Something Between the Lines

You Have Me



The first to notice anything was Sungyeol. He noticed the way the two friends were when together. Myungsoo was always happy, though Dongwoo had that effect on everyone, but he was also clingier. It was no big deal to give friends hugs, it was normal, but Myungsoo had never been the touchy kind so it was a wonder why he was always so close to Dongwoo.


     "Okay class. For the bell ringer, I want you to give me the different types of bonds between atoms. Use your notes to help you." The teacher went back to her seat and started looking over the piles and scatters of paper lying on her desk.  

     "Hey, Myungsoo." Sungyeol kicked the chair in front of his desk to get the black haired boy's attention. 

     "What?" Myungsoo asked lazily as he turned around. He was not a morning person and having a boring class such as chemistry first thing just added weight to his already heavy lidded eyes. 

     "Are you dating anyone?" The question is random, but Sungyeol is a weird so Myungsoo thinks nothing of it. 

     "You would've known if I was." Myungsoo says, yawning midway through the sentence. 

     "You know Lee Hyeri? She likes you." Sungyeol noted the disinterest in Myungsoo. 

     "So? I don't even know her," Myungsoo responds. 

     "She's really cute though," Sungyeol tries to reason. 

     "Then ask her out yourself," Myungsoo says and turns back.

Sungyeol sighs and kicks Myungsoo’s chair again. 

     "Mr. Lee!" the teacher yells and gives a stern look towards Sungyeol’s direction. A few other boys lift their heads, not sure if they were the ones being called on by the teacher. “I don't know what that poor chair did for you to kick it with so much force, but you're disrupting the class." Sungyeol mutters a sorry loud enough for her to hear and picks up his pencil to start the assignment. Myungsoo looks at him and laughs.

     "Shut up, ," Sungyeol says. 

     "," Myungsoo mutters.

     "I can't believe you're not even considering going out with her," Sungyeol says, his voice a loud whisper. People look in their direction, curious. Myungsoo gives him an annoyed look and turns around. "Myungsoo," he whispers, trying to get his attention. 

     "Shut up."

     "Myung, you don't like anyone do you? Maybe Cho Sohyun?" After a few seconds he adds," A guy?" Myungsoo turns around, clearly irritated. 

     "What are you trying to say?" the dark haired boy asks crossly.

     "I was just joking. God, relax." Myungsoo plucks Sungyeol’s pencil out of his hand and hits him hard in the head.
     "Ouch," Sungyeol whines, rubbing his head. 


     "Hey, Hyung," Myungsoo smiles at the blonde boy as he comes into view amidst the swarm of students at the cafeteria. The elder settles down on the round table, his backpack falling down with a thud. Sungyeol watches them, a little too I intently because Sungjong elbows him on the ribs. 

     It's been a few days since their conversation in Chemistry class and Sungyeol still had an odd felling watching them. He thinks he might be over thinking it, but he can't help but feel like the two have some things unsaid between each other.

     "Are you going to buy lunch?" Myungsoo asks as he looks at Dongwoo who has his cheek lying on the table. He opens his eyes and looks at Myungsoo, and gives a pout which looks odd with his cheek squished by the table. Myungsoo bursts out into laughter. 

     "Do you see that?" Sungyeol whispers, staring at the two across from him. Sungjong gives him a confused look before trying to figure out what Sungyeol is talking about. He watches as Myungsoo carelessly twirls a piece of hair in front of Dongwoo’s forehead around with his fingers. Dongwoo gives a smile before closing his eyes again. 

     "They are so comfortable with each other," Sungjong comments and returns his gaze to the food in front of him. He doesn't think much of it but can understand why Sungyeol is being crazed over it. 

     "Open your mouth," Myungsoo commands. Dongwoo does, eyes still closed. Myungsoo stabs a piece of chicken with his fork and puts it in Dongwoo’s mouth. 

     "It's good," is all Dongwoo says. He finally lifts his head up and gets up to buy some food. 

      Sungjong chews on his slice of pizza as he looks up in time for Dongwoo to leave. He glances at Myungsoo to see the boy hold an expression of aloofness. His dark eyes shrink after a while, and look at the direction of the older friend. He stares for a few second before looking down with no expression. 

     "It's weird stuff like that that makes me suspicious," Sungyeol whispers to Sungjong, eyes still on the person of interest. He turns his head to look at Sungjong and his eyes widen slightly at the close proximity of their heads. 

     "What?" Sungjong asks but Sungyeol dismisses the question by turning away and finally digging into his food. 


  A day later, on a Wednesday morning, Myungsoo walks into class late. The others don't notice his foul mood, to them he just looks the same, but Sungyeol catches the annoyance brewing in his eyes. He knows he shouldn't, but he can't help but pry into Myungsoo’s business. 

     "Hey, Myung," Sungyeol whispers. He glances at the teacher to make sure she's not looking at him. The projector is on and there is a power point on the board. He notices a few people are hurriedly scribbling down on their paper but decides to ignore the lecture. "Did something happen?" Myungsoo doesn't reply. He stares straight ahead, boring holes in the wall. 

     "Myung?" Sungyeol tries but gets not response. "Myun-," his voice dries out when Myungsoo furiously turns around, eyes cold and dark. 

