Chapter 9

You left me, so I went to him. Don't take it personally. (Hiatus)

(Sol Na's POV)

"You didn't have to punch him, Daesung," I told the younger boy, cleaning up his nose.

"Yes, yes I did. He hit you. He totally deserved it."

"I was egging him on, I totally deserved it," I stated.

Looking at the bruising after I had finished cleaning the blood up and stopping the bleeding, it became very apparent that his nose was broken, badly.

"Stupid Seung Hyun..." I mumbled.

"Well, how bad is it?" he asked, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"You don't need to ask that question. You already know the answer... Come on; let's take you to the hospital."

He sighed and nodded. "Alright..."

"What are you going to do?" I asked him, while I was driving us up to the hospital.

"What do you mean?"

"About Big Bang..."

He sighed. "I can't live with him. I can't talk with him. I can't do my schedules with him. Heck, I can't even perform with him!"

I sighed. "I don't want to be the one to break up you guys... You've been together for so long and have gone through so much..."

"I don't care anymore. And you didn't break us up, he did."

I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don' know," I sighed. "All I know is that I'm worried about what the company will do to you..."

He squeezed my hand. "I know. I'm worried what they'll do if they find out too..."

"And how long before it is released to the press that you guys are on hiatus?"

"I didn’t think about that… What will the press do when they do find out?"

“You have a contract with YG… and I know if your contract is anything like Seung Hyun’s than you have several more years until your contract expires…” I said.

He nodded. “I know…”

“And I’m helping you run away from everything… We could both be charged as criminals and we most definitely won’t be able see each other anymore…”

I pulled up in front of the hospital and we sat there for a few minutes.

"Let's run away together!” He finally exclaimed.

I looked at him, my jaw in my lap. "You cannot be serious!"

"I am! I don't know why I am, but I am!"

"Daesung... We-we can't run away from this."

"Sure we can! You do want to be with me, right?"

"Of course I do!"

"Well then run away with me! I have to leave here before the press and the company and the guys come looking for me. And you're not safe here... They'll be looking for you too."

I thought about it for a second. I don't actually have anyone here... I would say that I have Seung Hyun, but I don't even have that to think about anymore. I turned to look at Daesung's face. "I'll go with you," I told him with a smile.

"You will?!" he asked, looking excited.

"Yes," I giggled. I felt like I just accepted his proposal. "Now let's go get your nose looked at."

We arrived back at my house late that night, and went quickly to pack my bags.

"I need to go tell Seung Hyun's mother," I told him.

"Why?" he asked, grabbing my arms.

"Someone needs to know where we are. Besides, I tell her everything. She won't tell a soul," I told him, looking at him hopefully. "Come with me..."

He sighed. "Fine..."

We both walked next door, and I pounded on the woman's door at 2:15am.

The lights came on and she came to the front door. "Sol Na? Daesung?"

"We're leaving, mother..." I told her, grabbing Daesung's hand.

"What? I don't understand..." she exclaimed, bringing us inside. "Daesung, what happened to your nose?"

"That's why we're leaving..." Daesung mumbled. "Seung Hyun and I got in a fight over Sol Na. And I'm not going back there... I've decided to leave Big Bang." I mumbled.

The woman understood. She understood that both of us were in trouble, too. Daesung was still under contract and I was the reason he was leaving. So Daesung was breaking the law and I was helping him do it.

The woman gave us each a big hug. "You two be safe," she told me, trying to blink back tears.

We both nodded. "We will."

"Where will you go?"

I looked to Daesung since he was the only person who actually knew. "I have an uncle that lives in a cabin in the mountains. We'll go there," he said grabbing a piece of paper from the kitchen and writing it down. "You can't tell anybody, please."

She nodded and wiped her eyes. "You two be safe," she repeated. "I'm sorry for my Seung Hyun. I feel as if I've failed as a mother..."

I hugged her again. "You didn't fail as a mother. You raised Seung Hyun and I very well, please don't say that..."

"Sol Na, we need to be leaving now,” Daesung said, softly.

I nodded. "I need to go now. I love you," I told her, squeezing the woman one last time before we went.

"I love you too..."

I spent most of the time crying as we drove to his uncle’s house all night. I don't even know why I was crying, it just felt like the right thing to do.

I leaned against Daesung and slept under his arm most of the way.

"Are you okay?" he asked me as I woke up around 8:30 the next morning.

We were still driving. We were nowhere near any city and no one would be able to find us here.

"I'm fine," I told him, rubbing my burning eyes. "How's your nose?"

"Oh this?" he asked, "I had forgotten all about it." He flashed me one of those beautiful grins, one of the ones that eats his eyes all up.

I laughed and snuggled closer to him. "Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Just another hour or so, okay?"

I nodded. "Who is this uncle we're meeting?"

"He is my dad's twin brother. He and my father hated each other, so this will be an interesting encounter to randomly show up at his doorstep..."

