Final:Till the End

Loving Again

[5 years later]

It was a pretty weather.Clear and beautiful.Just like the one who was sitting under the tree,silky black hair blowing softly in the breeze.He was humming to himself and engrossed in reading.

'Hyung!!',squealed a dolphin voice.Junsu hugged Jaejoong so tightly that he was gasping.He let go and looked at his pretty hyung.Jaejoong smiled softly at him,keeping down the book.But Junsu caught the thing in it.It was that photo.Junsu looked at him,feeling as if he would cry.He wrapped an arm around Jaejoong who smiled again at him.

'Hyung,again?It's been 5 yrs already',he said,taking his Jaejoong's thin,pale hand.

'Su,I am alright.I just miss them so much.I just can't..',Jaejoong trailed off,looking at the sky,as if searching for something.

'I understand hyung,but isn't it better to-?',Junsu's words were drowned in loud squeal.Jaejoong got up and turned around,smiling at something.In a few moments,A small something launched it self at Jaejoong with such a force that he almost fell.

'Waaahh!!Umma!!Save me!!Appa scawing me!',a cute voice came from the thing which launched into Jaejoong.The bundle,a cute kid,looked up,squealed again and buried his head into Jaejoong's neck.Jaejoong saw a two figures come running at them.One of them came faster and nearer to Jaejoong and tackled both of them to the ground,tickling the kid who giggled and squirmed at the same time.

'Hahaha!!Appa!!stooooppp..hahaha!!',the kid squealed.Jaejoong smiled at seeing both of them rolling on ground.The kid managed to escape and hid behind Jaejoong.

'Umma!Min is hungwee',the kid said,blinking cutely.

'What?!You just had 2 sandwiches,3 muffins and 2 glasses of juice!',the tall man said,looking in disbelief.

'B...but I is still hungwee',little Changmin whined.Jaejoong opened the basket near him and handed him a muffin.He turned to the tall man and kissed him softly on the cheek.

'Awww,don't do that,Jae.You know I can't hold back then',he whined.Jaejoong blushed a bit as he smiled.

'Then you better do,Yun',he said as he turned to his son and brother.Yoochun collapsed right then.

'Can't you run slow?',he panted,goin and settling his head on Junsu's lap.Yunho just grinned and glanced at his wife and kid.How much trouble had they gone through for this happiness.


'Yun!!Yun!!It's me!Jae!Please Yunho!Open your eyes!',the thin man cried,shaking the still body.Junsu tried unsuccessfully to pull him away.Yoochun was begging the doctor to save Yunho.

'I can't say.He has just lost too much blood.and he needs direct tranfusion.But none of you of Junsu ssi match',the doctor said.Jaejoong heard it.

'Please!take mine!!I am O!please doctor,save Yunho!',Jaejoong said.

'But it will be too dangerous for you Mr.Kim.You are too weak for that!',the doctor said.

'Please!I implore you!!Save him!',Jaejoong begged,groveling on his knees.He needed Yunho.The doctor sighed and led jaejoong to the ER.

2 days later,Yunho opened his eyes.


'Baby,what are you doing?',Yunho asked as he limped into the room which was filled with boxes and scattered things.He had recovered greatly,but still limped a bit.Jaejoong looked up to see him.

'Omo!Yunho!You still aren't well!You should rest',Jaejoong said,as he led Yunho to the bed and made him lay down and fussed over him.Yunho yanked Jaejoong which caused him to fall beside Yunho who pulled him to him.Jaejoong rested his head on Yunho's chest,listening to his steady heartbeat while Yunho ran his hand through Jaejoong's silky locks.



'I want to sell this house.I want to move on.I want to stay with you now.Be with you.You won't leave me,right Yunnie?',Jaejoong asked.Yunho pulled him even closer.

'Never,Jae.Never',he said.

'Don't leave me,Yun!I will die if you are not there!',Jaejoong cried.Yunho tightened his grip.

'Shhh Jae.You are going to live.With me.Till the end',Yunho said.

'Thanks Yunho',said a very tired jaejoong as he drifted off.


