Pregnant, aren't you?

The Psychologist

B.A.P- Warrior


Miyoung stared at the back of the guy who walked in front of her. Her brain still felt like exploding due to the thinking she did earlier. That was the reason why Taemin dragged her out of the hotel. He said that she has to get some fresh air.

And then Taemin was walking in front of her, leading her to nowhere she knew. It wasn't like she didn't trust him, though.

"Let's sit on the bench there" he commanded, pointing at a long bench under a street lamp. Miyoung nodded, following him to do as he said.

Placing her on top of the steely bench, she leaned backwards, observing her surroundings. The street in front of her was empty like literally empty, cars or pedestrians weren't something she saw.

"Where's the pojangmachas you mentioned earlier?" Taemin decided to break the icy silence.

"It's in the city, our hotel here is in the suburbs" she answered. "The city was just 5 minutes from here by feet"

"You wanna go there?" he asked, earning a slow nod from her.

"But no, we can't go there. You have a reputation to protect" she faked a smile. It didn't take a genius to know that her smile wasn't real. She tried her best, though. "And I can't drink soju, remember? You want to carry me back here if I make a chaos there?" she chuckled.

"No, of course" he looked to the sky. "So what should we do now?"

They thought for a while before Miyoung said her opinion out loud.

"Let's play song guessing" Miyoung suggested. "I'll sing a part of a song, and you'll guess what song it is. Then you go after me" she explained.

Taemin shook his head. "You only know Japanese songs"

"I know Korean songs too! Jooyoung asked me to listen to them and I've memorized some of them, I even know your song for To The Beautiful You original soundtrack" she blabbed.

Taemin smiled. He liked to hear the fact that Miyoung knew his song, especially when that sentence escaped from her own mouth. "Oh really? Then what will I get if I guess the song right?"

"Free bubble tea when we get back to Seoul" she grinned. "The loser pays"

"Deal" he nodded.

"Okay, I'll start. Beautiful girl--"

"Infinite H's Special Girl" Taemin quickly snapped. "If you want to win, don't sing the catchy part" he advised. Miyoung pouted slightly, showing that she was grumpy that Taemin could answer her question. "It's my turn, right?"

Miyoung nodded.

"Neol motkkeunkesseo keunillasseo" he smirked, knowing that Miyoung wouldn't know the answer since the part of the song he sang was a little hidden. His prediction was right, Miyoung could only blink at him.

"What did you say?" she poked a finger into her earhole, not sure of what she heard.

"No repeating" he said, annoying her.

"But you whispered! You didn't sing at all, you're just whispering!" Miyoung protested.

He mentally giggled. "The singer sang that way too"

"I give up" she rolled her eyes. "What's the song?"

"EXO's Wolf" he answered, leaving Miyoung speechless.

"There's no such part in that song!" she yelped.

"There is. It was even sung twice, once by Kai and once by Kris" he raised his eyebrows. Miyoung huffed.

"Fine, one for you and zero for me" she said. "Next is my turn"

Taemin waited for her to sing.

"Sarangeun wae ireoke naegeman mugeopji" she said in a lightning speed, confusing the boy beside him. He looked at her, disbelief glistening all over his eyes. Miyoung really wanted to laugh at his expression.

"What?" this time he was the one who asked.

"You lose!" she shouted happily. "The answer is Sistar's Give it to Me!"


"I sang the rap part! Yeah, you can't answer it right? Huh? Huh?" she nudged his chin when she said the 'huh' part. He slapped her hand away gently, not wanting to hurt her. "It's still one for you!"

"Next" he ignored her statement. Thinking for a while, he finally parted his lips to sing. "Geunyoreul jikyeora, naritji mothage" he sang as Miyoung's eyes went into slits, her lips formed a delighted curve.

"Infinite's The Chaser!" she almost screamed in happiness.

Taemin nodded, somehow feeling happy to see her smile. He had been wondering about the cause of her frowning earlier. Of course, he understood that she was unhappy about herself being a reckless psychologist, but he didn't want her to restrain her own desire. In this context, drinking alcohol.

