
At Rainbow's End [on HIATUS]


Leeteuk and Sungmin watched the sun rise in the east and they both smiled at the beautiful scene. They are both sitting in one of the tallest trees' branches.
"It's beautiful." Leeteuk can't help but exclaimed.
"I wonder why Father hates this place so much."
Leeteuk's smile suddenly fades as memories of the past played before his eyes. "You and the Queen were so much alike. Full of curiosity, and adventurous minds." 
"I am always told about that a lot of times." Sungmin giggled as he remembered his mother's beautiful face. He sighed and looked at the sky again. "I miss her."
"She loves this place. The King can't do anything but fulfill the Queen's wish to visit here." Leeteuk continued.
"I know." Sungmin replied, earning him a puzzled look from his cousin. "Heechul told me."
"Oh, I see."
There was a moment of silence, and Sungmin was the first one to break it. "Hyung, what happened to Mother?" Leeteuk looked at Sungmin with uncertainty in his eyes. "Tell me the truth, hyung. Father won't tell me anything."
Leeteuk let go of a sigh, still uncertain whether he should tell the younger or not. Sungmin grabbed his hand and squeezed it in a comforting way.
"You are the only one who knows Mother too well. Please tell me, hyung."
Leeteuk averted his eyes away from Sungmin. "She was abused and got killed in this place." Leeteuk heard a gasp from his cousin. He wanted to keep the secret, but he thinks that it would be the best if Sungmin will find out the truth. "She keeps on coming back here that someone had spied on her and found out about her secret. She's so beautiful that the man who had taken her and killed her in the end. The King was devastated and when he found out who did that, he made the man pay with his own life.
"But the King was still not satisfied. He killed everyone that has got something to do with that man, even innocent children that lives in that man's village. That is why your father never wanted you or your brothers to come in this place. It would make him remember what happened to your mother twenty years ago. He is scared that the same thing would happen to you or to any one of us. We cannot trust anyone here, Sungmin."
"I…. I don't know what to say…" Sungmin can only say as he tried to grasp everything that Leeteuk told him. His mother had been killed by someone that lived in this world. He thought that this place is safe, but after finding out what happened to his mother, he felt scared. What if all these times that he had been coming and leaving this place, someone had been actually spying on him?
Somehow, he's starting to agree with his father that this place is full of dirty things and scary people. He can't imagine how much pain that his mother had gone through in the hands of that man. He clenched his fist in anger. Leeteuk is correct. They can't trust anyone here.
"We should go home, Sungmin. We can't stay here any longer. I have been having some bad feelings since last night." Leeteuk whispered and soon spread his wings.
"I pity this beautiful nature for having scary people living in it." Sungmin said in anger and followed his cousin in going to the ground.
"Not all people here are scary. There are some with pure hearts. But either way, we still need to be careful." Leeteuk replied with a smile on his face.
A sound of gunshot was heard and Sungmin lost his balance. Leeteuk hurriedly flew towards him in an instant before he could fall on the ground.
"Oh my God! Sungmin, your left wing is broken and your arm is hurt." Leeteuk said hysterically as he saw his cousin's current state. Sungmin groaned as he felt his left arm hurt so badly.
Sungmin felt scared as he remembers what happened to his mother. His cheeks were now wet with tears as he looked at his bleeding arm.
"We need to get out of here. God! The King will be mad if he finds out."
Suddenly, a rainbow appeared and Ryeowook arrived with a worried expression. "Hyung, Father is looking for-" He paused as soon as he saw Sungmin's bleeding arm. "God! Hyung, what happened?"
Ryeowook immediately crouched down beside his brother and tore the rim of his shirt and wrapped it around Sungmin's arm, making the latter winced in pain. "We need to get out of this place." He said in panic as he heard some footsteps coming towards him. "Where's your bracelet?"
"I put it underneath that big rock." Sungmin replied and Leeteuk immediately ran towards the place that Sungmin had pointed. To his horror, the bracelet was nowhere to be found.
"Sungmin, are you sure you put that thing here?" He asked as he kept on looking around the big rock.
"I did, Hyung. Why?" He asked in confusion.
"I can't find it." Leeteuk replied in a worried tone.
"I am sure I put it there. Ouch!" Sungmin winced in pain as he tried to stand up. Footsteps were getting louder and Ryeowook became anxious.
"They are coming towards us. Leeteuk hyung, there's no time for that. We need to get Sungmin hyung out of here." 
Leeteuk hurriedly went towards his cousins. He helped Sungmin get on his feet.
"I can't fly. I can't move my wings, hyung." Sungmin is now teary-eyed and scared.
"Ryeowook and I will carry you, okay." Leeteuk assured him.
"But the power of the bracelet can only hold two people. We won't be able to make it to our world. You need to go with Ryeowook, hyung." Sungmin said and looked at his brother. "Wookie, you go with Leeteuk hyung and I will hide here as I healed myself. I need to find that bracelet before the people here can have access to our world."
"No, Sungmin! We are not leaving without you."
"Hyung, you have to go. They are coming."
"Hyung, I am not leaving without you. We will stay here with you." Ryeowook said as tears cascades from his eyes.
Sungmin stared at his brother's eyes. "Wookie, you have to go. I don't want you and Leeteuk hyung's life to be in danger here. I can handle this. Trust me."
"Why did you do that? Are you crazy, Kyuhyun?"
Sungmin's eyes widened in horror when he heard those voices approaching them. "You need to go! Hurry!" He said as he pushed both Leeteuk and Ryeowook with the little strength left in him.
"Trust me, Wookie. I'll come back once I find my bracelet. Now go and leave with Leeteuk hyung." Sungmin pleaded.
Ryeowook closed his eyes as he grabbed Leeteuk's right arm towards him. Leeteuk tried to struggle. "Let's leave, Hyung."
"No! Ryeowook, we cannot leave."
Ryeowook ignored Leeteuk's plea as he stared at Sungmin again. "I'm sorry, hyung. I'll come back with Hae hyung and the others for you. I promise."
With that, Leeteuk and Ryeowook disappeared before a man holding a gun appeared in front of Sungmin.
"What do we have here?" The man asked with an evil smirk on his face.
Sungmin walked backwards as the man slowly approached him. He wanted to hide his wings, but he can't move them. His body tensed in fear. He held his injured arm and bit his lower lip to suppress a groan due to pain in his arm.
"A bird man? An angel?" The man eyed Sungmin from head to toe and he slowly his lips. "You are a hot one. I'm sure you will bring me lots of money with your beautiful face."
He grabbed Sungmin's injured arm, and the latter yelped in pain. Sungmin imagined what his mother had gone through and it scares him. The man soon ripped Sungmin's silky robe and his eyes were filled with lust as soon as he saw the beautiful and enticing sight in front of him. 
"What a lucky day I have!" The man exclaimed. Sungmin closed his teary eyes as soon as he saw the man was ready to jump on him. Is this his end? He should've listened to his father.
Suddenly he heard something fell in front of him. He opened his eyes and was surprised to see the man unconscious in front of him. What happened?
"Hey, are you okay?"
Sungmin looked up and saw two men standing in front of him and the unconscious man. He cowered in fear. There are two of them and he is sure his life is in great danger right now. He moved his uninjured arm and tried to cover his exposed chest.
"Please… D-don't hurt me." He fearfully pleaded.
The taller man among the two removed his jacket and approached Sungmin. His body shivered in fear and fresh tears covered his flawless cheeks. He closed his eyes as he knew the man would take advantage of him. If only he is not injured, he could protect himself. He felt helpless and vulnerable right now.
Suddenly, he felt something warm covered his half and trembling body. He opened his eyes and was welcomed by a warm smile from a handsome young man. The man wrapped him in his jacket in a careful way, trying to avoid hurting his injured wings and arm.
"You are okay now. We won't hurt you. Sorry for what you had gone through."
His voice and those words seemed to slowly calm Sungmin's nerves. He knows he should not trust any of the people here, but somehow he felt relief while looking at the man's smile.
"I'm Kyuhyun. What's your name?"
"I… I'm Sungmin." Sungmin replied in a trembling voice.
"I'm still here you know." Sungmin turned his head towards Kyuhyun's companion. "I'm Hyukjae, but you can call me Eunhyuk. And I think getting-to-know-each-other-more part can be done later on as we need to attend to your wound."
Eunhyuk went beside Sungmin and examined the wound. "Jeez! You got a big bad wound there." He said and turned towards Kyuhyun. "He will lose blood if we will just stay here."
"But the others should not see him. Not with those wings on." Kyuhyun replied in worry.
"We can worry about that later. But this guy's losing blood and that bullet is still in his left arm. We need to remove that immediately." Eunhyuk reasoned out.
Kyuhyun ponder for a while and he saw Sungmin's face winced in pain. The angel is truly breathtaking and he doesn't want other people to see him after what happened a while ago. He was glad that they arrived just in time, before that erted man was able to touch his angel's body.
His angel.
Sungmin is finally here and he won't let him go away from his sight again. He looked at Sungmin's eyes, and God! Those pair of eyes seemed to hypnotize him. He averted his gaze and his eyes landed at those pink, plump, and bow-shaped lips. He shook his head as he tried to erase the thoughts of kissing the angel right now.
"I can heal myself." Sungmin said, earning him a puzzled look from the two. "It would take time, but I will be okay. Just leave me alone." He stood up and was about to walk towards a cave when all of a sudden his head started throbbing and his world spins. Soon, everything became dark and he can feel his feet giving up on him. 
Kyuhyun was quick to react and he captured Sungmin's unconscious form in his arms.
"The medicine that the hunter had put on that bullet had taken its effect now." Eunhyuk said as he slowly walked towards Kyuhyun's direction. He patted the younger's shoulder. "You're gonna get yourself in trouble, Kyu."
Kyuhyun only ignored Eunhyuk's words. What he's worried about now is Sungmin's current state. He can worry about the rest later.
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i'm on a hiatus :(


