Jaejoong's days

Hiding from Love

After the three days it was Jaejoong's turn, Hyomin was better by now but still she felt tired and she still needed to rest and take her medicine. 

Yunho and Hyomin's relationship had gotten a lot better, the fight was finally over, that made Hyomin's mood a lot better too. That morning, the first of Jaejoong's days, she woke up really early...

Hyomin POV

I woke up and heard some noise outside my door:

"Just go to work Yunho, she's still asleep" 

"I just want to check on her for a second, to see if she is sleeping well"

"Do you hear yourself? She's sleeping just fine, go to work, I'll watch over her" 

"Okay, remember she needs to be warm and to take her medicine after breakfast and in the afternoon, don't let her work and...." 

"I know, I know, just go"

What's this? It sounds like Yunho oppa and Jae oppa, I got up and opened the door:

"Oppas what's wrong?" I asked

"See what you did? You woke her up " Jae oppa said and sighed "It's nothing baby girl, go back to bed"

"Are you okay? Did you sleep well Min?" Yunho oppa asked

"Yes, oppa don't worry" I said sleepily 

"Okay then, I leave her in your hands, take care of her" Yunho oppa said patting my head

"You are exagerating..." Jae oppa said "Go to bed, sleep a little more baby girl" 

I nodded:

"Have a good day Yunho oppa" I said 

"Thanks, rest well" 

" Now to bed you go come on" Jae oppa said pratically pushing me" While this oppa here will , if not forcefully with a kick on the , that oppa out" 

I chuckled and laid down, god I'm tired again....

End of Hyomin POV

Jaejoong smiled at her before going back to Yunho who was finally about to leave:

"She will be fine" He said smiling gently

"I hope so" Yunho said "Bye" And left. 

Jaejoong sighed as the door closed:

"Okay...what to do now?" He asked himself and went upstairs

Jaejoong POV

My two legs led me back upstairs and I, carefully, went in her room, she was sleeping already, with a peaceful expression, I crouched besides the bed watching as she breathe carefully through her parted lips and I reached with my hand to caress her cheek with the back of my hand, she's so beautiful, so enchanting and yet this angel can be so stubborn. 

Her eyes opened and they stared at mine, those dark eyes who seem to look inside my soul...god...my hand never left her cheek and our eyes never left each other.

End of Jaejoong POV

Hyomin was confused, she knew her feelings very well so she wasn't confused with her strong beating heart but it was with Jaejoong's actions she was confused, he looked at her with so much care, it was different from just a few months before. 

Hyomin POV

I have to stop it myself...so I closed my eyes to break eye contact, I thought he was gonna laugh and walk away but instead I still feel his hand on my cheek oh so gently caressing...what is he thinking? He leaned closer as I opened my eyes again, his eyes half-shut:

"Baby girl...." He said in a whisper

Omo! Omo! Omo! What is he gonna do? 

We heard the door downstairs opening and steps, quickly my door stormed open and I turned around:

"Jaejoong you....what's happening here?" 

I'm covered with my blanket but I can recognize Yoochun oppa's voice:

"Nothing what do you want?" 

"I forgot my phone and you had it" He said but I could hear suspicion in his voice

Jaejoong oppa patted my head and left my room with Yoochun oppa as I blushed madly...were we...about to kiss? OH MY SWEET GOD....

End of Hyomin POV

Jaejoong POV

Freaking Yoochun! If he didn't show up....wait...what I was doing? If he hadn't showed up I would have kissed those pink delicious looking lips....wait a minute!!!!

"Kim Jaejoong to earth?" I heard Yoochun "I'm going back to work, control your hormones man"

"I'll try...." He laughed at my anwser and left 

I sighed heavily and went to the kitchen....better if I prepare breakfast right? I'll cook my thoughts out!


I ended up cooking a lot!!! Like I did a full course A breakfast that would suit a Hotel and I'm not bragging, I put it on the tray to carry it upstairs:

"Hyomin-ah I brought breakfast" I said and went inside

She sat up not looking at me:

"Thank you oppa, there was no need"

I didn't say anything and put it down on her lap:

"There's so much...."

Blame my stupid heart, I couldn't calm down!

"Have you eaten oppa?" She asked

"Hum...not yet"

"Then eat with me, there's too much" She said blushing and I nodded smiling 

I went downstairs to get chopsticks....I'm smiling too much, breathe in...breathe out...good then I went back to the room and sat in front of her eating while talking, completely ignoring what had happened.

End of Jaejoong POV

It became an habit, on the following days Jaejoong would have breakfast with her, the embarassment of what happened completely disappeared and they just got closer. 

On the third day when the boys got home they found a quiet house and went to the living room, there was Hyomin sleeping on the couch sitting up leaning on the back of it with Jaejoong on her lap also asleep, both covered with a large pink cover. 

It was partly funny to see manly Jaejoong covered in pink but it was partly worrying just how much they had gotten close and made hearts ache in jealousy. 
Hey everyone!!! (If there's still people there) OMG I really took long but I have finally finished this chapter and I'm pretty sure the next one I'll finish it it soon and update soon since I have more time now but here it is.
Thanks, as always comment please
Kiss & Hug 
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WasabiBear #1
Chapter 14: Can't wait!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the finale :D
mm0923 #3
Chapter 12: More update soon pls
vixengirl #4
I'm waiting for the next chapter <3
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 11: Thanks for the quick update
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 10: I'm jealous :p aaaaaaah how lucky she is. Anyway i hope you update soon and thank you for the previous chapters :*
Chapter 10: New reader here ^^, thanks for updating :D
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 8: Heeey it has been a long time? Sorry but did u drop out the story? You did not update? Do u have an other fic u're writing now?
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 8: Who is the next one to stay with her? Can't wait for your update ;)
vanessanesangtae #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for this to update!!!