"Yay!" Miyoung beamed. "Okay it's one for me and one for you!"



Miyoung stomped down the stairs to get out of the plane with Jiho tailing behind her. "Where are we going?" she asked while walking, directing the question to Jiho.

"My parents' house. The family chauffeur will be picking us up" Jiho answered, rubbing his sleepy eyes in a circular motion. "Where is Taemin? He was with you last night, right?"

She took a sharp breath. "How did you know?"

"He brought you back to our bedroom, saying that you fell asleep in the lobby, before excusing himself out" he said, yawning. "Where is he?"

"I don't know" Miyoung shrugged. "Maybe he got a different flight" she continued to walk while Jiho taking their luggages. Fishing out her phone, she punched a memorized number and dialed it.

"He-- hello?" a hoarse voice greeted her ears, making her eyebrows to raise as a response.

"Joo? What happened to your voice?" she asked, worrying a little bit.

"I-- It's just a flu..." Jooyoung stuttered. "What's up, by the way?"

"I'm coming over" she decided. Jiho shot her a confused look but she couldn't care less. As a psychologist, she could tell if someone was lying, let alone the fact that Jooyoung was her bestfriend.

"What?" Jooyoung sounded surprised, to her amusement. "What for? My apartment was kind of messy right now..." she quibbled.

"I don't care. You're feeling unwell because of your flu, right? I'll make some foods for you" Miyoung found another excuse. She had to come to see that bestfriend of hers, because Jooyoung herself said that she was sick. Moreover, she didn't really want to be with Jiho's family right then.


"Bye!" she hung up, not letting her friend to talk back. Staring at her phone for a few seconds, she finally put the phone into her bag. "Jiho" she called, turning her head to her fiancee behind. "I'll just take a taxi to Jooyoung's. Just tell your parents that she's very sick and she needs my help"

"Fine, fine" Jiho rolled his eyes, smiling. "Don't your need the money for your taxi?"

"You know me so well" Miyoung grinned, reaching her hand out.



Jooyoung settled herself under the blanket, hiding the bowl under her bed. Her head was spinning like crazy, her stomach churned repeatedly, her whole body ached endlessly. She was in a complete mess.

She could hear knockings on her door, but she couldn't get it. She couldn't even move a single finger, let alone walking to the door and open it. "Come in, the door isn't locked" she managed to speak out in a very low voice.

Miyoung stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Taking her shoes off, she directly went to Joo's room and immediately gasped in shock. "Joo! What happened to you?!" she ran to her bestfriend's bed and sat on it.

"I told you it's flu..." Jooyoung whispered, her pale face scrunching at the pain in her stomach. "It'll be gone in a few hours-- Ugh!" she sat up almost instantly and bent down to take the bowl she hid earlier under her bed. Placing the bowl under her chin, she puked her breakfast-- or maybe her supper last night-- out into the bowl.

Miyoung stared at the disgusting scene in front of her without feeling disgusted at all. She was shell-shocked to see her bestfriend suffering a deadly flu like that, or so Jooyoung told. Miyoung knew this wasn't flu and Jooyoung was lying to her.

She helped her bestfriend by patting Jooyoung's back while massaging it once a while. The latter's face was red, teardrops rolled along her puffy cheeks. The bowl Jooyoung was holding was on its half way of fulling itself.

"Joo..." she softly called. Jooyoung, who had finished her vomiting, looked at the caller with her weak eyes. Miyoung grabbed the bowl from her hand and put it on the floor. "What's up with you?"

"It's just flu, Miyoung. No need to worry" Jooyoung raked her hair with her fingers. "No need to worry, at all"

"I'm going to clean this" Miyoung brought the bowl to the kitchen and washed it, leaving Jooyoung on her own in the bedroom. Of course she didn't believe the sick girl since she knew that flu didn't attack any of the digestive organs.

She cooked some vegetables soup because Jooyoung was a vegetarian. She also prepared a glass of orange juice. "What are these?" she mumbled when she saw a bowl of finely diced pineapples in Jooyoung's refrigerator. "She doesn't like pineapples, right?"

