot it,” he whispers, a little out of breath. Myungsoo just smiles at him, eyes shrinking and lips curling.

“Thank you, love.” He whispers sweetly. He would kiss Dongwoo if not for the people around him but Dongwoo understands and gives the other a grin before running out.   




   Sorry for not updating in a long time, i had no idea of what to write

   Hope you liked the chapter :D sorry for any mistakes, i kinda rushed it

   Please comment ^^ and thank you to guys who subscribed, it reallllyyyyy means a lot to me :D 



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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard