
My Jerky Neighbor


After I had overheard Jongup’s confession, I couldn’t even believe my own ears. I had so many questions and things that I wanted to ask Daehyun about. I had so many things that I wanted to get off of my chest. Last night I unfortunately wasn’t able to though because Daehyun had decided to leave with Jongup shortly after the confession. I wasn’t exactly sure what motives Daehyun had to go with him, but I had a feeling it was to ensure that I would be able to escape back into my apartment without the risk of being caught by any of B.A.P. At least, I had hoped so.


Either way though, I didn’t get to clear up the misconceptions that Himchan had said last night. The fact that Daehyun probably thought poorly of me now weighed heavily on my shoulders.





“I’m not a heart-breaker, or two-timer,” I said when I caught up to Daehyun as he left his apartment the next morning.


“Huh?” Daehyun slung his bag over his shoulder and took a bite out of his toast he was carrying.


“Himchan was lying when he said those things about me last night. I’ve never dated anyone before. Not one single person, let alone two people at the same time.”


Daehyun fleetingly tried to hold back his laughter but only ended up choking on his crumbs of toast. He bent over and coughed dramatically, all the while a rumble of laughter was still trying to escape his body. Once he regained some composure, he straightened up and managed a small smile. “I know. I believe you. Himchan says that about practically every girl that talks to me.”


I sighed, “That’s a relief.”


A blast of warmed air blew through Daehyun and I as we left the complex. A beaming sun greeted us, the beautiful spring weather instantly brightening my previous drab morning. Just then an idea popped into my head. “Are you doing anything after school today?”


“Not really. Why?”


“Let’s go somewhere! The weather’s been so terrible lately, so since it’s finally nice, I think we should take advantage of it,” I said breezily, “Don’t you think?”


“You certainly have a weird way of asking people out,” Daehyun gazed up at the opaque sky and smiled softly to himself. “What do you have in mind?”


I pondered for a moment. “It’s a secret.”





The rest of the day couldn’t have gone by faster. At the sound of the final bell, I bounded over to Daehyun’s locker, aka the locker that’s almost always surrounded by hoards of girls. I was pleasantly surprised though since the halls around his locker were relatively vacant.


Seeing Daehyun round the corner, I hopped over to him before he had a chance to even stop at his locker. “Ready?”


He cocked an eyebrow.  “Do I get to know where we’re going yet?”


I shook my head and we began to head out of the school, “I’m going to try to keep it a secret as long as possible. But... I’ve heard that you’re a pretty hard person to surprise,” I pondered, the sentence drifting off as I thought of something, anything, that could possibly suprise him.


It would be hard, but I think I know the place that Daehyun would never expect.





“Are we almost there yet?” he asked, looking at me. The afternoon sun was reflecting off of Daehyun's eyes, making them shine brightly and exquisitely. We’ve been walking through random streets, me taking unexpected turns to throw him off even more. Luckily he didn’t know this area of Seoul very well, so it was fairly easy.


“Are we going to the noraebang? Bulgogi? Sushi Bar?” he asked, throwing guesses out one after another.


I kept my lips pressed tight, not confirming or denying his guesses.


“Come on,” he whined, dragging out the last word. “I hate surprises,” He hunched over, adding to his pathetic pleas.


“We’re almost there, I promise.” I assured him, “It won’t be much of a surprise for much longer."



As the destination started to come into view, I reached my hands up to Daehyun's face to cover his eyes. I had to walk on the tips of my toes since he was a bit taller than me. Shuffling awkwardly behind him, Daehyun kept pulling away from me and walking faster, trying to ruin my diligently planned surprise.


I peaked over his shoulder and could see it come into view. The Ferris wheel stood out the most. The different colored carts glistening in the sun, after that I could see the other rides, some extremely tall and skinny while others look like they traveled around the whole entire park.


I knew that I couldn’t keep my surprise very longer since I could already start to smell the amusement park’s food and hear the familiar music. “We’re here!” I exclaimed as I pulled my hands away from Daehyun.


Daehyun’s eyes widened as he screeched to a halt. “Wow, it's an amusement park. I've never been to one before,” he said with genuine surprise and something else that I couldn’t quite figure out.


“Really? This is my favorite one. We have to go on all the rides, okay?”


He gave a nervous chuckle, “Well… the thing is-“


“No time. Lets go!” I said in a rush, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the park.





Walking through the entry way, I immediately pulled him over to the cotton candy stand. Choosing my favorite color, I bought two bags; one for Daehyun and one for me. I laughed lightly and shook my head, it always seems like I’m the one buying.


