Now and Forever

At Rainbow's End [on HIATUS]


Wind blows gently through his hair as he mesmerizingly watched everything around them as Kyuhyun drives. He had never seen such huge buildings, numerous cars, and the busy people walking along the sidewalk in his entire life. He cannot help but asked Kyuhyun to tell him what the things that took his notice are, and the latter was more than glad to tell him what he wanted to know.
“I had never seen anything like this in our world. Everyone seemed to be free.” After saying the last sentence, Sungmin’s smile faded and the memories of him being locked up in his room, being not allowed to go out of the castle, returned to him. 
Kyuhyun glanced at Sungmin as he noticed the latter’s silence. He saw the downcast look written all over in Sungmin’s face. Thinking of a way to cheer Sungmin up, he started to play a song in his car. The strumming of a sweet tone from a guitar was heard and it immediately took Sungmin’s attention. He stared at Kyuhyun with wide eyes and confusion was written all over his face.
It was Kyuhyun’s favorite song and he smiled lovingly at the beautiful man beside him as he began singing along to the words that the singer was expressing.
Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread
The words slipped beautifully from Kyuhyun’s lips and his voice was so velvety that it made Sungmin’s heart skipped a beat. He was trained since he was young to sing, heard a lot of people around him in the castle sing some lovely songs, but it was the first time in his life that he heard such a sweet and soulful voice that he can’t help but melt into it. 
I lose my way but still you seem to understand
Now and forever I will be your man.
Those words, Kyuhyun meant it. He wanted to be Sungmin’s only man. He wanted to be with him, make him smile, make him forget the things that made him sad, and be with him for the rest of his life. He had never felt anything like this before, never felt so deep in love with anyone.
Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever I will be your man 
The song ended and Sungmin found himself being captured with Kyuhyun’s voice. He was too caught up that tears fell from his eyes. He is not sad, nor is he mad. Kyuhyun saw the tears and he felt so worried. He parked the car before he gently wiped Sungmin’s tears away with his fingers.
“I’m sorry. Please, don’t cry.” Kyuhyun said softly.
Sungmin shook his head. “I’m such a cry-baby.” He chuckled in embarrassment. “You have a lovely voice, Kyuhyun. I don’t know why, but I feel so overwhelmed.”
Kyuhyun sighed in relief before smiling at Sungmin. “You scared me, but hanks for the compliment.” He looked at Sungmin’s blue orbs and he felt like his seeing the clear blue sky in it. It seemed to hypnotize him and without holding himself back, Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin’s both eyelids as soon as the latter closed his eyes.
Sungmin felt himself blushing hard and the sensations brought by Kyuhyun’s lips seemed to melt his every being. It was so new to him. When Kyuhyun pulled back, he can’t help but feel empty.
“Let’s go.” Kyuhyun said as he removed the seatbelt from Sungmin.
“W-where are we going?”
“Let’s buy you some clothes.” Kyuhyun replied as he looked at Sungmin’s clothes, which is his by the way. “Unless you want to use my clothes continuously, that would be no problem for me.” Well, seeing Sungmin in his clothes is much of a turn on for him. But he needed to buy Sungmin some clothes, for the latter’s comfort.
Sungmin’s cheeks turned into a million shades of pink as he saw the suggestive look that Kyuhyun was throwing at him. He was starting to like the latter’s behavior, but still he can’t give him his trust fully.
Sungmin’s joyful side was shown to Kyuhyun as they visited different stores. Kyuhyun allowed him to choose the clothes that he liked and will excitedly show it off to Kyuhyun when he tried to fit each of the clothes that he chooses. Sungmin would pout whenever Kyuhyun would shake his head in disapproval when he tries to fit some clothes that he just randomly picks, but would smile beautifully whenever Kyuhyun would agree and give him a thumbs up. 
Kyuhyun hated shopping. It was one of the worst things that he had to deal with whenever he accompanies his previous girlfriends in going out. But with Sungmin, he finds it enjoyable. Whenever he saw those pouts, he tried harder to control himself from kissing Sungmin again. He finds it interesting to watch and admired those beautiful smiles coming from Sungmin. It felt like it’s the most precious rewards that he had ever received in his entire life.
After shopping, Kyuhyun decided to bring Sungmin to a restaurant. He was done ordering their foods when he saw Sungmin staring at him. 
“What is it?” He asked and he saw Sungmin’s cheek flushed.
“I…. T-thank you so much, Kyuhyun.” Sungmin replied and he lowered his gaze to hide his blushing cheeks from Kyuhyun. “I had never felt this happy before. I was always locked up inside the castle, never had any freedom at all. Everything that happened today was the first time for me.” 
“I’m glad to know that. I told you that I’ll make you feel how it is to be free, and I’m glad that I succeeded.” Kyuhyun said as he rested his chin on his hand.
“You had done enough for me already. I hope I can do something for you in return.”
Kyuhyun was suddenly stunned with Sungmin’s reply, and a smirked form on the corner of his lips. “There is only one thing that I wanted to ask from you.”
Sungmin raised his head and looked at Kyuhyun in confusion. “W-what is it?”
Kyuhyun took both of Sungmin’s hands and carefully brought it to his lips, surprising the latter. “Please stay with me forever.”
Sungmin was speechless and he can only looked at Kyuhyun as his heart started beating erratically on his chest, and different shades of pink crept on both of his cheeks. 
“I won’t force you. But I’ll prove to you how much you mean to me. Crazy as it may seem, but I fell in love with you from the first time I lay my eyes on you. I know this is too sudden, but I am willing to wait for you, Sungmin.” Kyuhyun said carefully with a smile before letting Sungmin’s hands go.
Their food soon arrived and they started eating in silence. Sungmin tried to calm his heart and he can’t help himself from stealing glances towards Kyuhyun. Sometimes, their gazes would meet and Sungmin would immediately lower his gaze, making him not notice the look that Kyuhyun was giving him. 
“Can I hold your hand?” Kyuhyun asked as they stood beside each other on the beach. Without waiting for the reply, Kyuhyun took Sungmin’s left hand and intertwined it with his right hand as they watched the sun set.
Sungmin blushed as he noticed how much their hands fit perfectly together. He remembered what Kyuhyun had told him in the restaurant and all of the unknown emotions came rushing into him again. Funny how a man that you had barely known could make you feel something that you had never felt before. Everything with Kyuhyun is Sungmin’s first time. He smiled and tightened his hold on Kyuhyun’s hand as he watched the setting of the sun. One thing he is sure about, he is afraid to let Kyuhyun’s hand go. Or maybe, the one who owns this hand.
“It’s beautiful.” Sungmin said in amusement.
Kyuhyun felt Sungmin’s grip on his hand, making him looked at the latter. Sungmin looks so stunning and he was so mesmerized from staring at him. 
“Yes. Beautiful, indeed.”
Sungmin is so beautiful and perfect that Kyuhyun is willing to do everything to be with him. He will wait, and that’s for sure.
(a/n) been listening to Richard Marx's song while writing this. OTL! I hope this fluffy chapter is not a fail.....
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i'm on a hiatus :(


