Once More

Loving Again

[Jaejoong POV]

I woke up to find Yunho sitting by me.My head heavy and when i tried to get up,a sharp pain made me wince.

'Easy Jaejoong'.My name rolled off so sweetly from his tongue.I remembered how I had reacted when I saw him.I had been so depressed.Changmin had always been on my mind.I pined for him.Yet,somewhere Yunho's warm voice always saved me from going mad.It filled me with warmth that I craved for.and when I had seen him and heard him call my name,I couldn't hold it any longer.I just needed hsi warmth.My body raected on its own and I found myself in his arms.He had held me tightly,his arms forming a warm barrier as if to protect me from hurt.

I looked at him,seeing deep worry and something else in his warm brown eyes.They seemed to be shining strangely.I raeched to touch them and my fingers came away wet.


'Jaejoong,why didn't you tell me?'.I looked at him,puzzled a bit>His voice had soothed me.but his eyes showed pain.Sorrow.And love.

'Tell you what?',I said,somehow unable to stand seeing him in pain.I reached instictively to caress his cheek.He caught my hand and kissed it gently.A sob nearly escaped me.

'About you and Changmin'.A sharp stab of pain shot through me and I whimpered.Yunho immiediately gathered me in his warm,safe arms.I leaned on him.

Changmin.Please come back.

'Jaejoong,I could have been there for you.You wouldn't have had to suffer so much',he whispered softly,holding me tightly.

'How do you know Changmin?',I asked.A pause.

'He was my little brother'.


[Yunho POV]

'He was my little brother',I said,a tear rolling down my cheek.Jaejoong looked at me in shock and grief.And I regretted telling it to him.

'Oh!Am so sorry Yunho!So sorry!He died,Yunho!He left me!He died because of me!',he cried,shaking again.

'No Jae!No!Don't blame yourself!',I said.

'If only I had not met him!If only I had not loved him!If only I hadn't borne our child!I wouldn't have sent him to buy ice-cream!He wouldn't have crossed the road!The truck wouldn't have killed him!',Jaejoong screamed hysterically.I held him as tightly as I could.

'He died on spot,Yunho!He didn't wait for me!He had promised he would there for me!He promised not to leave me alone!And,he went!Without saying even a goodbye!'.I could feel him now sobbing.I gently rocked him,trying to calm him down.

'Jae,its ok.Let him go',I said soothingly.Jaejoong trembled even more.

'We were so happy!He loved me so much!Our baby was going to come!'.Here,his voice choked.My heart was ripped apart,seeing him cry so much in pain.

'We had planned so much for our little one!He was mad with joy!W..wouldn't let me do a thing!Taking c..care of me!',Jaejoong soobed on.I felt tears run down my cheeks too.

'He used to pamper me a lot.Even if he was at work the whole day,he used to call every 5 minutes',Jaejjong shuddered.'That day,after fireworks,we went to the park.I wanted ice-cream.He crossed the road and t..turned to w..wave to me.He didn't see the truck coming.I saw it.I t...tried to shout!But it was t..too l..late!H..he jsut l..left!I c...couldn't do anything!'.Jaejoong's lament pierced my sore heart.

'I just stood there.Few days later,I w..woke up in the hospital.They had already buried him by then.I couldn't even see him in the last moments!In the hospital they said that I had lost my baby too!That I had miscarried.Our little one!!It too followec its father!They wouldn't wait for me!',Jaejoong sobbed harder, clutching his stomach.I couldn't doa nything to make him stop hurtinga nd it hurt me too.I just held him close,letting him pour all out,while tears flowed through my own eyes.

'Min had proposed to me at that fireworks!We were to be married!He even gifted me this house!Yunho!I want him back,Yunho!I want my baby back!I WANT THEM BACK!!'.Jaejoong's agonised scream tore my soul apart.He cried even harder.

'I want my baby back,Yunho!I want my little one back!I want to hold it!Nurse it!caress it! Yunho!Please! MAKE MY BABY COME BACK!'.Jaejoong's cries were like small arrpws,piercing me everywhere.He clung to me even closer.He was so thin and frail.My angel looked devastated.And i can't bear seeing him this broken.

'Jaejoong,I can't bring them back.No one can.But I do promise you one thing.I will always be there for you',I said,rubbing his back.

'NO!NO!No!It's a lie!Min said that he would be with me!It's lie!Not you also,Yunho!Please don't say that!', Jaejoong sobbed.I sighed and cupped his face.His beautiful eyes seemed so miserable.

'Jae,look at me.I never break my promises.Ever.I won't leave you.You understand?trust me',I said.jaejoong shook his head,tears flowing.I sighed again and pecked his lips softly.He stopped struggling and looked at me.

'I love you,Jaejoong',I said,as I puuled him to me once more.

He sobbed himself to sleep,not letting go off me even once.




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Clumsygirl91 #1
I love yunho he is my bias but the ty attention do not deserve yunho here
Yunho should've fake his death and marry another girl:/guy
Clumsygirl91 #2
I think you're a jaemin fan otherwise you will not write such a horrible fic where yunho is a replacement of chsngmin only
Chapter 9: Sweet..sweet n.n
Chapter 8: Oh no....oh no T.T
Chapter 7: Oh no...thats so painful....the way jae say those things he really is indeed broken
Chapter 6: I wonder if jae is depressed
Chapter 4: Ah...so changmin was jae lover hhmm
Chapter 3: Changmin? Wahahaha
Chapter 2: Wow thats nice :-D