Waiting the soup to boil, she went to the bathroom to wash her feet. *She didn't mop her floors like she usually did, my feet were covered by dusts everywhere* she thought. First pineapples, then dusty floors, next what?

"Oops" Miyoung reflexly said when her toes came to a contact with something on the floor. She automatically bent down to pick the object up, which was later she recognized as a pregnancy test kit. Her eyes went wide as her heartbeat automatically rushed in an abnormal way.

*What... What is this...* she looked at the 2 lines on it. They were very, very bold, without any faint traces which always been a problem for some girls that they asked her about it. And 2 those lines only meant...

She walked outside the bathroom, suddenly didn't feel like washing her feet anymore. First thing first, she turned the stove off before storming towards Jooyoung's bedroom in a cheetah's speed. "Jooyoung!" she yelled.

Jooyoung, on the other hand, was lying down on her back helplessly. She was too weak to even hear Miyoung's voice. Of course, she had been throwing all the food in her stomach up, and she didn't have anything left inside.

"Joo!" Miyoung slammed the door open, startling the half-conscious girl. The called one slowly opened her eyes and weakly stared at Miyoung. "Jooyoung explain this like right now!" Miyoung lifted her discovery so that it was directly placed in front of Jooyoung's eyes, which instantly went wide as saucers.

"Where-- Wha--"

"Explain, Kim Jooyoung!" she shouted.

"I-- Listen, I-- I have no-- no idea-- ab-- about... About that thing..." Jooyoung whimpered.

" it, I know you're lying!" Miyoung threw the thing in her hand towards the door, making a loud crack sound. "Explain or I'm not your friend anymore!" she threatened, tears forming in her eyes.

To her dissapointment, Jooyoung turned her head away from Miyoung. Miyoung's teardrops fell down one by one as she stood up. "Jooyoung explain now! Explain or I'm leaving!"

Jooyoung didn't answer her.

"JOOYOUNG!" she yelled like a crazy possessed person, tears flowing down along her cheeks.

Jooyoung stayed silent.

Miyoung breathed out, her eyes still dropping tears. "Fine" she said with a trembled voice. "I'll leave, since you want me to" and with that, she stormed outside the minimalistic apartment, sobbing.



"Miyoung, where have you been?" Miyoung's mother asked when she saw her at the front door, a little bit drenched by the rain outside. "Are you okay? Aren't you supposed to be with Jiho?"

*Jiho, Jiho! Why is it always him?* she mentally rolled her eyes. "I was at Jooyoung's. She... She was sick. I'm okay, I hailed a cab to bring me here. I'm not that crazy to walk all the way here from Jooyoung's apartment with the rain outside, mom" she walked past her mother to go to her bedroom.

"Okay then. Take a bath so you won't get sick!" her mother advised before hearing a sound of her door being closed.

Miyoung leaned against the door and let herself slid down to sit on the floor. " you, Jooyoung" she gritted her teeth, not feeling good at her cursing words just then. "You're pregnant and you didn't tell me"

*Is our friendship that shallow for you?* she placed the back of her hand on her eyes and started crying. *Friends aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other, right? Or am I being too naive?* she thought, smirking bitterly.

A sudden frog sound surprised her before she realized it as her phone ringtone. *I need to stop using this frog's voice* she thought as her thumb pressed the green button on the touchscreen. "Hello?" she tiredly answered, wiping the tears away.

"I'm waiting for my bubbletea" a completely annoying sentence was said by the most comforting tone ever. Miyoung cringed, in a good way. Somehow, Taemin's voice had succeeded to bring her mood up a little. Note, just a little.

"I... Ehm..." she stuttered, not sure of what to say. "Are you finished with your WGM filming?"

"Yes" he answered. "Why are you suddenly caring?"

"I've always cared for you" Miyoung spoke, rather emotionally. Well, she didn't mean to say it that way, though. She just cried and those sad feelings still remained in her heart.

Taemin, on the other line, was driving. And when she said those words, he stomped his leg on the brake as a form of his shock. Luckily he was all alone in his lane, but the stares from another cars on the lanes beside him weren't enough to recover him from his surprised state.

