Chapter 2

You left me, so I went to him. Don't take it personally. (Hiatus)

(Sol Na’s POV)

We walked up to the dorm and we were greeted by the other boys inside.

“You didn’t do a very good job of getting Seung Hyun out of the house fast enough. We saw him in the parking lot, Ji Yong. And he saw Sol Na.” Daesung said, with a frown on his face.

Ji Yong frowned. “I’m sorry… that boy is so stubborn… it took him forever to convince him to go shopping.”

I laughed. “Seung Hyun? Shopping? For what?”


I laughed again. “Have fun eating ramen for a month. That boy couldn’t shop worth a damn.”

They all nodded. “Trust me,” Taeyang said. “We know.”

“Well, Sol Na, this is Ji Yong, Taeyang, and Seungri,” Daesung said, introducing them to me. “Everyone, this is Sol Na.”

They all shook my hand and they invited me in. We sat down on the couch and talked for a while.

“Why on earth did you want to meet me, Ji Yong?” I asked the dragon.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just thought we should at least meet you once, seeing how you dated our Seung Hyun for three years.”

“Your Seung Hyun? I’ve known him longer than you guys have,” I said defensively.

I sighed. I wish that he and I could just be friends again. Even if we weren’t dating… I just wanted to be friends again.

“I guess your right… but I still wanted to meet you. He said you were drop dead gorgeous and we weren’t allowed to see you.”

“Hey, are you saying that she’s not drop dead gorgeous now?” Daesung asked, defensively.

“Yeah!” I yelled, demanding an answer.

He shrugged. “You’re definitely pretty, but I wouldn’t consider you drop dead gorgeous,” Ji Yong said smoothly.

TaeYang hit Ji Yong on the knee. “You don’t say that to people!”

We talked for a few more minutes in a nice open atmosphere. Everyone was really easy to get along with. But eventually, the door opened up and we all got quiet.

Seung Hyun was home.

“Hello,” he said, placing bags of ramen and soda down on the table.

“Hello,” we all answered.

I tried to make eye contact with him, but he refused to even look my direction.

“Come join us, hyung,” Seungri said, patting the empty seat next to him on the couch.

I groaned. Why Seungri? Why?

He nodded. “I’ll be there in a minute, once I put these groceries away.”

After a few awkward seconds, he came and sat next to Seungri, which was across from Daesung and me. Ji Yong and Taeyang were on either side of us.

As Seungri and Ji Yong took the initiative to start another awkward conversation, I couldn’t help but notice the way Seung Hyun’s eyes flashed back and forth between Daesung and me. Does he think that we are dating?

Finally Seung Hyun said something to me. “Why are you here?” he asked.

I felt like I could get up and slap him.

“I invited her, thank you very much.” Daesung said defensively.

“Why would you do such a thing?” Seung Hyun asked.

“Because we wanted to know if she was doing alright, seeing how you dumped her without even saying goodbye,” Ji Yong interjected.

I looked at Taeyang and Seungri. They were shaking their heads. Apparently this had been a hot topic between these three for the last three months.

“Why on earth are you getting in on my love life?” he asked.

“Because I have seen you suffer for the last few months and I hate to see you like this. You need to fess up and talk to the girl already!” Ji Yong yelled.

I looked down in my lap.  I shouldn’t be here…

 “I’m going to go,” I said, standing up.

Daesung stood up with me. “I’ll call a cab for you,” he said then followed me out.

Before I left I looked at Seung Hyun’s face. It was filled with regret… I knew he didn’t mean those words… I know him. He would never have said such a thing… What happened exactly for him to force those horrible words out of his mouth?

Daesung walked me out to the street and waved down a cab.

“Did you see the way Seung Hyun was looking at us?” I asked him.

He nodded.

“I think he thinks we’re dating or something…” I mumbled.

“I know he does.”

I sighed and the cab pulled up. “Well then, I’ll be going now.”

“Wait!” Daesung said. “Can I get your number?”

I looked at his handsome face and smiled. “Sure, why not?”

We quickly exchanged phone numbers and he saw me off.


(Daesung’s POV)

I walked back inside and slammed the door behind me, marching up to Seung Hyun.

“How could you do that to her?” I asked him, firmly.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you play stupid with me! Why would you leave that girl without an explanation? She deserves better than that!” I yelled.

Everyone sat quietly as I chastised the eldest.

“Why are you so defensive about her? Are you two dating?”

“As a matter of fact we are!”

I mentally slapped myself. What the hell did I just tell him?! Why did I say that?! I don’t even know her family name!

Everyone gasped.

“Y-you are?” Seung Hyun asked.

I nodded firmly.

Seung Hyun stood up sharply and got in my face. “If you lay one hand on her, you’re dead. Do you hear me? I swear if you hurt her, I’m going to personally kill you.”

“Can I kill you then? Because she’s been dying because of you,” I responded.

Oh my God… what am I saying?! Stop Daesung! Stop! Stop before he destroys you!

Seung Hyun raised his fist to punch me, and I winced in advance, anticipating the pain. After a second, I opened my eyes and saw him lowering his fist and walking away.

I had won the battle, but not the war yet. This was only beginning…

Before I could hear questions from the other members, I quickly went to my room and locked the door behind me, getting my phone out.

‘We have a problem. I just told Seung Hyun that we’re dating…’ I quickly texted Sol Na.

‘Kekeke. Well then, we’re in for some drama aren’t we?’ She responded.

‘You aren’t angry?’

‘I’ve been angry at him for three months. I’m through being angry. It’s time for revenge.’

This could get very interesting...

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 9: Poor Seunghyun, but that's the consequence anyway~~
xtavista #2
Chapter 8: i vote for dae!!
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! You hooked me with this
adissanadia #4
Chapter 5: It is logical please write it with comedy x angst :D aigoo this panda hahahaha <3
mijacibb #5
Chapter 5: :DDD loveee it :) please update soon <33
adissanadia #6
Chapter 3: Lol annoying olivia ~
lovis89 #7
Chapter 3: lol 14 year old
adissanadia #8
Chapter 2: Hahahaha please continue <3