Chapter 5

You left me, so I went to him. Don't take it personally. (Hiatus)

(Sol Na’s POV)

The next morning, Daesung and I traveled to work.

Olivia, who wore an unusually revealing shirt and a really short skirt, greeting Daesung the second we walked in, ignoring me entirely.

“God I can’t stand her,” I mumbled.

Daesung gently grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, trying to make my anger settle down a bit.

“I’ll wait right here,” he said, sitting down at his usual table.

“Are you sure you want to be here all day? Don’t you have some place better to be?” I asked, concerned that I was always taking up all of his time.

He chuckled. “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”

I smiled at him and walked behind the counter to look at the ticket stubs and who has ordered what at which table: the usual for someone coming in on a later shift.

“You forgot to give me something yesterday,” I heard Olivia’s annoying voice.

“Hmm? What might that be?” I asked, as I put an apron on while I was reading over the orders.

“You told me that you would get me T.O.P.’s autograph.”

Aw, . I did tell her that…

“Crap… I’m sorry. I can get it another time,” I told her. “Or you can have Daesung’s autograph.”

“Why on earth would I want Daesung’s autograph? I see him every day almost, and he is so obviously infatuated with you that he doesn’t even matter to me anymore,” she said.

“I can tell by your outfit that he really doesn’t matter to you anymore,” I smirked, grabbing some menus as a family of three walked in.

“What is that supposed to mean?!” she squealed.

“I mean, your cleavage isn’t really appreciated in this culture… and you’re fourteen so you don’t have anything to show off to begin with. And even if you did, do you honestly think that a twenty-three year old man would go for a fourteen year old girl?”

The girl’s face went red and she glared at me. “I swear,” she said in a low voice. “You will regret saying that. Remember, I am the manager’s granddaughter.”

Olivia stormed off into the kitchen.

I gulped.

Why did I have to open my fat mouth?

I went over to the family and got them seated, handing them menus. While I was taking their order, I kept on glancing through the window in the kitchen. I saw Olivia talking to my boss/her grandfather.

This cannot be good… I can’t get fired!

Think of something good Sol Na. You need to think of a way to get her to tell her grandfather that it was all some stupid mistake.

After I took their orders, I ran to the kitchen and gave them the stubs and ran back to Daesung.

“I need your help,” I told him.

“What’s wrong?”

“I told off the manager’s granddaughter and I think he’s going to fire me…”

Daesung’s mouth formed an ‘O’.

“And the worst part is that I promised her an autograph from Seung Hyun and she never got one… now she’s really pissed,” I continued.

Daesung stifled a laugh.


“I have a plan, but Seung Hyun will have both of our heads for it…”

I looked at him oddly. “What?”

“He should take her on a date,” he said, still trying to hold back her laughter.


“Yeah! She wouldn’t want to get rid of the person that set her up with T.O.P.,” Daesung said with dreamy eyes.

I thought for a minute. Seung Hyun would definitely kill the both of us (and hopefully Olivia), but my job would also be definitely saved.

“You’ll have to tell him,” I said to Daesung.

He shrugged. “As long as you’re there.”

I nodded. “This will work,” I said, then went back into the kitchen to talk to my boss’s annoying granddaughter.


Daesung and I walked into the dorms around ten thirty.

It was weird. I had never seen the dorms once during the three years when I was dating Seung Hyun and now I have been here twice in three weeks because of Daesung…

The other guys eyed me skeptically. It was rather awkward actually, seeing how I hardly knew the other three members…

“Is Seung Hyun home?” Daesung asked.

“Why?” Taeyang asked, looking up from his video games, and eyeing our hands that were linked together.

“We have a favor to ask him,” I spoke up.

“Listen, I don’t want to hear any more yelling between the two of you…” Taeyang said.

“We won’t yell. He’s on our side now. We raised our white flags yesterday. Don’t worry.”

“Oh for goodness sakes,” Seungri interjected. “Yeah guys, he’s in his room.”

Daesung knocked on Seung Hyun’s door.

“Come in,” the deep voice said.

I pulled my hand away from Daesung’s and followed him into my ex’s room.

