Hate at First Sight

You Have Me





       "Would you like to go out with me?" Myungsoo asks, a shy smile gracing his lips. The girl, pretty with long dark hair, smiles, a hand going up to cover . She gives a small nod, the fair skin on her cheeks turning to a light shade of red. Myungsoo smiles wider, a blush creeping up his cheeks as well. He finds her absolutely adorable.

       He tucks his hands into the pockets of his pants and looks down for a while, not sure of what to say. For a few seconds there are no sounds, just a few shy glances passed between them. This was how their relationship started, with Myungsoo confessing to his long time crush by the stairwell in seventh grade. She was his first girlfriend.



      Fast forward two months and It's almost Valentine’s Day. Myungsoo is feeling giddy and nervous; it’s the first time he has a Valentine. He asks his mother for some money and lies about needing to buy an expensive pair of socks. It’s a stupid lie and his mom sees right through it, but he thought he had been clever.

     "Do you have a girlfriend? Are you trying to buy her something?" Myungsoo’s mother questions. He looks at her and looks away, his cheeks starting to change shade. 

      "N-no. I-I just..." He doesn't know what to say and asks her for money again. She laughs and tells him she will take him to the mall later. "Mom! That's embarrassing! I don't want them to see me shopping with you," Myungsoo reasons. His mother sighs, but understands. 

     "Fine," she succumbs to her son’s pleas and hands him a twenty dollar bill. He looks at her, eyes asking for more. "If you want more, go find a job," she says and shoos him away. He groans but smiles as he goes to his room. 

     "One more day till Valentine’s Day," Myungsoo beams as he washes his face in the bathroom.  He's smiling, too wide for the Monday morning. When he goes back to his room, he dresses in his uniform and looks inside the pretty little gift bag that sits by his study table. There’s a small teddy bear inside it holding a red heart. He had originally bought a ring but his mom had returned it and bought the bear instead. He didn't really complain, at least he didn't have to pay for it. His phone beeps, diverting his attention from the little gift. He goes to pick it up. 

    Five minutes later, his mom comes into his room, seeing Myungsoo under the bed. 

    "Honey, what’s wrong?" she asks, concerned, and sits on the side. He doesn't reply for a while but finally speaks after a while. 

    "She broke up with me," he says softly. His pets his hair and tells him it's all right. 

    "Can I skip school?" Myungsoo asks, his voice raspy. His mom looks at him, well the outline of him, and decides to let him have it easy for his first heartbreak.

    "Okay," she says and lets him stay in bed. Myungsoo falls asleep, and wakes up to an empty house. He feels horrible and his stomach grumbles though he doesn’t have much of an appetite. When he walks into the living room, there’s a box of fresh donuts that bring water to his mouth. Myungsoo runs to it and practically swallows one whole. He keeps forgetting how awesome his mother is.


    The next day, Valentine’s Day, is gloomy. The teddy bear stays in Myungsoo’s mother’s room while he sulks his way through school. He wanted to throw it away, but his mother said she’ll keep it as a Valentine from her beloved son. He hasn’t even talked to his ex ever since she broke up with him though he has seen her in the hallways A few times. Myungsoo is extremely grateful that they have no classes together so he doesn’t have to see her. He wonders if the awkwardness will pass or if they will stay like this forever.

     Near the start of fifth period, Myungsoo is walking to his science class with one of his buddies. His friend is blabbering on about something and though Myungsoo tries, he can’t seem to focus on what he is saying. They’re a few feet away from their destined class when Myungsoo spots his ex. His eyes naturally move to her, and his heart both clenches in hurt and anger as he sees another boy by her side. He can’t help but notice the boy and form a few insults in his head. To his dismay, the boy looks ahead of him, eyes meeting Myungsoo’s. Myungsoo inwardly freaks out, quickly looking away and rushing to the class. He doesn’t realize that he left his friend behind until he’s in the classroom and his friend gives him a light punch of his arm.

    “What the hell was that? Looks like she got a new boyfriend,” his friend says taking a seat behind him. Myungsoo doesn’t reply, his mind still pondering over the hallway incident. He feels embarrassed getting caught staring and with a loud groan, he puts his forehead on the desk.


     It’s a random day of April when Myungsoo’s mother is caught up at work and can’t come to pick him up after his club ended. He had refused his friend’s offer to give him a ride earlier thinking his mother would come immediately but now he regrets it. The clouds are dark and heavy, and the weather is cool. Myungsoo doesn’t have an umbrella and it looks like it might rain.

    It does. After twenty minutes of waiting, and a text message from his mom telling him how sorry she is and to give her half an hour, the raindrops fall. It starts off slow, but picks up to a heavy thundering in moments until all that’s audible is rain and thunder with the occasional flash of lightening. Myungsoo has retreated to the safety of the school, sitting outside the main door to his school on a bench. Another guys comes in and joins him. He glances at the boy as he sits down, a hood partially covering his face. The structure of the nose and the lips that jut out are familiar but Myungsoo cant remember where he’d seen them.

    After a few more minutes, the guy next to him turns around.

    “Waiting for a ride? Me too, I think I might have to walk home.” The sound of his voice is deep and light in tone, friendly. Myungsoo turns to him, not expecting to find the person who stole his first love. He stares at the boy, and looks away. “What?”

    “Nothing.” Myungsoo says and looks in front of him.

    “What grade are you in? I think I saw you around in the hallways.”

   “…” Myungsoo hears the boy in a breath and turns so he isn’t facing Myungsoo anymore. He doesn’t say anything else.

  Myungsoo’s mother arrives and he gratefully sprints the short distance to the bus loop, not bothering himself with the other boy. He quickly opens the door and gets in. His mother apologizes to him and asks him to offer the boy a ride. He looks outside at the pitiful boy and feels a sentiment of remorse for being as ignorant as he was.

   “Go on,” his mom urges and he reluctantly gets out. The boy looks up at him from his phone, lips slightly parted.

   “Do you need a ride?” Myungsoo asks. The boy his head to look around Myungsoo and to the car.

   “Are you sure?” The boy asks. Myungsoo sighs, irritated, and wonders why the boy would think otherwise.  

   “Do you or do you not? You’re making my mom wait,” He rudely says, his patience running thin. The boy nods with a smile that Myungsoo thinks is too cheerful looking and picks up his backpack.

   “What is your na-“

   “Myungsoo,” said boy cuts in and runs to the car, the boy following behind.

   “Thank you,” the boy says to to Myungsoo’s mother when he’s inside and gives her a grin of appreciation.

   “Oh, no problem,” Myungsoo’s mother says kindly and gives him a smile. “What’s your name?”

   “Jang Dongwoo,” the boy politely says and fastens his seat belt. Myungsoo grumpily looks outside, the sight blurred by the continuous rain pounding on the window. 



    I apologize for this random chapter but it was all i could muster up at the moment. 

 I put off my homework and i always tell myself not to procrasinate but i do it anyways.

   Sorry, hopefully next chap will be better. Thanks for reading!  :D  

       And have a good day/night! ^^ Bye 

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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard