Chapter 7

You left me, so I went to him. Don't take it personally. (Hiatus)

A/N: There is some language in this chapter, but I don't want to rate it because that would mean my younger readers cannot read this chapter, which is essential to the plot.

(Sol Na’s POV)

The boys were busy the next few weeks and I hardly got to see Daesung or anyone else at all. It kinda to be honest; it was like the way I was after Seung Hyun broke up with me: I felt like I was the loner from school that no one wanted to talk to because I was just a little too weird for their taste.

I sighed as I finished bussing the last table for the day and thanked the family of four for coming to the restaurant.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Olivia asked. “I haven’t seen him in like three weeks.”

“He’s busy working on the new album. By the time I get off work and he gets back, it’s almost impossible to see him because they are all so exhausted.”

She smirked. “Well, I happened to see them all last night at a restaurant.”

“What are you trying to do? Are you trying to get Daesung in trouble with me?”


“Well for your information, they invited me last night, but I had an exam this morning so I didn’t go. I know where he is because he tells me, and I’m not worried about anything.”

Olivia clocked out and threw her apron on the counter. “Whatever,” she mumbled as she walked out the door.

I sighed and said goodbye to the last chef who was in the café, and walked down the street to the local curry shop that closed late.

I ordered beef curry and ate it alone, wishing Seung Hyun was by my side.

I hesitated in my thoughts. Did I just wish that Seung Hyun was by my side?

“You like to go here a lot?” I heard this girl’s squeaky voice ask.

There was a grunt from the man she was with.

I turned around and looked at the couple, revealing Seung Hyun with a girl showing way too much leg and just a little too much cleavage.

Well, speak of the devil.

I stared at the man. He has a girlfriend now?

“Hyunnie,” the girl whined, “that girl is staring at you.” The chick pointed at me and Seung Hyun’s head turned around and looked right at me.

His eyes went large as he looked my way and we locked eyes for a good ten seconds.

“Come on Hyunnie… let’s order food.”

He cleared his throat, nodded at me, and went to order food with his date.

Wait… Didn’t Daesung tell me that they would be working long past midnight tonight? Was Olivia right?

They sat in a table opposite to mine and I swear every time I glanced over at that man, he was looking at me. She continuously called him Hyunnie, which was pissing me off, because only I called him that; she continuously was using WAY too much ageyo; and was constantly leaning over just a little too much.

I could tell by the way the he was acting, all grunty and kinda annoyed, that this was their first date and probably their last too.

After a while the girl’s phone rang and she squeaked, glancing down at the text message. “Oh! Seung Hyun, I’m sorry, I just—uh—got called into work! I need to go!” she said, grabbing her purse and running out of the tented curry shop.

Like hell she needed to go to work.

I turned my head back and continued eating my curry, realizing that I’ve probably only had two or three bites from the entire thing.

I heard Seung Hyun’s chair move and him get up. Please don’t say hi to me. Please don’t say hi to me.

“Hey,” he mumbled and put his curry down next to me, sitting down.

“Hey,” I mumbled back.

“I’m sorry you had to see that. It was actually Tae Yang that set me up with that loud girl.”

“You don’t have to apologize for dating. I’ve moved on, you should too,” I said, not looking up at him.

“Have you moved on?” he asked.

“I have,” I responded.

“If you had, then you would be looking at me right now.”

“I’m too focused on eating to look at you.”

“Bull . Sol Na,” he said in his most soothing voice. “Look at me.”

I sighed and put my spoon down then turned my head and looked at him. “You happy now?” I asked.

He reached his hand up to my face and I instinctively let him caress my face. “Yes, I’m happy now.”

His thumb brushed every part of the left side of my face and my breath hitched as his thumb traveled over my lips.

“You’ve moved on, have you?”

I stood up abruptly and put my money down on the table. “Thank you,” I told the man running the shop, and I left quickly.

“Sol Na wait!”

“I can’t do this, Seung Hyun. You had to go and screw everything up. You were the only person on planet earth I could trust before, and now I can’t trust anyone.”

“What about Daesung?”

“Daesung? He told me that you guys were going to be busy until after midnight. Guess what? It’s eleven o’clock and here you are with some . Do you think that I can trust that?”

Tears began to flow from my eyes and I didn’t even know why.

“You can trust me though,” he said, grabbing my hands and walking in close to me.