“Oh hey guys,” he said, turning away from his computer screen to look at us.

“Hey… uh…” Daesung began.

“We have a favor to ask of you,” I finished.

“Why do I have a feeling that this isn’t good?”

“It can be good… but it probably won’t be,” Daesung mumbled.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Seung Hyun asked.

I shrugged. “I’m not sure, because it definitely won’t be good,” I chuckled.

“Well get on with it. What do you two want?”

“Remember that annoying girl at the shop yesterday?” I asked.

“Yeah? The one that freaked out when she saw me and then you promised to get her an autogra—. I forgot to give that to you, didn’t I?”

I nodded. “I forgot as well. But I have a bigger problem. She is the manager’s granddaughter and we got into a little spat earlier and now she’s threatening my job.”

“I’m sorry… But I still don’t see what this has to do with me.”

I got down on my knees and begged him with the biggest puppy eyes I could pull off. “Could you pretty-please go on a date with her for me?!”


“Go on a date with her! I asked her if she would save my job if I did that for her and she said yes. Please Hyunnie, pretty please with a cherry on top?!”

“I thought I was supposed to tell him…” I heard Daesung mutter.

I ignored him.

“A-are you s-sure that you’ll get fired if I don’t?” he asked.

“She will,” Daesung interjected. “She made sure that I was aware of it too.”

Seung Hyun sighed and I knew he was about to give in.

“Fine…” he mumbled.

I stood back up and kissed his cheek and I saw his blush, then I felt myself blush.

“Thank you!” I told him, then dragged Daesung out of the room.

Why did I kiss his cheek? I guess it was instinct…

I saw Daesung look at the color on my cheeks and frown.

“I’m sorry,” I told him.

He grabbed my hand and let our fingers intertwine. “It’s not your fault. He was your first love… No one ever forgets their first love.”


(Seung Hyun’s POV)

I can’t freaking believe that I was so captivated by her face that I actually agreed to going on a date with this kid!

I mean you should have seen me! I was a blushing mess, stuttering up a storm! And all of that was because she knelt down before me and flashed those gorgeous, big, brown eyes of hers and I was instantly in her trance.

Then she had to go and call me ‘Hyunnie’! She knows that she can do anything to me when she calls me that…

God, I should hate her for being able to control me like that.

I tapped my toe, waiting outside of Sol Na’s restaurant. Thank goodness she had already gotten off work.

I adjusted the sun glasses over my eyes and the beany over my head. Please no one recognize me with this little twerp.

Finally she came running out of the café and came up to me.

Oh gosh… she looks like a little girl. PEOPLE ARE GOING TO THINK I’M A E!

I don’t remember her looking that young!

When did she become that young?!

“Hi!” she said to me, wrapping her arm through mine.

I squirmed out of her grasp. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” I yelled.

“What? Aren’t we supposed to go on a date?” she asked, with this innocent look on her face.

Oh gosh… she can’t be more than twelve. I’m going to hell. I know it.

“W-well yeah. But… how old are you…?”

“My name is Olivia. And I’m fourteen.”

I choked. Well at least she isn’t twelve. “Olivia… I’m eleven years older than you… people might get the wrong idea…”


“And call the cops?” I finished.

She frowned. “You’re probably right. I was just hoping to get to hold T.O.P. oppa’s hand…”

Gag me.

“I’m sorry… I just can’t have a bad name over my head, you know? You do want to see me perform again, right?”

She lit up and grinned. “Yes!”

“Well then, keep me out of jail. Let’s just pretend you’re my younger, adopted sister. Okay?”

She nodded her head with a smile. “I guess that’s fine.”

I let out a sigh of relief. At least she won’t think of me romantically anymore now.

“So, Olivia, where do you want to go?”

She thought for a minute. “Can we go get ice cream?”

I sighed and forced a smile. “Ice cream it is.”


(Narrator’s POV)

“Oh my gosh… I can’t believe it,” Seungri said, snapping a photo of Seung Hyun with the girl.

“I know… I thought it was weird that he said he had a date to go on and wouldn’t tell us who it was…” Ji Yong said, adjusting the lenses on the binoculars.

