Tough Job

You Have Me

"Myungsoo? Myungsoo?" Dongwoo calls frantically for his husband from upstairs.   

Myungsoo sighs before looking down at the small bowl in his hand that was still full of babyfood after attempting to feed his daughter for the past fifteen minutes. Dongwoo's cries go unheard. 

His daughter lookes at him curiously with her big eyes before shaking the rattle in her hand. She nearly stabs his eye in the process, and giggles adorably when Myungsoo jerks back in shock, nearly dropping the bowl and spoon. 

"Song minnie, do you not like daddy?" Myungsoo asks with a pout while patting her head affectionately. She reaches to grab his hand, dropping the rattle on the kitchen floor.

"Myung?" Myungsoo looks up when Dongwoo enters the kitchen shirtless. His pants look like they could slide down any minute. 

"Baby, buckle your belt." Myungsoo says and bends down to pick up his daughter's favorite toy. Dongwoo giggles loudly- and annoyingly- when Song Min looks at him and smiles angelically, stretching her arms for her daddy to pick her up.     

"Hello, Minnie," he coos as he holds her in his arms, bouncing her gently, and kisses her cheek. She grabs his face with her small hands while chanting "da da da". She has yet to say her first words. 

"Can you please feed her?" Myungsoo says desperately. Dongwoo puts her back in her high chair. He backhugs Dongwoo, letting his whole body relax in the comfort of his husband's body. The elder's bare skin is warm and soft.. "Why does she never eat when I feed her?" Myungsoo asks sadly and reaches down to buckle Dongwoo's belt.

"I think she just likes to mess with you," Dongwoo respons and turns around to kiss Myungsoo's lips, wrapping his hands around the taller man. "You've lost weight, Myung. Stop worrying so much, okay. Minnie is just not accustomed to having you feed her." Myungsoo nods and lets go. Since Myungsoo's job made enough to cover all expenses, Dongwoo decided to take a leave from his job until things were stable. With the new promotion a few months ago, Myungsoo was able to work at home and though Dongwoo loved taking care of their daughter, he missed going to work. The company he worked for in the past was more than welcome to have him back.  

"Were you looking for the blue shirt?"

"Yeah. I don't remember where I put it." Dongwoo says while frowning. Myungsoo smiles at is husband. 

"You dummy," he whispers fondly, "It's in the laundry basket. You said you would put the clothes away last nigh." Dongwoo laughs and pecks Myungsoo and his daughter on the cheek before running out of the room again. "You need practice, baby," he yells.

"Yah! Dongwoo!" Myungsoo yells but gets nothing in response. "Let's just finish half the bowl, okay Minnie?" Myungsoo pleads to Song Min. He plays a song from his phone and waves it in the air. Song Min's eyes are glued to the glowing device and as Myungsoo sings the lyrics, she turns her eyes to her father. He raises the spoon to her lips, but she turns her head. "C'mon, Minnie," Myungsoo sing songs. He tries again but she shakes her head. On the fourth attempt, her face reddens and she scrunches her face. "Nonono," Myungsoo mutters and leaves the bown on the floor. He picks her up and sways her gently back and forth. She relaxes and meets his eyes.

"Dada. Dada," she says.

"You really like giving your daddies a hard time, don't you?" He kisses her head and sets her back on the chair. Her expression darkens immediately, and he picks her up quickly, wanting to avoid a fit as much as possible. Dongwoo walks in all dressed and Myungsoo quickly hands him their baby. 

"I have to pee." 

When Myungsoo comes back to the kitchen, Dongwoo is calmly feeding Song Min. She opens without protesting. He makes his way over to his family, and grabs the spoon in Dongwoo's hand. Her head is already turned when he lifts the spoon in the air.

Dongwoo laughs loudly and Myungsoo pushes him away in frustration.

"Minnie, why don't you love me?!"



A late update, I'm sorry ;A;

Anyways thank you for reading :D and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 


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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard