Chapter 3

You left me, so I went to him. Don't take it personally. (Hiatus)

(Seung Hyun's POV)

I couldn't believe that Daesung is dating her!

Worst of all I couldn't believe that Sol Na agreed to date him...

I’ve never been so heart broken in my entire life.

I sat down on my bed and covered my face with my hands.

Why couldn't I just be a man for once?!

I felt tears running down my face.

Great Seung Hyun, be a real man about things: go around crying like a little baby.

I stood up and walked over to my dresser and opened my sock drawer, digging around for a little box.

I found the thing at the back of the drawer. I opened it up and looked at the ring I was supposed to give to her.

God, I was such a coward.

I left her because I was afraid of marriage. It's just such a strict contract... I mean, declaring to the world that you are going to spend the rest of your life with someone! Oh the thought!

I sighed. But I know that I would have been able to spend every second of every day with her for all eternity...

Why then was I such a coward? Why did I run away and allow her to get in the hands of some other man... Or worse, my band mate?

Just the thought of another man's hands on her sickened me.



(Sol Na's POV)

I glanced over at the picture of Seung Hyun and me when we graduated high school. He had his arm wrapped around me as he placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek. At that time, we weren't dating, and I had no physical attraction to him. So, in the picture I was pushing him away, trying to get his chapped lips off of my face. Seung Hyun had dropped his diploma on the ground and you could see my mother's hand out of the bottom of the picture, trying to pick it up.

I laughed at the picture. It was so easy back then, so simple. Why couldn't things be that simple now? Everything seemed like we had our whole lives ahead of us. But now, it felt like I had run face first into a brick wall.

I sighed and reached over for the picture and threw it into the dresser drawer. No more of this sadness now, I'm with Daesung. I must force myself to move on, especially since Seung Hyun obviously has moved on.

I got out of bed and got ready for work.

My phone buzzed and I saw that Daesung had texted me.

Can I meet you at work? It said.

I smirked. Sure why not?


When I arrived at work that morning, I unlocked the door to the tiny shop.

“You’re opening shop?” I heard a familiar voice ask.

I turned and saw Daesung standing around the corner. “Yeah, I open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

He nodded. “May I come in?”

I looked at him sternly. “You know sir, I haven’t opened up the shop yet. The sign still reads ‘closed,’” I told him in a deep, manly voice, as I pointed to the little card on the door that was flipped to read closed.

“But couldn’t you make an exception just this once? You know, it’s awfully chilly outside…” he said, rubbing his arms.

I chuckled. “That would be a lovely sob story, sir, if it were cold outside.”

He laughed awkwardly. “Yeah… But really, can I come in while you open up shop?”

I sighed. “Alright, alright,” I said, letting the younger in. “Why are you here so early anyway?”

“I kinda ran away last night after I told Seung Hyun that we were dating… the other guys in the room gasped when they heard me say that… I left early before any of them awoke so I could avoid any questions they might have…”

I laughed at him and flipped the lights on, quickly locking the door behind me.

“You open up early in the mornings by yourself?”

I nodded.

“When will the next person come in?” Daesung asked.

I shrugged. “In an hour or so… my job is to get the food started. The shop itself won’t open up for another hour.”

“But you still come in all alone?”

“Who else would?” I chuckled, as I the lights in the kitchen.

Daesung followed me into the kitchen. “I don’t know, maybe a man or something… I just don’t think that a woman walking to work in the morning by herself and preparing to open the shop by herself is very safe…”

I chuckled at him. “Aw, is my little Daesung worried about me?”

“Of course I am! I’d be worried about any person in these circumstances! And don’t call me little… I know you’re a year older than me and all, but if we’re supposed to be dating, it would be weird to keep calling me ‘little’.”

I laughed again. “Okay, I won’t call you little… but don’t beg me to call you ‘oppa’, because that would be very odd.”

“I promise, I won’t make you call me ‘oppa’. But ‘yeobo’ would be nice,” he smirked.

I looked at him oddly, as I reached down below the counter to get a few pans out to start cooking the meat. “’Yeobo’ eh? Sorry, doesn’t have a nice ring to it. I think I’ll just stick to Daesung.”

He frowned. “You’re no fun.”

“I know I’m not. Just ask Seung Hyun, I’m as stubborn as a mule and as stiff as a board,” I said, walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing the pork out to grind.

I felt Daesung’s fingers creep on my waist and tickle me.

I squealed loudly and threw the meat on the floor.

“As stiff as a board, huh? You seemed pretty ticklish to me…”

I frowned and bent down to pick up the meat. “Look what you did… you spoiled the meat.”

I looked down at the pork on the floor.

“Did I do that?”

“Yes, when you tickled me.”

“I-I’m sorry,” he said with a sad expression on his face.

I looked at his facial expression and laughed. “You’re so cute!”

He blushed and he bent down to pick up the spoiled meat. “I’ll throw this away and go sit in the eating area…”

I watched the younger leave. How could we get along so well after just a day of knowing each other?


I began cooking the food and after a hour and a half, my boss came in with a teenage girl.

“This is my granddaughter, Olivia,” Christopher said. “She has moved in with me, here in Korea, for a few weeks. Her Korean is limited, but she can still speak pretty well. She’ll be a server in the eating area starting today. Please, watch her closely. She’s only fourteen.”

My jaw dropped. Fourteen?! I have to monitor this?!

“I’ll take over here in the kitchen. Go and work the tables,” he told me.

I nodded. “Yes sir. Come on Olivia,” I told her.

The girl followed me to the eating area.

“Grandpa said that my Korean was limited, but he’s an idiot. My Korean is perfectly fine,” she told me.

I looked at her, shocked. “Your accent is almost flawless.”

“I know it is. I’ve been studying Korean since I was a little girl. I have a better accent than Grandpa does.”

I laughed at the girl with an attitude.

“Why are you in Korea now?” I asked.

“Because of my stupid parents. I don’t want to get into it.”

I nodded. “That’s understandable. Well Olivia, all I want you to do, is to go around and bus the tables. That means that I’ll be taking the orders and you’ll be refilling drinks and stuff like that. And when the people want to leave, let me give them their checks and work with money. After, one of us needs to make sure that the table is cleaned of the dirty dishes, and that it is wiped down clean. The dishes need to get back to the kitchen as soon as possible so they can be cleaned and ready for use again. Pretty simple, right?”

She shrugged. “Bussing tables isn’t that hard. I don’t see why I need a supervisor,” she said.

Wow, she’s snooty.

I looked over at Daesung sitting at the tables. He was the only one in the shop at the moment, and I figured I should see how this girl works.

He had already helped himself to a cup of coffee earlier when I was busy in the kitchen, and now it sat empty on his table.

“You see that man over there?” I asked.

“The one playing on his phone?”

“Yeah. Go ask him if he wants a refill on his coffee, okay?”

Olivia nodded and I went behind the counter, watching how this all laid out.

She went over to Daesung and I saw her eyes go wide and her squeal.

Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me.

“Do you know who this is?!” she yelled. “Oh my God! Can you sign this?” Olivia pulled a handkerchief from her pocket.

“You! Girl! Lady! Get me a pen or something!” she demanded.

You? Girl? Lady? What the heck?! Could you be any more rude?

 I sighed and shuffled for a pen, and brought it over to Daesung and the girl.

Daesung was blushing as she fawned over him.

“Do you know who this is?!” she asked me.

I sighed, annoyed. “Yes. I know who that is.”

“Why aren’t you freaking out?!”

“Because I’m friends with all of them?”

“You are?! Omo! Can you introduce me to them?!”

“What is going on in here?” Christopher said, walking into the eating area.

“Your granddaughter is busy freaking out here by my friend…”

“Grandpa, he’s in a famous pop band!”

“I know who he is. First she brought in that TOP guy every day and now she’s bringing in… is it Seungri?”

“Daesung,” Daesung corrected.

“Right, sorry. Daesung,” Christopher said.

“You’re really close with TOP oppa?!” the girl squealed.

I cringed. Christopher, I swear if you mention our relationship I will kill you..

“Close? Ha. Those two have been dating for years.” Christopher said.

Of course.

“Had,” Daesung and I both corrected him.

“Oh, sorry.”

“You dated TOP oppa?!”

I felt my body tensing up. How can one tiny little girl be so freaking annoying?!

“What is he like?! Oh my God, if I had a chance to date TOP oppa I would die!”

“Alright little girl!” I yelled. “Yes, I dated Seung Hyun for three years. But he is a bastard and is not worth your time. Please, I want to work, and I really don’t want to talk about my ex right now! Okay?!”

Just as I said that, the door opened and an elderly couple walked in.

Olivia nodded. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Alright, go show that couple to their table and ask them what they want to drink,” I told her.

Christopher nodded and smiled at me, and left back to the kitchen.

As I waited for her to finish taking their drink orders, I sat down in front of Daesung.

“It seems like everywhere I go, something reminds me of our relationship…”

Daesung placed his hand on mine. “I’m sorry…”

I smiled at him softly. “It isn’t your fault.”

“Tell you what, later when you break out of this joint for the day, why don’t we go out, you know, to get your mind off of Seung Hyun?” he asked.

“Why Daesung, are you asking me out on a date?” I asked acting shocked.

“Well I figure that I should, seeing how you are supposed to be my girlfriend… You do want to make Seung Hyun jealous, right?”

“Oh, that is my ultimate goal,” I chuckled. “Okay. Well, it’s a date then.”

He smiled. “Good. I’ll wait right here.”

“You would have waited there otherwise, even if I had said no to you asking me out.”

He shrugged. “True.”

I laughed and stood back up. “I must get back to work now.”

Daesung nodded and let me get back to work.

As I went to take the couple’s food order, I looked over at Olivia and saw her glaring at me.

Great… Now I have to deal with a crazed VIP too… just wonderful. 

Eh, this chapter could have been better... but I'm writing this at 3:13 in the morning (CURSE YOU DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! I LOST ONE HOUR OF SLEEP BECAUSE OF OUR STUPID AMERICAN WAYS!!!) and I honestly can't think strait anymore...

Anyway, comment, suggest, subscribe! ^.^


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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 9: Poor Seunghyun, but that's the consequence anyway~~
xtavista #2
Chapter 8: i vote for dae!!
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! You hooked me with this
adissanadia #4
Chapter 5: It is logical please write it with comedy x angst :D aigoo this panda hahahaha <3
mijacibb #5
Chapter 5: :DDD loveee it :) please update soon <33
adissanadia #6
Chapter 3: Lol annoying olivia ~
lovis89 #7
Chapter 3: lol 14 year old
adissanadia #8
Chapter 2: Hahahaha please continue <3