"Sol Na," I heard Daesung's voice say, shaking me awake. "We're here."

I opened my eyes and saw trees surrounding us on either side. In front of the car was a small cabin that couldn't have had more than one room.

I nodded and crawled off of him. We both got out of the car and went to knock on the front door.

Daesung had his arm around my waist and he was holding my bags in the other hand.

The door opened up and a man with long, uncombed hair stood there. He looked like an older replica of Daesung.

"Daesung? What the hell happened to your face?" he asked.

"It's a long story, Uncle. We have a favor to ask..."

"What, is she pregnant?"

We both chuckled awkwardly. "No," we said, simultaneously.

"Okay then, what's wrong?"

"Can we have a place to stay for a while?"

The man thought for a second. "How long?"

Daesung shrugged. "I'm running away from my contract... I don't know how long it will be before things blow over, if it ever does."

The man sighed, then looked me over. "Your mother would hate me if I said no..." was all he said, before letting us in the house.

We thanked the man.

"I don't have another bed, but I have a pull out couch..."

"That will be fine," Daesung said.

"What on earth happened for you to drag that pretty girl with you?" the man asked, shuffling his feet toward the kitchen, shaking his head.

"A lot of stuff happened... You can't tell anyone we're here. Okay?"

The man nodded. "I know. I'm telling you, that girl better not be pregnant. I have no way of taking care of a baby."

"I promise you Sir, I'm not pregnant,” I chuckled.

"Good. What's your name?" he asked.

"Chae Sol Na."

"Chae Sol Na... That name has a familiar ring to it..." the man mumbled, throwing two more eggs on the stove.

I looked at him questioningly. "It does?"

"Yeah... It seems like I had a colleague at work who was going to name their child that, once upon a time..."

I looked at Daesung and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Sit down," Uncle said, motioning to the table with four chairs around it. "Your eggs are almost ready."

We did as he told and he finished our eggs, putting them each on separate plates and giving one to the both of us. Daesung and I sat with one hand held over the table and eating with the other.

"You two look like newlyweds..." the man mumbled.

We both looked up at each other and blushed then looked back down to finish eating.


(Seung Hyun's POV)

"I don't know what we're going to do..." I told the guys next morning at breakfast. "Hyung is supposed to be here in an hour and Daesung isn't going to be here..."

"You brought this on yourself," Ji Yong pointed out.

I nodded. "I know I did. It wasn't my intentions..."

"We know it wasn't, hyung, but you still need to solve it. You need to be the one that tells hyung that Daesung has run, because we aren't going to do it for you."

I sighed and nodded. "I know. I brought this on myself."


That dreaded hour came and a knock came to the door. I opened it up and our manager was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Seung Hyun, you guys ready?"

I sighed. "We need to talk..."

"Why do I get the feeling like I'm about to be slapped in the face?" hyung asked, knowing something was wrong.

"It might seem like you are," I told him. "Sit down..."

The older did as he was told and sat down on the couch. Slowly the other guys came in the room and sat down with us.
"Now you guys are really freaking me out... Where's Daesung?" the manager asked.

I sighed. "That's what I wanted to talk about... I need to start from the very beginning... But you have to listen to me and not interrupt me until the very end. Okay?"

Hyung looked taken aback by my serious statement and nodded. "Alright, I'll listen."

I went on to tell him how in high school this girl and I lived together and her name was Sol Na. I said that she had always been my neighbor, but when her parents died when she was leaving middle school, she came to live with us. Then I told him how our relationship grew and about the story on the day of the debut photo-shoot and how the photographer kept on saying I would impress all the ladies and when I found myself only wanting to impress her.

I went on to tell him how I asked her out that evening and dated her behind the company's back for three years. I told him that she wanted me to hurry up and marry her and I agreed to it. But then how the next morning I was too chicken to ask, so the time never came, and eventually I ended up not seeing her for three months. That's when Daesung came into the story.

I told him how Ji Yong wanted to meet Sol Na, so Daesung went and fetched her from her work place to come back here. I said how I was mad at them because I didn't want to confront Sol Na, because I knew I would have to give her an explanation. I told hyung how Daesung was mad at me for giving a girl like her up and when I got defensive asking if they were dating, he said yes, when in reality they weren't. But, they ended up falling in love during their fake dating. And that lead us to last night. No one in the room knew the story except for me...

"So last night Tae Yang set me up on a date with this girl. She and I went to a place that Sol Na and I used to go to almost every night. And, of course, Sol Na had to be there last night. She saw the date and she could tell that I didn't like the girl. So when the girl left suddenly, I went and joined her at her table. We talked for a little and then she begged for an explanation on why I left her. I told her I'd walk her home and tell her. So I told her how chicken I was and how stupid I was," I said, taking a gulp, trying not to cry.