“Who would have known that hyung would have stooped this low…” Taeyang mumbled.

“She can’t be more than twelve…” Ji Yong mumbled.

“Why do you think that he thinks he can’t date anyone in a reasonable age group after he dumped Sol Na? Maybe Sol Na is secretly a little girl who looks like a woman and so he was dating little kids the entire time!” Seungri exclaimed.

Ji Yong and Taeyang looked at him.

“What? Just a thought…” he mumbled, stooping down in the bushes further.

“Why are we doing this again?” Taeyang asked. “We should at least give him his privacy. We found the information we needed, now let’s go before we get caught.”

“You’ve already been caught,” the boys heard from above them.

The all looked up and saw Daesung and Sol Na standing above them, holding hands.

“Hyung?! Have you seen that?!” Seungri asked Daesung, pointing at the odd couple across the street in the ice cream parlor.

He laughed. “Yeah! I’ve seen that. Quite entertaining, isn’t it?”

Sol Na giggled and leaned into her boyfriend’s arm.

“You have seen it and aren’t the least bit concerned about hyung’s personal preferences?” Ji Yong asked.

“Oh please, if you found a hot enough fourteen year old, you would date her too!” Daesung told him.

“I would not!” he defended.

“You would too. Besides, he isn’t even dating her. That’s Sol Na’s manager’s granddaughter. She was threatening to get Sol Na fired, so we got Seung Hyun to go on a date with her as a truce.”

“S-so he’s not a e?” Taeyang asked.

The two shook their heads.

“So noona is actually my noona?” Seungri asked.

Sol Na looked at the maknae weirdly. “What?”

“Ignore him,” Ji Yong and Taeyang said together.

Suddenly, Daesung and Sol Na turned around and walked away, without saying goodbye.

“What? Why’d they leave?” Seungri asked.

Someone cleared their throat from behind them.

The three boys turned around and saw Seung Hyun with the little girl standing above the bush they were hiding in.

“Did you honestly think you could hide from me?” Seung Hyun asked.

“That’s why they walked away,” Ji Yong mumbled.

“OH MY GOD!!!” the girl screamed.

“Please don’t yell… we don’t want to have our identities given away…” Taeyang said, rubbing his temples.


“Cheers!” the six said, clanking their beer bottles together at the bar, later on that night.

“Thanks for doing that today Hyunnie,” Sol Na said.

He nodded. “You two owe me big time… I thought I was going to die eating that ice cream,” the eldest mumbled.

“But you didn’t, and you got to let her meet the other guys too,” Daesung chuckled.

“It was Ji Yong’s stupid plan!” Taeyang said, still mad about the whole thing.

“No, my plan was to lie low and maybe use a tinted car, but nooo that panda just had to go and convince us to hide in a bush. A bush!” Ji Yong defended.

Sol Na chuckled. “And who agreed to follow that panda into the bush?”

Ji Yong frowned. “I did,” he muttered under his breath.

Daesung laughed at everyone’s commentary. At least he knew that his girlfriend got along with his band mates for the most part.

“Well, it will all make for a good laugh in the future,” Seung Hyun said. “At least I don’t have to do that again.”

“Well… hyung, I have a confession….” Seungri said.

The eldest glared down at the maknae. “What did you do?”

“I gave her your phone number.”


Hi! ... I think that I should add comedy to the tags for this story... is it possible to have both comedy and angst as a tag??? I mean, I know it's possible, but is it logical? O.o

Anyway, comment, suggest, subscribe! ^.^


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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 9: Poor Seunghyun, but that's the consequence anyway~~
xtavista #2
Chapter 8: i vote for dae!!
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! You hooked me with this
adissanadia #4
Chapter 5: It is logical please write it with comedy x angst :D aigoo this panda hahahaha <3
mijacibb #5
Chapter 5: :DDD loveee it :) please update soon <33
adissanadia #6
Chapter 3: Lol annoying olivia ~
lovis89 #7
Chapter 3: lol 14 year old
adissanadia #8
Chapter 2: Hahahaha please continue <3