For You,I Will

Loving Again

A Light shone so brightly,that I blinked.It was all white.I looked around to see where I was when,


That voice.It can't be true.


I slowly turned around,unable to believe my ears.There he was.Crooked smile.Uneven eyes.Twinkling.I let out a gasp as I sunk to my knees.


'Jae!!My sweetheart!',He cried as he gathered me in his arms.A sobbed escaped me and I started crying.It felt so warm in his arms.He rocked me slightly,humming to me.

'Why,Min?Why leave?',I asked through my tears.

'I am so sorry Jaejoong.I didn't want to leave.I am really sorry',he said, my head,'I love you so much,Joongie.I can't forgive myself for leaving you.I am really sorry'.I hugged him tighter,crying harder at his words.We stayed like that for a few moments.

'Jae,sweetheart,it's time',he said.I looked at him confusedly.He smiled at me.'Honey,I have to go now.Joongie,be happy'.He gently removed himself from the hug.I held on tighter,afraid to let go.

'W..why?Min,don't go!Please!I need you!',I said,clutching tighter.

'Jae,I know.But you have to move on.Be happy,Jaejoong',he said, my back.

'No!Min please!Stay!Take me with you!',I cried.He smiled so lovingly at me.

'Jae,I love you.We have a special bond.But you need someone else as your support and love.And I guess you found him already',Changmin said,eyes mismatched.

'Who?',I asked,puzzled.

'My brother,Yunho.Be happy with him,Jae.I know you love him.As he loves you.You need him Jae',he said,stepping slightly back.

'No!I only love you!Plaese,Changmin!',I cried,lunging forward to hold him.He kissed me on my head.

'I love you too Jaejoong!Very much!We will always have that special bond.But what you and hyung share is much deeper.He's the one for you.We will meet again,Joongie.Stay happy',he said,going back further.

'No min!Stay!',I said.

'Love again,Jaejoong.If you are happy,I am happy too.Love again'.And.he just disappeared.I ran around,looking for him.Not a trace to be found.I sunk to my knees again,crying.

'Jaejoong,I promise to never leave you'.

The voice.The chocolate-bronze voice.

'Jaejoong,I love you'.


I woke up with a start.Bright sunlight was streaming in through the windows.I looked around.That had felt so real.I felt so...light.So free.It was as if the chains binding me to Changmin's memories had broken,setting me free.I felt relaxed for the first time in all these years.

Changmin will always have that special place in my heart.But it also yearned to be filled up.Bya certain someone.

Jung Yunho

His name sent a pleasant electric shock running through my stomach and set my heart fluttering.It was as if I had fallen in love with him.

No...I am in love with him.Meeting with Changmin had set me free.I could love again.I am going to love again.I just have to make it known.


'Hello,Jung Yunho here'.

Let his voice engulf me warmly.

'Yunho,it's me.Jaejoong',I said,smiling and blushing at the same time.The feeling was so new and strong.

'Jae!!What happened?Are you alright?Are you ill?I will come right now!'.his worrying made me smile.He does love me.My heart grew warm.

'Relax Yunho.I am fine.I just want to say something',I said,looking in front of me.

'What is it,Jae?',He asked.I needed to see him so badly.

'I am in front of your office,Yun.Can I come see you?',I asked.

'What?Wait,I will come!You should have told me you are coming,I or Yoochun or Junsu could have picked you up.You are still not better fully.What if something have had happened?',I smiled at his anxiety.

'I am fine,really',I said.

'Wait there.I am coming to get you.Don't move an inch!I am coming!'.He hung up.I stood there,a silly grin on my face.I loved him so much.

Within moments he was there.He waved to me from across the road.I smiled at him.He stepped on the road and I felt my smile slip away.

It was like deja vu.Like it was happening all over again.

Yunho was walking towards me,smiling.He didn't see it.I saw it.I opened my voice to shout and waved my arms to let him know.He frowned and looked around.Too late.A second too late.A moment to late.A loud screech of tires and a thud.

It happened again.

A large goods-carrier slammed into him.I looked in silent horror as he crumpled to ground.

NO!!!!Not again!

It was so red.All red.I stood like a statue.Unmoving.I felt myself getting pushed as a crowd gathered and found myself near him.My knees gave out.He was lying there,with horribly twisted limbs.And a pool of red.It felt like a nightmare returning.I just was numb.No sensation.Just my eyes on the lifeless figure in front of me.

His eyes fluttered a bit,focusing on me.


And he closed his eyes.



you all like it!

Now only the last chappie is left!

Happy reading!



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Clumsygirl91 #1
I love yunho he is my bias but the ty attention do not deserve yunho here
Yunho should've fake his death and marry another girl:/guy
Clumsygirl91 #2
I think you're a jaemin fan otherwise you will not write such a horrible fic where yunho is a replacement of chsngmin only
Chapter 9: Sweet..sweet n.n
Chapter 8: Oh no....oh no T.T
Chapter 7: Oh no...thats so painful....the way jae say those things he really is indeed broken
Chapter 6: I wonder if jae is depressed
Chapter 4: changmin was jae lover hhmm
Chapter 3: Changmin? Wahahaha
Chapter 2: Wow thats nice :-D