
Protect Our Maknae


'Let me go!YOU JERK!'Yongguk shouted and he tried to release himself from the strong holds.

The kidnapper was laughing so loud to see Yongguk suffered a lot because of the other members.

'LET ME GO YOU HELL! RELEASE MY DONGSAENGS!!'Yongguk yelled while trying to release the grabs of the men.

'Let's play a game,Yongguk.A game of 'DEATH'!'the kidnapper shouted from the upstairs.

It really suffered Yongguk a lot and the others were groaning in pain.

The sounds of their groaning made Yongguk wants to cry loudly.He can't bear to see them like that.

They may even lose their lifes if this thing still continue to happen.

Yongguk glared to the kidnapper and was aboout ready to accept the challenge.

A craziest challenge but he can't think properly now because of too much thought in his minds.

He was really really scared.

Before he says the word 'Yes',he looked to the members in weakly eyes.He didn't see the happiness and funny times with them.

He really missed that moment of their joyful lifes together.

'YES!I WILL PLAY A GAME WITH YOU!'Yongguk shouted angrily.

'Woah,dear old friend.Just answer me softly and don't be too harsh with me because I had 5 lifes with me now.You don't even wish to see they were lifeless..'the kidnapper let out the words.

The men were still holding Yongguk's tightly.

The clock was ticking very loud and that made his heart beated very fast as he was very afraid.

The kidnapper didn't moved any metres from the upstairs.He just ordered his men to do the things at downstairs.

'Well,this was just a simple game and it was kinda very interesting to me and to you maybe of course.You will enjoy it,believe me',the kidnapper said from the upstairs.

He was giving a sign to one of his men to--bring-the-game-out.

The man nodded slowly and went into a room and then brought out back some cards.

The cards were 12 in totals.

*What the hell the cards were?* Yongguk thought in his mind.

The kidnapper smirked when he saw the blank face of Yongguk curious of what the cards were.

The man arranged the cards one by one at a rectangle shape wodden table.

Yongguk thought that the man would arrange the cards showing what it was but the hope faded when he arranged the cards not showing the pictures were.

'Okay,now.There are 12 cards infront of you.6 cards had 'X' symbol while the other 6 were the pictures of you,Himchan,Daehyun,Youngjae,Jongup,and Zelo.This game is very simple and fun.For this game..You have to choose the six of showing your group pictures correctly.You only had three lifes for this game.If you got 3 wrongs directly,BANG!I will shoot your maknae and maybe the others just as the same',the kidnapper said with a mocking tone.

He laughed with evilness.He enjoyed really much to make Yongguk suffers.The revenge in his heart made him like that.

That was a ridiculuos thing.

Yongguk gulped and he still heard the groaning sounds of s.

They were really hurted very very bad.

The men release their grabs of Yongguk and just let Yongguk stepped forward to the rectangle shape wooden table.

His legs were shaking of nervously.He thought in his mind and heart that he must to choose wisely and carefully.One wrong that means that a death is coming.

'Okay,Yongguk.Time starts now.Choose the first picture',the kidnapper ordered him to choose.

Yongguk looked to the cards one by one.He was hesitating to choose the first card because he was afraid that he may will choose the wrong ones.

When he looked to the fifth cards,he can feel that the card was kind like was calling him to pick the fifth card.He slowly moved his hand to the card and slowly turned the card infront...and.......







I'm very sorry for late updates from me..I might now dissapointed all of you that was waiting for me to update this story.I'm very very sorry everyone.

Thank you so much for the supports who voted they loved/liked my story.I was very happy to see the votes.Thank you so much...Thank you so much..That's all for now till the next chapter.Bye.

I'm sorry again for very very late updates from me..


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chococandies #1
Chapter 19: nice story author-nim :3
nindanadrah13 #2
Chapter 19: Omg !! I love this story!!! Soo loving it!! Good job !
Chapter 19: love it!!!
diahan #4
Chapter 20: finally! i suggest you made another story, i'll anticipate that a looot <3
bluematoki #5
Chapter 19: Finally is finished ^^ keep making cool story author :D
Chapter 19: Please don't let Yongguk die it's already sad :(
Chapter 18: wae I cant read chapter 18? :(
it wrote "Your browser does not support iframes."
uwaaaaa is anyone have the same prob with me???
Chapter 18: I really hope Yongguk can choose all of 's cards! This is making my heart break knowing that they're all so vulnerable T__T