“No, no I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because you left me; you didn’t even say anything… one day, you just kinda left. And you know what is even worse? The night before you disappeared into thin air, you screamed to the world that you loved me to the moon and back,” I said, pushing him away. “HOW THE HELL DO YOU CALL THAT LOVE?!”

He hung his head low. “I don’t have anything to say.”

“How about a real explanation?”

“What do you mean? I told you that I didn’t have one.”

“I know, but I don’t believe you. I know you Seung Hyun. I’ve known you longer than anyone you now know, besides your mother. And I know you don’t do anything irrational and there must have been some explanation for just deciding one day that you didn’t love me anymore.”

The man sighed. “Fine, I’ll tell you, if you let me walk you home.”

“Suite yourself,” I said and we began walking.

“You know, the day before I decided to leave, you were sitting there studying and I made you dinner and after just sat there bothering you. It was probably one of the sweetest things I could have ever imagined myself to be in. I was so happy at that moment and made me start thinking… what if we did this for the rest of our lives. Then later on that night you told me to hurry up with getting you the engagement ring.” He sighed and paused for a second, obviously ashamed with what he is about to tell me. “So I did just that. My mother had told me that she still had my grandmother’s ring and she told me to give it to you whenever I was ready to marry you. She also specifically said that that ring was for you and for you alone and if I one day decided to marry another girl, then I would have to get a different ring, just so you know. Anyway, I ran home that night and told my mother the news: that I was going to purpose to you the next day. She was ecstatic… I was ecstatic.

“The next day,” He sighed again, “I woke up in the morning and saw the ring sitting on my night stand. I suddenly became extremely nervous and began to think of all the possibilities… things that could go wrong with the proposal, with the engagement, with the wedding, and even with the marriage. I couldn’t stand the thought of hurting you and so I did the cowardly thing that day and decided to put it off until the next day. The next day became the next week and so on and so forth.”

“You—you were going to marry me?”

“I wanted too… I was just too scared.”

I felt tears begin to roll down my face and I punched the arm of the man next to me. “You’re such a god damn coward! I would have said yes in a heartbeat!”

“I know…” he said, taking the punch and looking at me. “Don’t cry…”

“How could I not cry? The man of my dreams left me right before he was going to ask me to marry him!”

“I’m sorry,” he said as he walked me up to my front door.

“It’s too late for an apology. Leave me alone,” I said, and unlocking the door. “Goodnight.”

“Wait,” he said, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to look at him.

He began wiping off my tears. “I can’t let you leave when you still have tear stains on your face.”

The next thing I know, his face moves toward mine and he kisses me. Our lips moved together as he pushed me up against the wall of the porch. His lips left mine and slowly trailed down my jaw line and my neck. He began to nip and on the sweet spot he had kissed so many times before. I felt a light moan escape my lips and he growled in content, making his grip on me tighter.

“Seung Hyun, you’re hurting me,” I told him.

He ignored me.

“Seung Hyun, please, let go. You’re hurting me.”

Once again, I was ignored.

“Get off of me!” I yelled and pushed him to the ground.

“I—I’m sorry. I don’t know what got over me,” he said, backing away.

In the next second, I see Daesung running up to Seung Hyun and jumping on him, punching him across the face.

“Wait, Daesung! Stop!” I cried, trying to pull him off of the older boy.

“Don’t you ever kiss her against her will again you bastard!” he punched again.

Seung Hyun chuckled underneath the younger boy and flashed a bloody grin. “I have news for you, Daesung, she kissed me back.”

Daesung punched again and left Seung Hyun passed out on my porch.

This chapter made me sad to write... I wish it could be like this again...

But the chances of that in this story are pretty slim, unfortunately.


Anyway, hey y'all!

Yes, I am back... School was just way to much for me the last couple of months. But I am finally done with my junior (11th) year which is claimed to be the hardest, so I hope I will be able to continue updating through the summer and into the next school year.

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SoongYeong-a #1
Chapter 9: Poor Seunghyun, but that's the consequence anyway~~
xtavista #2
Chapter 8: i vote for dae!!
Chapter 6: Please update soon!! You hooked me with this
adissanadia #4
Chapter 5: It is logical please write it with comedy x angst :D aigoo this panda hahahaha <3
mijacibb #5
Chapter 5: :DDD loveee it :) please update soon <33
adissanadia #6
Chapter 3: Lol annoying olivia ~
lovis89 #7
Chapter 3: lol 14 year old
adissanadia #8
Chapter 2: Hahahaha please continue <3