Puddles of blood rapidly rose up to his cheeks, making a hint of blushes there. "What...?" he mumbled, still not moving his car.

"I said I care for you" Miyoung repeated, making Taemin's blushed cheeks got redder. He switched the gears of his car and started driving again, still flushing.

"So..." he cleared his throat. "When will we have the bubble teas?"

"Maybe... Tomorrow? Tomorrow's Sunday, right?" she asked. "We can have a day of our own"

Taemin was about to explode in shock when he heard those words. A DAY OF OUR OWN. Well it sounded like a... "Are you referring to a date?" he managed to reply between his rushing heartbeats.

"Sorta" Miyoung answered, to his explosion. A mixed feelings of happiness, confusion, and relief washed all over his brain. "A friendly date. Well, it's still a date nevertheless" she added, a little nervous. "But you know, you can ignore that fact--"

"Okay, tomorrow it is" he cut her, cutting the connection line as well. His reddening face was very flaming, he was even sure he could set his own car on fire. "What's happening to me..." he shook his head.

Miyoung stood up and walked to her bed before laying her body on it. Her half-wet condition didn't change her mind on drenching her own bed, she was tired and all she wanted to do is resting. So she did.

Her mind flew to Jooyoung, again. *Why aren't you telling me? Who could be possibly leave you alone in pregnant condition? Who made you pregnant? I have thousands of questions yet Jooyoung didn't even want to admit that she's pregnant* she sighed. *However, I'm having a date with Taemin tomorrow and--*

Her body instantly jerked up into a sitting position. "A... A date...? A DATE?!" she yelped. "How could I say that?!"

Sorry for the late and short update! I'm very, very busy lately... I'm majoring in Science and those hectic schedules... I want to cry so badly T^T

And I have a rehearsal the day after tomorrow... What rehearsal? Let me tell you guys.

2 weeks ago, my teacher asked my class to sing in groups in front of the class. My group sang the song Yura Yura by Hearts Grow. It's a Naruto's OST and it's very catchy XD

Then, a week ago, my teacher asked ME to sing again in front of the class. She said that my score was too high and she wanted the prove of that good score. So I sang the song.

But then suddenly she stopped me.

Then she said, "We'll get a/some Japanese guest(s) visiting our school on August 23rd, and your group will perform in front of him/her/them. Are you willing to do that?"

I was in a state of shock but my classmates clapped for me and said that I'll take the offer. I didn't say anything, I swear. Then the teacher said. "Okay, then it's settled. The practice will be held every Friday after school"

HUAAAH GUYS I'M SO NERVOUS! Any Japanese here? Teach me some basic words please? Pleaseeeee DX


Ps: I'll try to update soon. And thanks pikachunijas for the upvote! <3 Don't forget to comment :)

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[The Psychologist] I'm very sorry for the looong wait, guys! I'll update soon, I promise! I'm so sorry T^T


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Chapter 12: Awesome chappie!!! Cutiepie Miyoung didn't even realize she said DATE. XD

As for the Japanese thing, I'm not Japanese but I've been learning it the past 2 years...

In response to how are you (ogenki desu[pronounced des] ka) you say genki desu(des) or ogenki desu(des). Ogenki is politer.

If you want them to repeat something they said, you could say:
Mou ichido onegaishimasu(onegaishimas).

You're welcome is dou itashimae.
Chapter 12: No, problem :) Your story is great so it really deserves to be upvoted^^

looking forward for the next update.. :)
Good luck on your performance^^
Chapter 11: okay, im not a fan of shinee nor taemin, but really, with your story, you are making me fall in love with him!!!! this story is DAEBAK!!!!

i love you authornim~~~~~
dm_robot #4
Chapter 11: ohhhh i like that chapter XD wait....i i LOVE this whole story XD update sooon!!!
Chapter 11: You're in love, Miyoung. Don't you realize that?
Chapter 10: OMG. Did Tae just faint from what I think he just fainted from?
Chapter 10: And yes, finally i had finished reading your updates.. hehe. been busy this past few days..

omo, would you please update soon.. I can't wait.
This is really awesome!!!! :P