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Shirobaka #1
Chapter 8: Hello silent reader here~

This fic is so good too bad this is on hiatus, but it's alright hope you can still continue this.

It's funny to know that you used richard marx's now and forever, whereas kyuhyun performed this very song when he auditioned. ^^
Huhuhu pls update this. I'm still waiting for it. ㅠㅠ this fic is so cuteeee.
Chapter 13: Please update :(
anummutia #4
Chapter 13: please update soon,, that story very awesome,, :D
rizzorin #5
Chapter 13: haahahah!~ love it~
kyuririn #6
Chapter 13: Yeay ! Double update! ThanKyu. Hae toping? I'm surprise heheh. Sweet Kyumin moment. Update soon...
elmokyu #7
Chapter 13: Thanks for the double updates! I think it's about time Min & Hae tell Kyu & Hyuk more about their kingdom & about their father.. At least, maybe, Kyu & Hyuk could help them to keep them save... And hopefully meeting their mother (is she still alive?) can be added in your story? Mianhae, just suggesting.. Anyway, all the best & fighting!
Chapter 13: Lol XD a _______ behind the cute innocent image XD Hae I love you so much >.< Hyukkie just let go of Kyuhyun now and be with Hae.... I know it's hard to let go of Kyu but there is someone beside you who loves you and we can see that you are starting to like him too
Chapter 13: Wow double updates thank you so much