You're Okay

You Have Me




               That rainy day in April was not the only time Myungsoo was forced to offer Dongwoo a ride home. Countless times, the older boy (by a year Myungsoo had learned) would find himself a seat next to the other on the bench and wait with him. Not once did anyone come to pick him up, and though Myungsoo was curious, he never asked why Dongwoo bothered to wait. Eventually, it became established that Dongwoo would get dropped off by Myungsoo’s mom every day after school.

                Slowly, the hatred Myungsoo had felt for Dongwoo faltered and it seemed childish and stupid. He found himself actually laughing to the things the elder would say occasionally and felt guilty for being so rude.

                The car was always cheerful with the sounds of their laughter and chatter. It became such a habit that when Dongwoo didn't show up one day, Myungsoo couldn't help but notice the lack of his presence. That day the car was quiet, with the music playing for the first time since what felt like such a long time ago. The mother and son talked happily like old times, but without Dongwoo and his obnoxious laughter, it felt empty.

                 When Dongwoo didn't show up for the rest of the week, Myungsoo became a little worried. He didn't have Dongwoo’s number and though his mom suggested it, he was too embarrassed to go to the elder’s house and ask for him.

                Next week was the same cycle. Finals were coming up the following week and though many classes were reviewing for the exams, Dongwoo was not at school. He even considered asking his ex girlfriend but quickly thought better of it. 

      …That is until the next week came around and the older boy was nowhere to be seen.

         Myungsoo nervously gets up from his seat at the lunch table, and walks over to where she was. He already knew where she sat and wasn’t sure if he was prepared to talk to her. She was eating with her friends, biting into her sandwich as she listened earnestly to whatever her friend was talking about. Her friend saw him coming and abruptly stopped causing the girl to look behind her. She was a bit surprised to see him but gave a friendly smile.

                  "Hi," she says after she quickly swallows her food. Myungsoo nods, his lips an expressionless line. She was still pretty as ever, but he definitely did not feel the same tightness and admiration he felt for her before.  

                "Hi,” Myungsoo finally says. “I was just wondering if you knew where Dongwoo is." The girl looks a bit disappointed at the mention of Dongwoo’s name but her lips pull together in a thoughtful expression.   

                "You mean that eighth grader, right? Who's always smiling?" Myungsoo’s posture goes rigid for a second, his eyes enlarging slightly. 

                "You don't know him?" he asks, almost in disbelief. 

                "Not really. He's in my art class." Myungsoo nods and murmurs a thank you before leaving. He didn't miss the crestfallen look on her face.

                The black haired boy was feeling pretty crappy. He felt dumb and the guilt was strong and heavy, causing him to slouch on the bench, face into a small frown. His mom had texted him saying she would be a little late today and asked him if Dongwoo was there. He replied by saying no. He felt tired and just really wanted to go home. 

                "Hey," a familiar voice says. Myungsoo looks up cautiously, surprised to see Dongwoo smiling down at him. He didn’t speak, no words forming in his throat so he just stared at the other, noticing the fading bruise on his eye and on his cheek.

                "Hi," Myungsoo finally says and looks away. Dongwoo takes a seat next to him, all too used to Myungsoo’s quiet behavior.  

                "It feels weird to be back." he says and leans back. He doesn't expect Myungsoo to say anything, Myungsoo realizes, and it makes him feel worse. "Your mom is late again, huh?" it's more of a statement than a question. "I just came back to get my homework, It scares me to think how much work I have to make up." He sighs to further his point. "Anyways, I'm sure you have missed me. You’re too happy to even say anything." Dongwoo’s tone is teasing and Myungsoo can feel himself smiling slightly. 

                "As if," the younger responds, a little bit defensively though which earns a small chuckle. 

                "You don't have to lie," Dongwoo says.  

                "I'm not,” Myungsoo’s voice is calm. “I’d say you were missing me so much you came to see me. Home is just an excuse.” The comment actually takes Dongwoo by surprise and he starts laughing.

                "if you say so," Dongwoo says and gets up. "If your mom comes, can  you ask her to wait a little bit. I'll be quick."

                “Alright, Hyung,” Myungsoo replies. Dongwoo stares at him in unconcealed astonishment though Myungsoo doesn’t understand why. With that, the elder leaves to go inside the building. Myungsoo replays the words he just said and realizes why Dongwoo was so surprised. It makes him chuckle.  

                True to his word, Dongwoo comes back quickly, a green folder in hand. It's quite stuffed and Myungsoo feels bad for him. Dongwoo settles down and opens his folder to fix the papers he hastily pushed inside. 

                "Good luck with that," Myungsoo says and gives a look at Dongwoo’s direction. Dongwoo meets his eyes and the cheerfulness there causes Myungsoo to turn his head away out of embarrassment. Dongwoo laughs, the sound seeming to echo in Myungsoo’s ear. 

                "You're so cute." Dongwoo carelessly says. Myungsoo doesn’t say anything but tries not to think about it as he sees his black van approaching them. 

                "Mom’s here." he says and gets up.



                Myungsoo sighs in defeat in the car as his mom shows no restraint to her worries and keeps questioning Dongwoo. Dongwoo just laughs and tells her that he got into a fight and was suspended. Mrs. Kim is about to start a lecture but Myungsoo butts in.

                “Mom,” he says sharply and looks over at Dongwoo in the rearview mirror.

                "Oh, calm down, Myungie," she says. "You were worried too." The younger’s cheeks redden and he shrinks down in his seat. Dongwoo laughs, filling the car with his obnoxious laughter.



 Hello :D been a long time, i have another chapter of this im working on so the next update is coming soon ^^

 comments are welcome  and thank you to all who have subscribed :D 


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It was time for me to close this fic. My mind isn't on writing right now.


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XiumInYourFace #1
Chapter 2: Awh, I kinda wish Hoya wasn't in this fic, cause yadong is my number one otp in infinite! Now I'm just gonna get depressed cause they're not together....and it'll be even worse if Hoya develops feelings for Dongwoo!! Ugh! My feels!!!!
I'm sorry :(((( its just that i need to really focus on school and it would mean that this fic wouldnt get updated in months so i just closed it. I might write one shots here and there though :D
Chapter 12: it's completed ????
really ??
like seriously ??
huwaaaaa TAT
at least you should write a few chapters to finished it T^T
it can't be over like this T3T *pouted
Chapter 12: Myungsoo is wrapped around her finger xD
Chapter 11: When myungsoo demand you to love him, what can you do? Its sooo cutee
Chapter 11: Awww this is precious;; domestic Dongsoo has a special place in my heart tbh
Chapter 11: kkkk xD
lol xD
myungappa, what have you done to your daughter ~ xD
minnie's so cute ~ <3
hotterthanasummer #8
Chapter 11: xD Myungsoo-appa's life is so hard