Handing him one bag, I noticed his facial expression was one of unease. He was standing in an uncomfortable manner, looking out of place.



Daehyun was going to tell me that were terrified of rides and heights. It was a phobia that he’s always had. Ever since he was a little kid, he wouldn’t even go on the kiddy rides. But now, he decided against telling me, especially since the both of us were now already in the amusement park. I looked so happy, at home almost. He didn’t want to be the one responsible for ruining that. He tried to mentally prep himself for the future torture that would come.


He saw me running ahead of him, gripping the bag of pink cotton candy in one hand,my other hand pointing eagerly to the awaiting ride.


“Let's go on this one first!"


Daehyun was lagging behind, eying the tall piece of metal. Screams were fading in and out as the ride zoomed past us. The line was long and zig-zagged in and out until the beginning at the front of the carts.


“Come on,” I said as I hauled him closer to the line.


“Are… you sure you wanna go on this one? There's a very nice looking Ferris Wheel over there," Daehyun pointed out, sounding a bit desperate.


I shook my head, not understanding how frightened of the ride Daehyun really was. Stuffing a big fluffy piece of cotton candy into my mouth, I ignored Daehyun's pitiful whimper. Chomping on my cotten candy, I slipped my pair of floral print sunglasses over my eyes and then cranked my head up to look at the rollercoaster. This one has always been one of my favorites. I’ve been on this one countless of times and no matter what, my stomach always dropped and it always took my breath away. I don't know why Daehyun was acting so childish now, I thought that he would love rollercoasters like this. It's probably just because it's his first time at an amusement park.


We finally made it to the front of the line, and I chose a cart for us. The first one; it was the best and most thrilling. I glanced over at Daehyun who was oddly silent for a majority of the time we were waiting in line. He was wringing the now empty cotton candy bag and was standing there stiffly. I tilted my head in confusion. Was Daehyun... afriad? No, that's silly. Why would the fearless ex-gangster Jung Daehyun be afraid of a silly roller-coaster? With a rush of air, the rollercoaster came to a sudden stop and the exasperated people filed out of the carts.


Daehyun was stuck in place, so I tugged on his shirt to catch him out of his daze. Even if he was scared, it was too late to back down now. It was our turn to get on.

Daehyun clambered into the cart and fumbled with his seatbelt. I was already buckled in and ready to go, but he couldn’t seem to clip the buckle. “Here let me,” I reached over, pulling his hands off the buckle. “Geesh, why are you hands so clammy?” I teased, clipping his seatbelt in place.


Daehyun immediately retorted. "I don't know what you're talking about. My hands are perfectly fine. See?" He then quickly clamped onto my hand with his.


“Ew, they’re not fine. They're all sweaty!” I fought to pull his hand off of mine, squirming violently in the small compartment.


With my response, he just tightened his grip on my hand.


“Have a death grip, will you?” I responded. Though, I couldn’t really hide the fact it felt nice to hold hands with him.


Daehyun rubbed his other sweaty hand on his jeans and whipped his head back and forth, looking widely at our surroundings.


An employee started repeating the common boring rules about keeping your hands inside the cart at all times and to of course, enjoy the ride. Daehyun turned back, and in that split second our eyes locked, I saw the glint of fear in his eyes.


“Daehyun, are…you alright?”


The employee started the countdown, “Five… four… three…two…”


Right as he said one, Daehyun wrapped his whole entire arm around my torso and clung on to me as the ride took off at lightening speed.

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Shereen_JiaYi #1
Chapter 41: Just finished reading this story! <3 This is good *thumbs up*
Chapter 41: Omg. I can't believe I read this in just 12 hours (╥_╥) this story is masterpiece. I really love it! <3
Chapter 41: This was a lovely story. Thanks for writing it Author-nim !!!
Jungkookswifey #4
Chapter 41: I remember reading this last year and thinking about it constantly and checking for an update. Somehow I forgot about it and now that I have remembered again, I'm so happy to read it completed^^ its so good and it's even better since I had a bad day, this really cheered me up haha c: everything in this is perfect x3
Chapter 41: Great story,,, I really love reading daehyun fanfics.ㅋㅋㅋㅋglad I found this...good work authornim ∩__∩
ayouta-chelly #6
Chapter 20: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg !!!! just reading this amount of chaps gave me butterflies , sorry that i couldnt comment down the other chaps >w< but srsly *-* your ffc is soooooooo qsdmklsdjif <3
firstzyx #7
Chapter 41: aw i dont even relise i was in the last chapter, what a nice story
Chapter 41: beautiful story T_T
Chapter 39: omg i love this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD