chapter 7

Wrong Package

Lily walk back to her hotel room and feeling so happy. She call back Sara & Mary telling her all the details but the she stop. She look at the mirror smiling widely until tears came out of her eyes. That when reality strikes her she's going back tomorrow and her relationship with jiyong is only till here.

Lily "ottoke, we're just beginning. jiyong and i..."

Lily cried and cried till her tears went dry. She packed her bags with heavy hearts wanting to leave Korea, to leave Big Bang, to leave Jiyong. After she packed,she went to sleep hoping tomorrow she will not cry.

The next morning,

Lily woke up and saw her eyes were puffy and her face were bloated. She wear a mask to reduced the swelling and soon take a bath and get ready before she went to the airport. Sara and Mary are already on their way to the airport with their boyfriends.

She was brushing her hair when her phone ring.

Lily "Hello"

Jiyong "Morning my girl"

Lily "Jiyong oppa ! how are you?"

Jiyong " I'm fine thank you & you?"

Lily "I'm fine too. where are you right now?"

Jiyong "Coming to you, open the door honey"

Lily went to her door and took a peek at the hole. She saw Jiyong standing with his shades. She open the door and Jiyong instantly hug her.

Jiyong " Aww, i miss you honey"

Lily "Oppa, we just saw last night?"

Jiyong "One day not seeing you is pure torture, i can't imagine if you fly back...i'm gonna miss you more"

Lily "I'm gonna miss you too oppa, but we'll contact each other right?"

Jiyong "Anything for you, honey"

Lily "Oppa wanna have breakfast?"

Jiyong "Yes! i'm so hungry. Come we'll eat on the way to the airport"

Jiyong carry her bag and drive to the restaurant near the airport to have breakfast. They were laughing, smiling and hugging non-stop. Jiyong was covering himself with hat,shades and scarf.

Mary and Sara already awaits Lily at the boarding gate. Lily take her handbag and touch jiyong face and hands for the last time. She was about to let go when Jiyong grab her hands and pull her into a hug.

Jiyong "Kajima"

Lily "oppa..i don't wanna go. but i have too"

Jiyong "How am i gonna live without you?"

Lily "Call me, e-mail me, text me..anything. Oppa take care okay, eat well and don't get sick"

Jiyong " arasso, you take care as well Lily-ah"

Lily "Oppa, i need to go now. They are waiting for me"

Jiyong gave Lily a first kiss before he let her leave. Lily wave at Jiyong before she stepped on the escalator, after and before she went to the doors that will separate them.

Lily saw Jiyong at the airport building by the mirror. He was sulking and writing Lily name on the mirror. She text him "Oppa, saranghae".

Jiyong received a text from her and reply back "I Love You" and the plane start moving. Lily wave at him one last time and the plane flew to the sky.

Jiyong "Goodbye, Lily-ah, my honey my Lily-ah"

Lily "Bye Oppa, jiyong oppa".

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-Jeija- #1
is lily going to die ? jiyong's dream kinda scary iskisk
ForeverFive #2
I was pretty excited when lily said she will go to korea! The Koe wo Kikasete song is my favourite! Omg! It really suit to your story. And and i love jiyong part. It's the best. Awww. So sweet. Lol, lily can't wait to see jiyong's wardrobe? Lol.. I wonder how long she will be staying? :) i wonder what will they do next day
ForeverFive #3
They separate. I hope they will last forever :) i hope jiyong don't create any scandal or i'll hunt u down pretty boy!
ForeverFive #4
Aww. But it's okay. Really :D i'll just wait.
ForeverFive #5
Eeeeeee. He confessed already. Omg, i wanna be killed by jiyong! Haha :D lucky~ :D in the end, he sang tonight's song :) lalalove it
lovis89 #6
omg i didn't realize that! aigoo thank god @LeahEyah told me...hehe..
ForeverFive #7
you got mistake. Sara is the one who said 'Have Fun Sarah' right? I thought it was suppose to be 'Have Fun Lily' :)<br />
And and oh, she's telling jiyong the truth about how she like jiyong's feature, if me, i would totally blush and look awaaaay! arrgh! Haha<br />
Omg, did lily just offered jiyong to sleep beside her? O.o oh oh oh oh! OMG, 'I like you more Lily-ah' or maybe jiyong want to say 'i LOVE you more Lily-ah' haha