Yoochun's Days

Hiding from Love

The next three days belonged to Yoochun who was nervous, the others had told him about how much better she was and that was clear but he was still worried because they hadn't spoke after what had happened before. 

Yoochun POV

I woke up with a loud sound and immediately shot out of bed, Hyomin! 

"Hyomin, Minnie!!" I called rushed and searched for her, I went into the kitchen and saw her sitting on the floor in the middle of....pans?

"I'm sorry oppa, I woke you up didn't I? I'm really sorry, I just wanted to make breakfast and..."She started 

I went towards her, crouching and hugging her:

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I asked

"Ah...n...no" She stuttered a little

"Good, can you just stay still, I'll make breakfast" I said sighing 

"No you should be tired...."

"You are sick, go to the living room and sit down!" I said 

"But oppa..."

"Now!" I said firmly and she jumped and left.

I sighed at the mess in the kitchen, clumsy girl....I'll make a typical English Breakfast as she likes and I do too. 

5 minutes later I felt eyes on me and turned around, she disappeared and I chuckled, so cute!

I coughed and continued coughing:

"Oppa are you okay?" She went inside

"I'm fine" I said and drank some water, I may have caught a cold

We ate breakfast together until we stared at each other and burst laughing for no reason whatsover:

"So weird...I'm sorry" She said "I'm sorry for being reckless"

"Good you should but then again that's just typical you" I said touching her cheek "I'm really glad you are getting better, I missed my Minnie, I really did"

End of Yoochun POV

Hyomin POV

After that we were sitting on the couch watching a movie, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his shoulder, I missed this a lot being this close to them, being so relaxed, ever since I fell in love I couldn't be calm with fear that my feelings will get noticed by anyone.

We laughed at a funny scene and he pinched my cheek:

"Oppa" I whined rubbing my hurt cheek

"Your laugh is so cute, you should laugh more" He said and I blushed "Cute, are you embarrassed?"

I didn't answer, my heart beating fast because of his husky laugh near my ear, it's beating so loudly I'm scared he will noticed:

"What? Did I make your heart skip a beat?" He asked "I know I'm charming, no need to be embarrassed about it." 

I hit his arm:

"Arrogant bastard" He's right though but I won't tell him 

He laughed more and I pinched his waist:

"You are such a fool for real, you are funnier than the movie" He said "So easy to tease, Changmin is right...don't tell him I said that" 

"Hum....don't know"

"What? You little...." He said and started tickling me 

I fell back on the couch while he tickled me, he suddenly stopped and I regained my breathe looking at me, he was looking down on me with those eyes that seem to reach my soul and I blushed, my heart skipping another beat. 

I don't know what happened to me, what courage overwhelmed me but I kissed his cheek and laid back down smiling, only realizing what I did afterwards, blushing and pushing him away. 

"I..." He started but then coughed 

I went to get him some water quickly, he was coughing non stop and I got worried so I checked his forehead, he was a little warm.

"Oppa you should rest" I said "Lay down I'll get some cold medicine"

"Babo, you are the sick one" 

"You may have a fever, lay down" I said and finally convinced him, I went to get the medicine and fed him"

End of Yoochun POV

Ironically Yoochun got sick so the rest of the two days she passed taking care of him instead of him taking care of her, Hyomin was glad she could pay back everything they did for her though, she spent the night awake taking care of Yoochun forcing the others to sleep because they had schedule. 

On the third day:

"You are such a failure man" Changmin told Yoochun who had his head between his arms 

Yoochun felt much better, he was healed, thanks to Hyomin who was now taking a shower and resting herself.

"Oh shut up maknae" Yoochun three a couch cushion at him "At least I got a kiss"

" YOU GOT WHAT?! YAH PARK YOOCHUN...." Jaejoong yelled but got hit with a cushion "Oh this means war" 

Yunho watched s fight:

"Kim Hyomin what you did to us" He sighed and got hit too, he glared at a certain dolphin on top of the couch trying to look as innocent as possible 

"Hyung..." He tried to act cute

"You are done dongsaeng" Yunho said and joined the fight. 


Hey everyone!!!

New update, yay!!! :)

Sorry for the wait, enjoy

Comment and subscribe, 

Love, fylipapink <3



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WasabiBear #1
Chapter 14: Can't wait!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the finale :D
mm0923 #3
Chapter 12: More update soon pls
vixengirl #4
I'm waiting for the next chapter <3
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 11: Thanks for the quick update
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 10: I'm jealous :p aaaaaaah how lucky she is. Anyway i hope you update soon and thank you for the previous chapters :*
Chapter 10: New reader here ^^, thanks for updating :D
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 8: Heeey it has been a long time? Sorry but did u drop out the story? You did not update? Do u have an other fic u're writing now?
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 8: Who is the next one to stay with her? Can't wait for your update ;)
vanessanesangtae #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for this to update!!!