The Little Habits

Hiding from Love

The morning for every K-pop artist was probably very busy, they had minutes to wake up, shower and dress, at early times in the morning when not even the sun was up yet. 

For her, this morning ritual was usual...

"Minnie, wake up sweet, it's 5am, we have schedule"The Husky soothing voice of Yoochun woke up her up, such gentle voice, made her heart want to jump out of her chest

"I'm going, going" She said sleepily 

He smiled lovingly and held her hand to his lips, his little habit. 

She blushed and when he got out of the room she took the same hand to her lips, feeling warm in her cheeks.

She got up and dressed ( having taken a bath two hours ago, reason is she couldn't sleep and wanted to relax, a bath is relaxing right? Well not right! 


She got out of her own room, having a private room was thanks to Yunho, the manly leader had said she needed privacy more than him since she was a girl in the middle of guys, he was sooo right. 

She went to the room in front, as usual, she went in and sat on Jaejoong's bed shaking him awake:

"Jae oppa wake up, it's time to leave" She said, trying to say it softly

Can you imagine? A sleeping handsome Jaejoong opening his eyes to you and smiling oh so brightly, it's a dream.... yeah she thought that too. 

"Hey...." He said "What time is it?" 

"5 and something" She said yawning 

"You just woke up too?" He said and she nodded

"Yoochun woke me up" She added.

She got up trying to leave before....he pulled her and kissed her forehead, looking in her eyes afterwards:

"Thank you for waking me up sweet" He said and making her cheeks heat up again and her heart skip a few beats. Just his little habit.

She Tried not to run out of the room but still rushed. She went downstairs and was greeted by a lively dolphin (everyone knows who!) 

"Good morning sunshine" Junsu really liked to give her tight hugs, yeah his little habit. 

"The sun has not even rose and you are already annoying" Changmin was behind them and patted her shoulder, hugging her in one arm shortly and cooly like usual "Good morning" There it was, Changmin's little habit. 

"Good morning" She smiled, her heart letting her down as usual. 

Yunho came down later with Jaejoong and Yoochun, it was needed two to wake up the leader and they wouldn't let Hyomin do it since he slept half and in weird positions. 

"Good morning" He reached for her and patted her head, his habit was more discrete but his simple manly smells was enough to have her heart skip beats. 


Later, nightime, Hyomin sat on the van as they went back home, Junsu sleeping in her shoulder, she carefully took out her Iphone and opened a little file named "Journal" and started writting "Dear Journal, today was hard again, they are so perfect, I have to find a way or I'm afraid I'll spill out my feelings. Morning started with hugs and kisses, with smiles and husky voices, the day went on with me making mistakes in dancing and Yunho and Junsu assisting me, with me getting the high notes wrong and Jaejoong and Changmin instructing me and with manager scolding me and Yoochun defending me, how could I focus? The loves of my life are right here, beside me every day and I'm going crazy because I can't say a thing, i just have one wish dear journal, can god make it come true? Can I yell at the whole world I love you my bandmates! It's not possible is it? Of course not! 

Goodbye and goodnight, 1st June"


So tell me what you think! Is it good? Interesting? Weird? I accept any critics just comment!

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WasabiBear #1
Chapter 14: Can't wait!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for the finale :D
mm0923 #3
Chapter 12: More update soon pls
vixengirl #4
I'm waiting for the next chapter <3
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 11: Thanks for the quick update
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 10: I'm jealous :p aaaaaaah how lucky she is. Anyway i hope you update soon and thank you for the previous chapters :*
Chapter 10: New reader here ^^, thanks for updating :D
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 8: Heeey it has been a long time? Sorry but did u drop out the story? You did not update? Do u have an other fic u're writing now?
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 8: Who is the next one to stay with her? Can't wait for your update ;)
vanessanesangtae #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for updating, I've been waiting for this to update!!!