"And so when I finally made it to her house, I wouldn't let her walk inside crying, so I wiped her tears away. And in the heat of the moment, I kissed her... I grabbed her and kissed her. I—I got rough all of a sudden and pinned her against the wall and she told me that I was hurting her, but for some reason I didn't stop..." the tears streaming down my face now. "Why didn't I stop?"

I sniffed and tried to gain my composure. "And then she finally pushed me out of the way, but Daesung magically appeared and punched me to the ground. And after another punch, I was knocked out.

“I awoke in her house, Daesung was standing by the back door, about to leave and he said 'Tell him, or I'll leave...' Sol Na walked closer to me and said 'Seung Hyun I-I' and then Daesung said 'I told you that you still did. Goodbye Sol Na.' I knew what he was talking about. He was trying to get her to tell me that she didn't love me anymore, but she couldn't say it. Right then I thought that I had won...

“Instead, she got really upset though and went back to her room, collapsing on her bed. I followed her and laid down next to her. That was when I realized she was crying. I told her that I would kill Daesung. And she told me to kill myself because Daesung didn't do anything wrong," I said, tears bubbling up in my eyes again.

"I—I asked her why she said that and she told me that Daesung was an amazing boyfriend and I was a horrible one. She said that I was nothing more than a friend with benefits and liked me more as a best friend," I gulped, wiping more tears away. "And I was so angry at that comment… so I hit her." I broke down right there. All the guys were staring at me. I know they hadn't heard these gory details about last night yet and I know now, telling the story again that I was a pig-headed jerk.

"I'm so sorry Sol Na," I said with a lump in my throat. "I destroyed everything." My head fell as I sobbed in front of everyone.

I felt a hand fall on my knee and I glanced up seeing Seungri looking at me with his big eyes. I nodded and wiped my eyes again. "So I left, I did as she told me to. And then she told me that she didn't love me anymore because she loved Daesung now... When I got home, Daesung pounces on me, telling me that he's going to kill me and that no one ever lays a hand on Sol Na. I knew he was right. I shouldn’t have ever done anything to hurt her; but I retaliated and punched him back and broke his nose. And—and then he told them that he couldn't live in the same house and that I broke up Big Bang..." I finished with a sob. "He's right. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry everyone. I’m so sorry..." I said again, bending over and crying into my lap.

I heard hyung sigh. "So Daesung is not here?"

"No," Ji Yong said. "He left last night and wouldn't tell us where he was going."

"He told me..." Seungri whispered.

"Where did he say he was going?" I asked, looking up and sniffing.

"He went to Sol Na's..."

I glanced at everyone around the room. "We need to go get him," I said. "And I need to apologize to the both of them."

Everyone nodded and we quickly rushed out of the house.


At Sol Na's place I quickly ran to the front steps and knocked on the door, which flew open.

"Hello?!" I yelled inside, running around, looking for any sign of movement.

They weren’t here. Her drawers were open, there was no clothes or any toiletries, and no food in the house. They’re gone…

"They left late last night," I heard my mother's voice say.

I turned around and saw her standing in the door way.

"Do you know where they went to?"

She shook her head.

"Are you sure?" I asked, walking up to her.

Instead of an answer, the woman slapped me across the face. "How could you?" she asked through her teeth.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You destroyed your relationship with your best friend who was your girlfriend and one of your band mates and you destroyed the band. No son of mine does selfish things like that."

"What are you saying?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat again.

"I'm saying that you aren't to talk to me until you fix the lives you've screwed up. Until then, you are dead to me. Get out of this house, you don't belong here. I'm ashamed of you."

I exited quietly and watched my mother lock up and not say a word as she walked home.

I collapsed on the porch and began to cry again.

Why am I such a screw up?

You have no idea how hard it was for me to write the last part... Just making TOP cry makes me feel like a horrible person... I already broke up Big Bang and now this???

*sigh* I'll stop being so depressed now.


I'm having so much fun writing this right now... I like litterally have my phone open 24/7 writing one of my stories and for the last week or so it's been constantly this one... ^.^

On a side note, I do have two other accounts (made for various reasons) and I have many more stories that I am keeping up with. If you care to look at the other stories, that would be greatly appreciated. ^.^ (Yes I know, shamless advertising)


I hope to talk to everyone soon!!!

Bye y'all!!!

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 9: Poor Seunghyun, but that's the consequence anyway~~
xtavista #2
Chapter 8: i vote for dae!!
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! You hooked me with this
adissanadia #4
Chapter 5: It is logical please write it with comedy x angst :D aigoo this panda hahahaha <3
mijacibb #5
Chapter 5: :DDD loveee it :) please update soon <33
adissanadia #6
Chapter 3: Lol annoying olivia ~
lovis89 #7
Chapter 3: lol 14 year old
adissanadia #8
Chapter 2: Hahahaha please continue <3