'I pronounce you man and wife.You may now kiss'.Yunho's kiss was so tender that tears ran down Jaejoong's cheeks.Yunho kissed them away too and pulled Jaejoong in a one arm hug.Jaejoong buried his his head in Yunho's chest,extremely happy.a crowd gathered around them,congratulating them

'Jae,honey.Look.They all come to wish us'.Jaejoong looked up shyly.First to reach them were the Yoosu couple.Junsu burst into tears,saying who will cook for him now.Yoochun said he would which led to louder sobs from Junsu who said that then he will surely starve.Which made Jaejoong hug Junsu while an amused Yunho patted a devasted Yoochun.Next were Yunho's parents,with Yunho's mother gushing over a shy Jaejoong.Next were people from Jung Industries who gathered around the bridal pair.Yunho,knowing Jaejoong to be uncomfortable,had him close to him.jaejoong looked up suddenly.For a moment he thought he saw Changmin smiling at him.He blinked and nothing was there.He didn't mind.Changmin would always be part of him.But he now had someone who would be forever with him.


A loud shriek from Jaejoong woke Yunho up.He felt around for him and hugged him tightly.He felt Jaejoong's thin arms tighten around his waist.He rocked him a bit to calm him down when suddenly Jaejoong broke free and rushed to the bathroom.Yunho ran after him and held him as Jaejoong's threw up violently.Yunho made him wash his face and carried him back.Jaejoong,clung to him,sobbing.Yunho was now very worried.From the past 3 months,Jaejoong had been waking up,screaming.He was rather ill and thin and seemed to keep nothing down in his stomach,which led to hospitalisation twice from dehydration.

'Shh.I am here Jae',Yunho said soothingly.

'Yun!Don't leave me',cried Jaejoong weakly.Yunho tightened his grip.Jaejoong had been having the same nightmare.Of Yunho lying lifeless in a pool of blood.The image terrified Jaejoong so much,that he wouldn't let go of Yunho.So much so,that Yunho had taken to working from the bedroom.Jaejoong being this unstable was not good for Jaejoong as well as the little life inside him.

'It's ok,baby.I am here.I's alright'.Yunho began singing softly.It calmed down a very drained Jaejoong and lulled him to sleep.


'Congratulations,Mr.Jung!It's a boy!'.Yunho looked plain elated.He looked at the tiny blue bundle that was given in his hands.

'You should have heard him cry!What amazing lungs!!',the elderly nurse said,looking adoringly at the tiny pink head.Yunho went inside to see an exhausted Jaejoong being cleaned up.He gently laid a warm hand on Jaejoong's cheeks which made him open his eyes.

'Hi honey.I think I won.It's a boy',jaejoong whispered,taking the blue bundle in his arms.Yunho chuckled as he kissed Jaejoong's head.Jaejoong crooned softly to it.

'Hello,little fellow.Welcome.Umma  and Appa were so eagerly waiting for you,sweety'.Yunho smiled,seeing Jaejoong being so happy.jaejoong looked at him.

'Yun,let's name him Changmin'.Yunho nodded in understanding and hugged Jaejoong.

'He will be our Changmin'


[present time]

Yunho was brought back from the memory lane by a small tug on his jacket.He looked around to see Jaejoong standing behind him,smiling sweetly.He pulled him in a tight hug,inhaling his vanilla scent.He could see Yoosu and Changmin playing nearby.

'I am so happy,Yun.Thank you for our little bundle of joy',Jaejoong murmured in Yunho's chest.

'It is me who should be thanking.jae,if it were not for you,I wouldn't be alive'.Jaejoong flinched a bit

'Don't say that.It's in past.I don't to lose you again,Yun.You or Min.You both are my everything',Jaejoong said,eyes shining.Yunho smiled warmly and tightened his grip.Jaejoong sighed contentedly.His world was complete.And it would be complete.

Till the end.



The story's over!!!


Thanking all for support!!




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Clumsygirl91 #1
I love yunho he is my bias but the ty attention do not deserve yunho here
Yunho should've fake his death and marry another girl:/guy
Clumsygirl91 #2
I think you're a jaemin fan otherwise you will not write such a horrible fic where yunho is a replacement of chsngmin only
Chapter 9: Sweet..sweet n.n
Chapter 8: Oh no....oh no T.T
Chapter 7: Oh no...thats so painful....the way jae say those things he really is indeed broken
Chapter 6: I wonder if jae is depressed
Chapter 4: changmin was jae lover hhmm
Chapter 3: Changmin? Wahahaha
Chapter 2: Wow thats nice :-D