The Probably Fake Promise

Hiding from Love

The house idea was put aside by Hyomin, just put aside never thrown away though, she wasn't ready she thought but her heart was the only thing stopping her.

Hyomin was an idol, she knew how to hide her feelings, her doubts, her fears, her love, she had been doing for a long time or so she thought, when Changmin's question came up it surprised her:

"Why are you running away?" He asked

Yeah Changmin was really smart and could read her like an open book but she kept her smile:

"What do you mean?" 

"You know what I mean, tell me, what have we done to you? Are you sick of living with guys?"

Oh god, was the maknae scolding her? Has the maknae just got everything when nothing happened, she wanted him to shut up, she didn't know how to lie to them after all.

"Changmin oppa you are saying nonsense." She said with a smile and turned around pretending to look at lyrics or anything really, just to spare to look at him, like that, maybe, she could try lying. 

" Am I really?" He asked "Why don't you look at me then?" 

"I'm busy can't you see? We have songs to memorize, I have things to do so let me be!" That didn't go as she wanted, she shouted it like he was the most annoying insect ever "Oppa, I'm sorry, I..."

She looked at him worried but he was smirking:

"You can't push me away, remember that" He left with that 

His eyes, his voice even his actions, he seemed so much more manly than his looks show or his age, it was almost as he was threatening her and it scared, how much did he knew?

That same night, Hyomin wanted to hide in her room as it was usual, she even dressed her pajamas:

She went inside her bed, she didn't have the head to work, didn't want to talk to anyone, she got her earphones and her Ipod, got inside the bed and turned it on, listening to music and closing her eyes, hoping she would fall asleep. 

Hyomin POV

Suddenly I felt a weight and looked up.... he smiled at me and laid beside me, he got one of the earphones and went inside the bed:


"Hum still the same taste in music." He said as we listened to Super Junior's "It's You"

"What are you doing?"

"Come downstairs, we are getting together to watch a movie." He smiled 

"I'm feeling a bit tired" 

He smiled and searched my hand, kicking the blankets and throwing my Ipod aside, he pulled me downstairs:

"You decided to show up, finally" Yunho oppa said

They were sitting all together on the living room:

"Join us, come on, there's popcorn" Jaejoong oppa said showing me the bowl.

Changmin oppa smirked at me and Yoochun oppa, he seemed mad at me. Junsu oppa pulled me to sit between him and Yoochun oppa. 

We started watching a movie, Junsu oppa never let go of my hand even if I tried and Yoochun oppa took my other hand, leaning his head on my shoulder. 

I watched it, Jaejoong oppa was laughing about something and Changmin oppa took that chance to steal popcorn from him:

"Yah!" Jaejoong oppa frowned


"Don't steal my food" 

"There's too much only for you"

"But it's not only for me"

"Yeah so I can take it"

"No way kid, go get your own"


"Because you will eat it all alone as usual" 

I chuckled at the nonsense fighting:

"Guys, stop it, seriously you sound like kids" Yunho oppa said

"Look who's trying to sound all mature!"Jaejoong glared at him " I'm older than you"

Jaejoong attacked him with tickling:

"Hum attacking the leader, nice" Changmin said and joined them

"Hey! Me too! Me too" Junsu finally let go of my hand and joined them

I smiled and Yoochun went to them too, I leaned on my knees, forward, hands cupping my face as I watched them in a mess of legs and arms, different hair colors and i could only hear Yunho laughing hard, the movie on the Tv completely forgotten. 

My tears almost came to my eyes, thinking that i'll lose this...I don't know how but suddenly I became the next victim. 

End of Hyomin POV

The guys stopped and looked at her, the beautiful smile, the laughter and the tears that ran on her face from laughing too hard - was it really from laughing?- how would they every live without that?

Jaejoong leaned forwards and kissed her forehead:

"You better make a promise to never leave us" Jaejoong said

Hyomin calmed herself down and looked at them, everyone was waiting for it.

"I promise" She smiled


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WasabiBear #1
Chapter 14: Can't wait!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the finale :D
mm0923 #3
Chapter 12: More update soon pls
vixengirl #4
I'm waiting for the next chapter <3
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 11: Thanks for the quick update
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 10: I'm jealous :p aaaaaaah how lucky she is. Anyway i hope you update soon and thank you for the previous chapters :*
Chapter 10: New reader here ^^, thanks for updating :D
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 8: Heeey it has been a long time? Sorry but did u drop out the story? You did not update? Do u have an other fic u're writing now?
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 8: Who is the next one to stay with her? Can't wait for your update ;)
vanessanesangtae #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for this to update!!!