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Shirobaka #1
Chapter 8: Hello silent reader here~

This fic is so good too bad this is on hiatus, but it's alright hope you can still continue this.

It's funny to know that you used richard marx's now and forever, whereas kyuhyun performed this very song when he auditioned. ^^
Huhuhu pls update this. I'm still waiting for it. ㅠㅠ this fic is so cuteeee.
Chapter 13: Please update :(
anummutia #4
Chapter 13: please update soon,, that story very awesome,, :D
rizzorin #5
Chapter 13: haahahah!~ love it~
kyuririn #6
Chapter 13: Yeay ! Double update! ThanKyu. Hae toping? I'm surprise heheh. Sweet Kyumin moment. Update soon...
elmokyu #7
Chapter 13: Thanks for the double updates! I think it's about time Min & Hae tell Kyu & Hyuk more about their kingdom & about their father.. At least, maybe, Kyu & Hyuk could help them to keep them save... And hopefully meeting their mother (is she still alive?) can be added in your story? Mianhae, just suggesting.. Anyway, all the best & fighting!
Chapter 13: Lol XD a _______ behind the cute innocent image XD Hae I love you so much >.< Hyukkie just let go of Kyuhyun now and be with Hae.... I know it's hard to let go of Kyu but there is someone beside you who loves you and we can see that you are starting to like him too
Chapter 13: Wow double updates thank you so much