And I'm back....

Hiding from Love

Hyomin woke up in an hospital room, white was all around and she remembered what happened, she sat up immediately but the pain on her head forbade her to do so, she felt weak, dizzy and sleepy.

"Ah my head" 

"Hyo you are awake!" It was Jaejoong's voice and she was pulled into strong warm arms

"Finally!" This time was Junsu 

"Hey she just woke up don't suffocate her" Changmin patted her head lovingly 

"Thank god you are alright" Yoochun's voice 

She searched around the room for Yunho, he wasn't inside the room

"Yunho is angry at you and with reason" Jaejoong said "You fainted for exhaustion after we told you we would be happy to see you... what did you call it...become independent, leaving the dorm but that was if you were safe and healthy! So what the is this?!"

Hyomin had never seen Jaejoong so angry at her and was surprised:

"I...I'm doing normal" She said 

"That's a lie" Junsu said

"I'm eating regurarly I just have a more packed schedule" She said

"Half Lie" Yoochun said 

"I'm ok guys, really, if it's just exhaustion...."

The door opened and she stopped speaking when a tired frowning Yunho went inside:

"Guys" He said and they left, Jaejoong and Junsu squeezed her hands, Changmin touched Yunho's shoulder and Yoochun just gave her a reassuring smile. 

She didn't want to be alone with Yunho:

" I don't like fighting with you, I don't like yelling at you but WHAT THE HELL?!" Yunho shouted and she even jumped startled 

" Oppa I...."

"No you don't have the right to speak, we are getting your things, I called BoA already, the cat will come with us, you are moving back in and I'm taking three days off, then Jaejoong, then Junsu, then Yoochun, then Changmin, you are going to be on bed rest for two weeks, no schedule, nothing! You don't leave our house, you don't even think of moving out, if i hear those words again I..." Yunho said and sighed 

"I'm sorry" Hyomin was defeated

That night looking at her room, the room that was intact even after so much time has passed since she left, it was clean and preserved, the boys were expecting her, she sat on the bed and sighed, someone knocked on her door:

"Come in" 

"Here sweet, your medicine" Yoochun went in with her medicine

"Thanks oppa" She said as she remember the angry Yoochun earlier.

She didn't look at his eyes and he chuckled 


Yoochun is and as always the appearance of a calm person, a calm warm person, the person Hyomin usually used as an escape so when she was left alone with him and everyone had to go back:

"How was Yunho?" 

"He told me I have no right to complain, that I'm going back to the house and I have no right to say anything" Hyomin sounded like she was complaining, she was trying to escape "What is that supposed to mean? It's my health, my body...."

"You really don't get it do you?" Yoochun said and stood up " It's your body and your health but who has to give explanations to the fans because you were seen being carried by a crazy worried Yunho who had no ambulance, no cap and not thinking straight he ran to the hospital with you on his arms, who has to call your family and explain them you fainted of exhaustion and hear that we aren't caring for you when you left the house? Who is worrying for you every single minute we don't know how, where and with who you are"

"That's obsessive" 

"Let it be, I don't care it's obsessive, hell I may have gone crazy but after this I'll need to know you are being taken care, Hyomin you can pretend you are all strong and don't need us but...honestly we don't give a damn about that now...we will watch you until we are healthy and even afterwards, until the day you find a suitable man..." Those words were forced out of his mouth, the thought of a suitable man that wasn't him pained Yoochun "that can protect you and take care of you well, we will be watching your every step so don't ing be selfish and open your eyes! We care for you!" 

End of Flashback

Hyomin took her medicine and Yoochun sat on her bed, she noticed he was wearing his pajamas already, Yoochun smiled after chuckling and caressed her cheek. 

Yoochun POV

She won't look at me because she thinks I'm angry at her but what I said...I don't regret it, she needs to know it, there's something going on that made her forget that, she wants to be alone so bad she resorts to this, the doctor said the exhaustion she is feeling isn't related to her body since her body is minimally healthy but to her mind, she's completely exhausted mentally and we wonder what is making her like that. 

I felt hot on my hand and looked, her cheeks were bright red, oh I was staring at her for too long I guess, why didn't she move away? Ok....

"I don't regret anything that I said but please look at me" I said smiling and pulling her chin up 

I kissed her forehead holding myself back and I got out of the bedroom, I laughed when I saw him sitting on the floor:

"Just go inside" 

"I'll yell at her again" Yunho hyung said pouting "How is she? Did she take her medicine? Was she crying? Did she look tired? Did she go to sleep? She wasn't working was she?"

I laughed:

"You are a weak man" No it wasn't me but the youngest, Changmin, only him had the guts for that much....and maybe Jaejoong. "Just find out yourself"

"What about you? That smirk hasn't left your face since we left the hospital, aren't you worried?"

"Why would I be?" Changmin asked "Hyomin made something wrong and is learning with it, with worried you mean I'm gonna scold her like everyone did? No, it's not worth it because that's what she wants, she wants us angry at her, that will make the distance bigger, don't you get it?"

What the hell does he mean with that?

End of Yoochun POV

Changmin POV

She forgets she's obvious...oh come on.... I left my dumb hyungs and went to my room, I fainted on the bed, my heart is still racing. 

Are you not worried, you ask me, of course I'm worried, I'm dead worried because even I know what she's doing, I have no idea why yet. 

End of Changmin POV


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WasabiBear #1
Chapter 14: Can't wait!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the finale :D
mm0923 #3
Chapter 12: More update soon pls
vixengirl #4
I'm waiting for the next chapter <3
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 11: Thanks for the quick update
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 10: I'm jealous :p aaaaaaah how lucky she is. Anyway i hope you update soon and thank you for the previous chapters :*
Chapter 10: New reader here ^^, thanks for updating :D
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 8: Heeey it has been a long time? Sorry but did u drop out the story? You did not update? Do u have an other fic u're writing now?
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 8: Who is the next one to stay with her? Can't wait for your update ;)
vanessanesangtae #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for this to update!!!