
Protect Our Maknae

After a long journey,finally they reached at the kidnapper's place.The same place where Youngjae lost his communication with them.

Nobody knows what happened to Zelo and Youngjae now.No signs of them just the kidnapper who told them that both of them were fine but will not fine if they didn't follow the kidnapper's order.

This was a such nasty game by the kidnapper.

They didn't know why the person kidnapped them.Not even asking money too.Such a weird kidnapping but it was still not good.

It's getting late now and the time already passed 2.00 o'clock in the evening.The sky was already dark because it's getting to rain and maybe rain heavily.The driver left the three of them after they came out from the car.

They took off their wigs and they had their original hairs back.They looked around and there was no one they can see.

'Dup dap dup dap',their heart beated fast.

'I'm gonna get them',Daehyun tightened his grib and bit his upper lips.He started to step forward but was stopped by Himchan who stood beside him.

'Wait,Daehyun.You can't do that',Himchan spoke to stop him from stepping forward more.The sky started to have thunder.

The sounds of the thunder mixed with lightning made them more nervous and afraid.

They felt strange because the big white-coloured house looked empty and no one was in there.

They had the same thought with what Youngjae thought too.The thought of the kidnapper was just pulling their legs.

So,they decided to tell Yongguk with their small microphone secretly they placed it at their bracelet while for Daehyun at his silver necklace.

Before they could tell Yongguk,they heard a boy screaming in the house.They thought that was Zelo or Youngjae.

They immediately ran into the house and they unconsciuosly dropped the microphone.

That was bad luck for them to drop the microphone without they knowng it.

When they entered the house,the screaming voice gone.

'Zelo ah,Youngjae ah!'Himchan shouted with a loud voice and they already forgot to be extra more careful.They didn't remember it again.

'Youngjae ah,Junhong ah!'Jongup shouted too.Daehyun was shouting their names too but no respond to their shouts.

They now really forgot to take care of themselves.This was a bad mistake they did.

Himchan can't bear anymore with the kidanpper's game.He started to shout loudly.

'HEY!CRAZY KIDNAPPER!'he shouted but the voices rebounded back.

Daehyun and Jongup looked around them if there was any sign of people was in the house.Suddenly,they were shaking of afraid.

They decided to check on their microphones but it already gone from them.

They didn't noticed that they already dropped it outside and it was raining heavily now plus with loud thunder and strong lightning.

'Oh my God..What are we gonna do?We lost our communication devices..'Himchan truthfully said.

They began to panicked as they cannot call Yongguk hyung now.

What will Yongguk hyung think?What if he was waiting for us to call?What if he was so worried for us?'Jongup asked like

the speed of lightnings.

They were suprised by a loud shut door.They turned their head to look upstairs.

They walked upstairs and they saw Youngjae who was his hands were tightening and his mouth was closed.

He sat at a chair with all of his body was tightened with chains.

He got bruises at his face and arms.He had blood too at his head.He looked very weak but still he tried to scream for the three to look at him.

He was like giving a sign this-was-a-trap-run-hurry-.

The boys just wanted to save him and they didn't know the signal.All of in their head was to save Youngjae first.Save Youngjae first.

Then,just a second the three of them already fainted.They were hit by something.Something really hard.

Their legs were pulled into separated rooms.They were treated with no human feelings.

Youngjae could only let out his tears to see his brothers were treated like that.

Tears rolled at his bloody cheeks.He wanted to scream before being slapped hardly by a man.

He lost his strength.He was too weak right now.He already knew what happened to their maknae but he couldn't tell them.



'BOYS!!!!!'Yongguk screamed and he woke up.He didn't realized that he fell asleep for a few hours.The girls were still in the room too.

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chococandies #1
Chapter 19: nice story author-nim :3
nindanadrah13 #2
Chapter 19: Omg !! I love this story!!! Soo loving it!! Good job !
Chapter 19: love it!!!
diahan #4
Chapter 20: finally! i suggest you made another story, i'll anticipate that a looot <3
bluematoki #5
Chapter 19: Finally is finished ^^ keep making cool story author :D
Chapter 19: Please don't let Yongguk die it's already sad :(
Chapter 18: wae I cant read chapter 18? :(
it wrote "Your browser does not support iframes."
uwaaaaa is anyone have the same prob with me???
Chapter 18: I really hope Yongguk can choose all of 's cards! This is making my heart break knowing that they're all so vulnerable T__T