     "Shut the up," he seethes and turns around in his seat. Sungyeol winces at the harsh words and decides to let his friend cool off. 
It's weird at lunch that day. Myungsoo and Dongwoo don't join them. 

     "Hey, Dongwoo Hyung!" Sungyeol yells as he spots the blonde boy from across the hall talking to someone else. He pushes and squeezes past people and walks over to the older boy.

     "Hey, Yeol. What's up?" Dongwoo asks. His friend tells him he will see him later and walks off. 

     "Where were you today at lunch?" it's a simple question and Sungyeol is observing Dongwoo’s for a reaction. 

     "Um.." Dongwoo grows a bit uncomfortable. He was not much of a liar; he liked being truthful. "We got into a fight," Dongwoo says and smiles as if it's no big deal though his eyes say otherwise.

     "What happened?" Sungyeol asks, curious as ever. 

     "Nothing. Hey, class is about to start. I'll see you later, okay?" With that, he leaves. 

      As Sungyeol walks back to his class, he sees Myungsoo talking to Sohyun against the side of the hall where other pairs of people are clustered. He stays rooted in place and watches- though people keep pushing him around since he is blocking the hallway- as Myungsoo lifts a strand of Cho Sohyun’s hair and twirls it into his finger. The girl moves her head away and goes to fix her hair. She continues talking, and doesn't notice the sigh that escapes Myungsoo’s lips.

    "What the are you doing standing like a statue in the hallway?" an angry voice growls at Sungyeol and pushes him aside to the direction of his classroom. He quickly enters before Myungsoo notices his presence. 




     Next day, it's Myungsoo who doesn't arrive at the lunch table. Dongwoo walks in and glances at the table before walking away to sit with his other groups of friends.  

      "Dongwoo Hyung!" Sungjong yells. The elder looks back at them and walks to their table. "Spill." Sungjong demands despite the uncomfortable look in Dongwoo’s eyes. 

      "I don't even know what happened," Dongwoo mutters and rests his arms and his chin on the table. "He kinds just... blew up on me."  

     "He has been cranky lately," Sungyeol reflects. Sungjong gives a hum of agreement. "There has to be more that happened."

     "Some type of important event? It's not his birthday yet..." Sungjong stops as he lifts his head to meet Myungsoo’s face. His girlfriend was shyly holding his hand and gave bright smiles at Sungyeol and Sungjong. 

     "Talking about me?" Myungsoo questions the two. Sungjong avoids his eyes, not wanting to get involved in anything while Sungyeol continues to stare at him. 

     "Yeah, we are. Why are you mad at Dongwoo Hyung? Are you going to be that petty?" he asks his friend. Dongwoo lifts his head, his face outlined with nervousness and worry. 

     "Petty? Do you even know what happened?" Myungsoo scoffs, his eyes glance at Dongwoo who had his head on the table still. There was something unreadable in Myungsoo’s eyes as his eyes raked over Dongwoo’s form without saying a word. He exits the cafeteria. 

     "Okay, what actually happened?" Sungjong gives Dongwoo a pointed look, saying he wants the whole truth.

     "I told him to not date Cho Sohyun," Dongwoo admits and groans at how pathetic it sounds. The two boys eye each other before focusing their attention back to the blonde. Sungyeol feels a bit guilty for suggesting Myungsoo the idea of dating in the first place, but he pushes it aside.

     "Why?"Sungyeol asks. "Were you-,"

      "I don't know," Dongwoo cuts in, his voice sounding defeated and desperate. "I don't know why, I just said it and then we got into a fight. And I didn't mean to, but I insulted him and it went back and forth till I punched him."

     "Where?" Sungyeol asks, taking in the story. 

     "I was going to sock him in the face but he blocked it so I punched him in the chest." 

     "…So this is your fault?" Sungjong concludes. Dongwoo nods in despair. Though Sungyeol figures there is a deeper meaning to the little fight, he decides to spare Dongwoo. The elder leaves shortly after and the two don't see him for the rest of the day.




    The next morning, Myungsoo comes to class as usual. He looks calm and contained and Sungyeol relieves himself into thinking the two had made up.

      Dongwoo does not show up at lunch. However, Myungsoo does. His girlfriend is with him and she tries to makes conversation with Sungjong and Sungyeol but Myungsoo seems to be thinking of other things. Sungyeol kicks him under the table.

     "What?" Myungsoo asks, obviously annoyed by something. Sungyeol looks at Sohyun who's watching them and gives a gummy smile before leaning closer to Myungsoo.

     “Where’s hyung?” he asks, smile out of his tone.

     “How am I supposed to know?” Myungsoo says with a huff. Sungyeol takes in Myungsoo’s demeanor and smirks. He knows he is right. There is no mistaking it.

     “He likes you a lot,” Sungyeol states. Myungsoo looks up at him then, finally meeting his eyes. He glances at Sohyun and sighs. “You know where he is, don’t you?”  

Sungyeol doesn’t see Myungsoo for the rest of the day. 




Hello~  this chapter links directly to the first one

 Thank you for reading and subscribing ^_^ 

i hope i didnt dissapoint. i really liked writing this is Sungyeols perspective, i just like his character :D



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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard