Chapter 10

Wrong Package

Lily was walking around Seoul taking pictures, having fun seeing cute souvenirs at small stalls.She was loking through her phone when she didn't realize a motor was coming towards her direction. The motor horn to her making her head snapped looking at him but she was frozen and couldn't dodge, the motor hit her.

Lily body was flying 2 meter away and her head hit the railing at the road side. Everyone at the nearby location contact the ambulance for emergency. The ambulance came and took Lily and the motorcyclist driver to the hospital for emergency procedure. 

The doctor told one of the nurse to contact the patient's familiy member or someone related to them. 


GD & TOP were practicing for their song High High inside YG Practice Room when Jiyong's phone was ringing.  They stop practice for a while after the choreo said "Break Time 5 min". Jiyong answer the phone and...

"Hello is this mr kwon jiyong?"

"Yes I am. Who am i speaking too?"

"This is a nurse from xx Hospital. Miss Lily got into an accident this morning and she is now in ICU. Will you please come down right now because the doctor would like to discuss more about miss lily and how the accident happened"

"I'll be there now"

Jiyong - Hyung, i have to go to xx Hospital. Lily got into an accident!

Jae (YG Choreo)- Alright! GO NOW!

TOP - I'll come later with the member.

Jiyong - Thanks hyung!

Jiyong took his Bentley Car and drove to xx Hospital. When he reached, he park his car and ran to the nurse counter.

Jiyong - I'm kwon Jiyong for Miss Lily

Nurse - Ah yes, follow me please.

Nurse - Doctor here is Kwon Jiyong

Doctor - Please have a seat. I'm Doctor Hoe and i will be responsible for this surgery.

Jiyong - Tell me doctor. How is she?

Doctor Hoe- Well Miss Lily got hit by a motor. The motorcyclist also was taken here for further treatment. Miss Lily head hit the railings at the road. She broke her arms but it will be okay after 3 months. Well for Miss Lily herself i can't say if she can wake up or not. Please look at this area.

Miss Lily head injury was serious that it could affect her memory even her conciousness. I will take a look at her condition every hour. Please do not give up hope for your girlfriend mr. jiyong.

Jiyong - Thank you doctor. May i see her?

Doctor Hoe- She's still inside emergency room.She'll be out in 2 hours.

Jiyong - I'll wait. Doctor please help Lily.

Doctor Hoe - I'll do my best, jiyong.

Jiyong went out from the doctor room and took a seat. He called YG and told him about what happened. YG told him to stay there and be with her.

Top, Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang came later on bringing clothes for Jiyong. They told Jiyong to hang in there and be strong. Jiyong had a breakdown for 1 hour making all the member cried with him also. The emergency light closed and the doctors and nurse pushed Lily strolletr to her ward together with Big Bang following behind.

It has been a month but Lily still hasn't woke up. Jiyong sometimes come for a while morning, afternoon and night even when he have busy schedule. Big Bang member sometimes come with him bringing new flowers and talk to her.

The doctor take a look at Lily condition every hour to see improvements but still nothing. The doctors told them to speak to her or hold her hands because he said they can still hear them talking even though they are unconcious.

Sometimes Jiyong almost lose hope making Taeyang to scold him to not give up. It has been 1 month and 3 weeks but Lily still hasn't woke up, the only improvement they saw were her fingers twitch a bit.

 The doctor said it's consider as good improvement. if she makes more, in no time she can open her eyes and maybe wake up. Jiyong heared this good news he came to see Lily straight away kissing her forehead, fingers, cheeks and lips. He changed the flowers to new ones, spray refreshner to the room, open the window to let the fresh air come inside. Jiyong talks to her ear everyday without feeling boring.

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-Jeija- #1
is lily going to die ? jiyong's dream kinda scary iskisk
ForeverFive #2
I was pretty excited when lily said she will go to korea! The Koe wo Kikasete song is my favourite! Omg! It really suit to your story. And and i love jiyong part. It's the best. Awww. So sweet. Lol, lily can't wait to see jiyong's wardrobe? Lol.. I wonder how long she will be staying? :) i wonder what will they do next day
ForeverFive #3
They separate. I hope they will last forever :) i hope jiyong don't create any scandal or i'll hunt u down pretty boy!
ForeverFive #4
Aww. But it's okay. Really :D i'll just wait.
ForeverFive #5
Eeeeeee. He confessed already. Omg, i wanna be killed by jiyong! Haha :D lucky~ :D in the end, he sang tonight's song :) lalalove it
lovis89 #6
omg i didn't realize that! aigoo thank god @LeahEyah told me...hehe..
ForeverFive #7
you got mistake. Sara is the one who said 'Have Fun Sarah' right? I thought it was suppose to be 'Have Fun Lily' :)<br />
And and oh, she's telling jiyong the truth about how she like jiyong's feature, if me, i would totally blush and look awaaaay! arrgh! Haha<br />
Omg, did lily just offered jiyong to sleep beside her? O.o oh oh oh oh! OMG, 'I like you more Lily-ah' or maybe jiyong want to say 'i LOVE you more Lily-ah' haha